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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 110 KB, 500x560, c748466sample1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10169324 No.10169324 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10150510

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10169330

Reposting my question for the Anon that went to the Liarsoft/Innoncent Grey event:

Are you Asian so that you blended in with the crowd or are you far-west gaijin so that you stood out like a sore thumb?

One thing I always wanted to ask an eroge developer was if they realized that the vast majority of Engrish they put in their games is horribly ungrammatical and if they realized that anyone who knew English cringes upon seeing it (though I guess this precludes 99% of their readers). Also, if they realized that they can pretty much fix all of their spelling mistakes with 2 seconds on Google.

>> No.10169389

That sounds good to me, cheers for the info. I'm already set on the stuff I want to read for a while, but I'll definitely put it on the to read list now.

>> No.10169400

I'd recommend ps2/psp version's of kazokei over the original PC one. Kei's route in them is on par with Aoba's in my opinion, which was the best.

>> No.10169421

>One thing I always wanted to ask an eroge developer was if they realized that the vast majority of Engrish they put in their games is horribly ungrammatical and if they realized that anyone who knew English cringes upon seeing it (though I guess this precludes 99% of their readers).

Sometimes it feels like they are afraid to spell English words correctly. Like if they do they will have to pay some hidden tax or that will slander their ancestors.
I recall seeing some comparison shots between TV and BD releases of MLA: Total Eclipse. They were literally going and changing perfect English into atrocious Engrish.

>> No.10169426


It's because the Japanese fans actually like shit like that.

They know more than you think, just look at P&SG where there is constant understandable/readable english thrown around.

>> No.10169436

They censored a lot of stuff in the all ages version but yeah Kei's route is quite good.
What I did was just do the normal routes on PC and only Kei on the psp version

>> No.10169444
File: 191 KB, 810x652, Dea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reading Dea ex machina due to the previous thread.
Off a good start

>> No.10169451

>It's because the Japanese fans actually like shit like that.

This baffles me because Engrish looks so fucking unprofessional.

>> No.10169466

Comic relief. It’s funny.

>> No.10169483

From what my JET friend has told me about how the English teachers in his school don't even know the most basics of English grammar, I don't think they realize at all.

>> No.10169499

There was an "Alart" in SAO, but it was fixed into "Alert" in a more recent episode.

>> No.10169509

Most japanese hardly know any english, not sure where you get the other nonsense from. They misspell german words as much, another language they have no clue about, and so on.

>> No.10169514


Is it some kind of fantastic leap in logic that people who can't understand English don't care if it looks unnatural? How does that baffle you?

>> No.10169517

I used to think it has to be some kind of elaborate ruse before I actually spoke with Japanese people online.

Oh, sure, some of them speak good English, but some seriously do shit like mixing up l/r - in writing.

It's mind boggling.

>> No.10169524


The alveolar tap in Japanese is immediately between the English 'L' and 'R'. They confuse the two because most genuinely can't hear or distinguish the sound, not out of haphazardness. They can't sound it out.

>> No.10169537

Is the new ExchangeEX by Crowd as horrible as the reviews imply, or is it actually decent?

>> No.10169545

Is it up anywhere?

>> No.10169565

While that mistake is understandable, they can still spend 2 seconds on Google to give their game that much more polish.

>> No.10169584

That's a bullshit excuse though - you don't learn homophones by how they sound to you, you learn them by how they're written.

I'm not a native English speaker either, but no one cut us slack when we made spelling mistakes because pronunciation in our language works different than in English.

>> No.10169612

It's not bullshit as you think it is. For example, I still sometimes mix up long vowels and short vowels in Japanese.

>> No.10169639

Well, you see, that's mostly the problem. The teachers who are teaching the Japanese the English language aren't nearly as strict or as informed as teachers teaching another language to English ones.

They need to have a sit down like my Japanese teacher did and go R. This is R. not ら, R. You will learn to say R and all its forms and you will never use anything remotely related to Japanese in this class ever.

>> No.10169661

Not even in SHare or PD. Apparently nobody has cared enough to upload it.

>> No.10169666

are you japanese? Because a japanese teacher that doesn't allow you to use japanese while teaching english sounds pretty weird otherwise

>> No.10169668


A friend of mine that teaches english down there is not allowed to use japanese either, its very common.

>> No.10169670
File: 158 KB, 589x442, XchangeEX Officialsite!! - Mozilla Firefox_2012-09-06_18-56-28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? That's disappointing.
I was kind of looking forward to it because it's Xchange after all.

I want to play it so I could at least see if there's a rape bus scene.

>> No.10169680

what about the cg?

>> No.10169683

I was looking forward to it too. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of the art. I wonder if it's gay to like genderbent eroge. It is a man and a woman having sex, but I always feel a little homo.

>> No.10169695

I like the guy going full slut and accepting the cock. It's some kind of corruption really especial to gender bender.
But I like yaoi, so I'm biased as gayness is concerned.

>> No.10169694
File: 280 KB, 800x600, img147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, to be honest it's not like the series was that good with art in the first place. It does look weird though.

And I stopped caring about my sexuality ages ago.

>> No.10169744

>Liar-soft started as a big group of writers[...]

That's well known. Almost all of their writers, including Mareni who didn't release anything with them until 2008, used to do PBM stuff in the same company: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%81%8A%E6%BC%94%E4%BD%93

>> No.10169751

Grisaia (fruit) is probably the first game that makes me feel bad about the other heroines when I enter a route. That's awkward. I guess it could be because I'm doing the heroine I like the least as first though.

>> No.10169759

Their problems are more or less alleviated in Meikyuu so you shouldn't feel bad.

>> No.10169767

The Michiru vs Yumiko fight on suicide wasn't too sane.

>> No.10169835
File: 489 KB, 1272x2408, IfMf1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are you looking forward to?

Tsukihime Remake. Delicious Arc.

>> No.10169845

shitty old hag vampire who just need to be sealed forever to some desolated island.

>> No.10169843

ETA: 2020

>> No.10169850

You're awfully optimistic.

>> No.10170201
File: 358 KB, 800x600, capture_010_06122012_054023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After wasting way too much time on games bought during autumn sales, I finally finished Kei's route. This is honestly shaping up into being one of my favorite VNs of all time.

>> No.10170464

Of course there won't be any CG if there is no game in the first place.

>> No.10170734

New Steins;Gate game: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2012-11-24/steins-gate-gets-new-ps3/xbox-360-game-next-spri

So do they actually have new ideas to try out or are they just milking the cash cow now?

>> No.10170786
File: 237 KB, 557x786, nikora2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Are you Asian so that you blended in with the crowd or are you far-west gaijin so that you stood out like a sore thumb?

No, I am a paleface.
I'm used to standing out; it can't be helped. But something else that surprised me a lot about this event was that I didn't this time. I wasn't treated any differently than any of the other event attendees, and people were friendly but nobody fawned over me, and I didn't see any "holy shit A GAIJIN" reactions either.

This was an incredibly refreshing and welcome change, since most of my interaction with strangers here tends to fall into one of two patterns, either "Oh wow you can speak three words of Japanese even though you are a hairy foreign barbarian, how SUGOOIIIIIII", or "Hello, we have never met or spoken before but I would like to inquire about your country of origin, current salary, marital status, and when you had your last bowel movement" and it gets to be pretty tiresome. And ota tend to be even more easily freaked out than most. I will never forget the time at I was at some Akihabara game shop and scared some poor guy so badly that he went ran away with such blind speed that he knocked over a huge display of loli tentacle rape doujin games (including a TV monitor). This time it felt like nobody cared. The two or three people who did approach me just wanted to say stuff like "man, nice job winning the posters" or "Tohoku InnoGrey/Liar fans represent, let's talk about our popularity poll/Lot44 picks".

It felt so nice to feel like just part of the crowd for once. United by eroge.

>> No.10170791
File: 221 KB, 595x834, 2012y11m29d_234810047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About the Engrish, I think that in most cases nobody notices how mangled it is, and if they do they don't care. Randomly added English is basically just there for decoration; it's like the gratuitous German in chuunibyou works nowadays.

Liar-soft did correct the "What a shinning braves" mistake in the Gahkthun logo though (even if the rest of the English subtitle is pretty wonky).

Not to their target audience. Most of them can't tell the difference, and if they do it'll merit a 「この英語めちゃくちゃじゃないwww」 Twitter comment at worst; it would have zero effects on their image of the company.

>> No.10170794

>United by eroge.

What a wonderful world.

>> No.10170808
File: 331 KB, 600x338, uro_cg01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it wasn't to me.

>> No.10170817

There are like a dozen writers slated to be working on this thing. Doesn't look promising.

>> No.10170815

> I will never forget the time at I was at some Akihabara game shop and scared some poor guy so badly that he went ran away with such blind speed that he knocked over a huge display of loli tentacle rape doujin games (including a TV monitor).
So moe~

>> No.10170842

Now that she's wearing shorts instead of a skirt maybe I'll actually warm up to her.

>> No.10170901

Finished playing Little Busters last week, playing through Clannad now, almost finished on Kyou's route and planning on doing Fuuko's next.

>> No.10170957

>I will never forget the time at I was at some Akihabara game shop and scared some poor guy so badly that he went ran away with such blind speed that he knocked over a huge display of loli tentacle rape doujin games (including a TV monitor).

This sounds like the start of a B-tier love-comedy eroge.

>> No.10171401

One of my favourite things about Michiru scenes in Grisaia is how much fun Kaori Mizuhashi is having voicing her. It's such a perfect combination with her character.

>> No.10171444
File: 95 KB, 500x500, c748123charab3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Sakura's route in あねいもNeo Second Sisters.

Really didn't give a shit about either of the sisters, but Sakura was one hell of a milf.

It felt like her route had less content compared to the side character routes in Futa ane but maybe it's just me

>> No.10171498
File: 184 KB, 1280x720, guishen_0001v100200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, White Album 2 has a 95 on erogamescape. Is this game really that good?

>> No.10171509

Given how many fandiscs/add-ons Aneimo 2 had Bootup will likely put out a fandisc in a year or two focusing on her and Sawako

>> No.10171518
File: 72 KB, 374x465, kazusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even like drama, especially of that type, but I was sucked in until I finished it

>> No.10171560

The only thing I know about this game is that it's about a drama about idols and love triangles and that fact by itself is enough to turn me off. I've had enough of this shit from Kimi no Nozomu Eien, I's, and everything like it. (There's also the fact that I think that the idol industry in Japan and especially it's fandom is retarded.) But, I'm assuming there's more to it to this game, like the heroines are especially likable, or something?

>> No.10171586

I really wish in drug that makes you dream had an imouto route.

>> No.10171618
File: 721 KB, 816x638, WhenTheySeeYourDick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read much of it, but what I have read so far has been pretty good. I've heard it compared to Symphonic Rain, if that means anything to you.
Her hands are tiny.

In other news, SubaHibi's great.

>> No.10171622

>The only thing I know about this game is that it's about a drama about idols

Wrong, idiot. That's white album 1. There are no idols in this game.

I know exactly where you got this idea, too. Stop reading the shitty summaries on that stupid blog.

>> No.10171623

I don't like soaps too but the writing/atmosphere kinda sucks you in.
And yeah both main heroines are really likeable.

>> No.10171653
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, 013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what blog you're referring to but I just assumed from such from the nature of the first game and glancing at the CGs, like this one.

>> No.10171694

The main characters play a concert at the end of the opening high school segment which features the costumes.

One of the girls becomes a well-known pianist. The other is a talented singer but ends up working for a music company on the business side. No idols are involved.

Anyway it's pretty much pure relationship drama. The plotting is relatively tight, the characters are interesting and the writing is solid. But it takes itself very seriously and you will want to punch the main character many times.

It's a good experience (I read it for pretty much 3 days straight) but slightly more polarizing than a 95 would suggest.

>> No.10171875
File: 340 KB, 750x600, whitealbum2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Given the promo art you could be forgiven for thinking it's about idols. I didn't know that either.

So many people have quoted this that I'm kind of surprised nobody has called me out on how badly I mangled that sentence.

>> No.10171905


Hmm, I just realized that the same guy wrote DameKoi. Currently installing, we'll see how this goes.

>> No.10171952

Have fun, don't rage too hard.

>> No.10172089

I'm waiting until Christmas to play this. Too bad it is neither snowing where I am at nor am I a high school student. Nevertheless, the winter season should build a good atmosphere.
Though I'm not even close to finish IC yet.

>> No.10172100 [SPOILER] 
File: 614 KB, 640x1286, planetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do VNs take so long to make?

I don't write professionally, but I know that it cannot take years of work to write what's in, for example, Planetarian. The art is also not in huge volume or quality - a set of backgrounds and reference sprites for each character, along with some situational CG art, doesn't take years to draw. When I went to Digipen I was made to hand in a pad of fifty full-color drawings to my professor every month, and each was of higher overall quality than the usual CG I see.

I'm asking because I don't see what's stopping me from making one in my free time. I couldn't do the voice acting, but I could do everything else, and I don't think it would take as much work as studios purportedly put into it. The only thing which would present difficulty is the 'conceptual' sort of writing, where I'd be determining what the setting is like, how the characters look and behave, who the bad guy is, and other things to the same effect. But I could still do this. I have some ideas in mind. My other concern is that it would remain obscure, being an English VN. I know Katawa Shoujo had success, but it had the appeal of being 'a 4chan project' and a lot of hype surrounding it.

This image contains Planetarian spoilers, for those of you who haven't played/read it. Her status-ribbon-thing was genius design.

>> No.10172104
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>> No.10172115

Let's see some samples of your CG work then.

>> No.10172125


I don't really want to get into an artistic pissing contest, so you can pretend I didn't mention that part about how CGs are low-quality. But I'm still curious about why VNs take so long to produce. There just does not seem to be years worth of work involved.

>> No.10172127
File: 243 KB, 868x707, 0221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it a shot, but if you do start work on it, take it over to the Original English Language VN General thread on /vg/. Or maybe Amateur Game Dev General, if the first no longer exists and the second will tolerate it.

Also, google Renpy. It's an open-source visual novel engine, for if you want to be lazy.

Posting Foxbat, because I'm looking forward to Cannonball being translated.

>> No.10172144

first you need the story board,

then you need to contract artists, composers, seiyuus,

and each of those has their own bureaucratic overhead, significantly more if you are aiming for a specific person and not just the first batch of wage slaves they choose to send your way.

and then revisions after you get the thing started.

>> No.10172155


So, most of the time is spent recruiting and coordinating workers?

If this is the case, why not do it all yourself (other than impossibilities like VA?) Sounds much quicker.

>> No.10172173

>why not do it all yourself

Are you serious? If you were a super talented writer, artists, and composer all wrapped into one who worked 12 hours a day and ran on caffeine and nicotine, maybe you can pull it off in a reasonable amount of time. Also, there's the quality of the work you have to worry about.

>> No.10172188

I'm guessing he's referring to http://omochikaeri.wordpress.com, which is where VNDB gets a lot of its summaries from.

But that Anon is just a shitty troll that nitpicks on the details of their previews, so I'd ignore him.

>> No.10172206

Uh, the summaries don't even mention idols.


There's green-guy complaining about the whole "idol/band premise," but there's nothing outright wrong in their description. Though their description doesn't offer much in the first place either.

>> No.10172227

The green guy dismissed WA2 out of hand comparing it to a "game about the life of britney spears." He's a troll or an idiot, and either way you're stupid to read his blog.

>> No.10172228

Also, I think you're seriously underestimating how much goes into planning, drafting, redrafting, and redrafting again the script for a good story. And you need to hammer a lot of this out before artists and composers can start working.

After you have all your writing and assets, you still need to put it all together. This is why Mahoyo took so long because Nasu was anal about how each and every scene looked and felt. (You can argue whether the wait was worth it though.)

>> No.10172234

>(You can argue whether the wait was worth it though.)
Moogy-heika-dono-sama said it was a masterpiece so it must have been.

>> No.10172243


M, Moogy-chan?

I trust his judgement...

>> No.10172264


>Did not play the first game, will not play the second. This series is about as interesting as it would be were it a game about the life of britney spears.

>That game would be full of plot twists and appeal to those who like watching trainwrecks.

>And end with a bunch of random kids from different fathers. Although at least unlike other southerners they wouldn’t be from her brothers, so that is a plus is suppose.

>‘Oops, I did it again’ indeed.

>*Cough*…. convincing you are not.

Hahaha oh wow. I can see why fans of the game would be pissed.

>> No.10172278

>taking the green guy seriously

There's your problem there.

>> No.10172449

Wait, people actually read what the green guy writes?

>> No.10172452


Weak-minded normies who need to have their minds made up for them, sure.

>> No.10172488

Wait, people actually read that blog?
Just go to the official site for the summary. Or use getchu if you don't want to navigate a bunch of different sites. Getchu even has image previews and character profiles. I have no idea why you people go to that shitty blog.

>> No.10172514
File: 425 KB, 1000x1100, awMT0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who tried out Little Busters Perfect Edition?

>> No.10172795

Planetarian is much shorter than the average VN. Most VN scripts are book-length, and it's not uncommon for a book to take two or more years to write. And that's just the writing. With a VN you have the art and music too, and the recording of voice acting which can't even start until the script has been written and finalized (I would imagine recording thousands of lines of voice acting takes quite awhile). Once you've got all the components you have to script them together, and when that's done you've got QC and debugging, which are time-consuming. There are also lots of little things that need to be done, and I might even be forgetting some larger details too.

Really, creating a VN in a year or two is quite a feat, especially given how small eroge companies are.

>> No.10172803

I enjoy reading their dumb writeups.

>> No.10172939

There is a demand for shorter VNs rising due to this tough. Older players have not that much time to spend in eroge.

About the art, it NEEDs to be like the CGs you see, or nobody will give a shit to your work. Going "hurr anime style is so unoriginal" will just hurt you badly in this market.

I saw cases of real eroge makers made of two people where one would draw and another guy would compose the soundtrack (Q-X), but they still pay for dubbing and having the opening music sang.

>> No.10172958

white album 1-2 have H-scene?

>> No.10173013 [SPOILER] 
File: 285 KB, 1279x720, p801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Witch's Garden.

Finger in mouth is my fetish and I don't think there's a tag for it in ex ;_;

It was in any case a pretty decent VN, mainly enjoyable for the characters and emote system, I wonder if other eroge companies will use it at some point after seeing this game.

Going to start Alicetale next.

>> No.10173031

possessive heroine in this VN?

>> No.10173037

Possessive? Well yeah, I suppose you can call some of them that. Nothing in the yandere range though.

>> No.10173067

Playing The Twins' Situation of Kurano Family now.
I want to be surrounded by cute sisters like that.

>> No.10173146

It's just that there's an absolutely huge amount of work needed to make a VN, and it's quite easy to underestimate it just because it's simple pictures.

Think about it, making a VN is basically taking a novel length script (sometimes over 30 hours of reading) and making the whole thing into a simple scripted movie. Writing a script that long is only part of it, but you also have to create the cg illustrations, the character standing sprites and portraits (don't underestimate this, it's not uncommon for games to have many hundreds of variations), music, sound, cast record split and insert spoken dialog (which can sometimes be over 20 hours straight of text), and time the whole thing with changing characters illustrations and backgrounds for every single line. Some games even change and animate characters mid-line. Just testing a novel length game can be a daunting task. Plus there's extra stuff, like UI design and art, promotional art and content, website, etc. And often the teams are small, rarely larger than 3-10 people.

>> No.10173410

Playing through White Album 2. I feel so broken right now. This is tearing me apart.

>> No.10173418

I tried this out of curiosity and it always seems to crash at the same point in the very beginning despite trying different settings. I used AlphaROM to get the thing running. Someone else had this problem? Any clue how to fix it?

>> No.10173564

Didn't get the problem, only advice I can give is if it's not something others have experienced and/or game doesn't have an official patch for it, more likely or not it's a more special problem like drivers, directx, net framework or worse yet your hardware, whatever goes.

>> No.10173821


>> No.10173864
File: 538 KB, 365x500, img25_problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sona-Nyl is getting a PSP port. not sure how I feel about this.

>> No.10173878

I read that some time ago, when did LS say anything about that?

>> No.10173907
File: 199 KB, 570x525, 24420996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a post about it on the Steampunk Series official site back in October, but I'd forgotten about it until AKIRA's blog mentioned it too.

(It was brought up in passing at the talk event too, come to think of it.)

>> No.10173920
File: 48 KB, 250x250, 1306569061624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if it'll have any kind of additional content, I'd buy it if it came with the OST again.

Also, these two are just too cute together.

>> No.10173949
File: 175 KB, 391x569, 24080560_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I wouldn't give for a cross-world fandisc game, like Hotch Potch except with only steampunk characters all interacting with each other, and without the ridiculous porn. The drama CD was so fun.

Liar-soft, please make this happen so I can give you all of my money.

>> No.10173974
File: 212 KB, 1000x1000, 30336085_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hopefully there'll be new CGs to make up for the ero ones getting taken out.

tbh I'm not that excited about it either because of what a surge in popularity might potentially do (is this how Touhou fans who bitch about secondaries feel?). On the other hand though this will almost certainly increase the amount of doujin circles who do steampunk books, so it might be an overall win.

>> No.10173996
File: 46 KB, 252x343, phantasample04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good first-press bonus: Lily dakimakura cover
great first-press bonus: Lily on one side, A on the other side dakimakura cover

>> No.10174065

Sona-nyl just isn't the type of game that can attract that kind of undesirable fanbase, imo. Female protagonist is enough to "scare" a lot of regular bishoujo adv players.
I'd say Gahkthun is way more prone to that effect with how sensual the art is and how Tesla fits your average eroge protagonist more.

>> No.10174356

has anyone played ping pong pantsu yet?

it looked horrible and I can't afford a fucking 120 USD game anyways, but I was curious about pirating it,
just wanted to know how it turned out and if it's actually out or not yet

>> No.10174395

Have any companies aside from some Visual Arts brands started posting their C83 stuff yet?
Always fun to look at stuff I'll probably have zero chance of obtaining.

>> No.10174422


>> No.10174521

>キモメンでも巨根なら国民的アイドルグループをハーレムにできる!? ~極上マ○コを独り占め!射精しまくり孕ま総選挙♪~


>> No.10174628

As someone who played table tennis competitively, this looks especially funny to me because hot girls don't play table tennis. They play tennis instead.

>> No.10176915
File: 325 KB, 1280x800, kajitsu 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying over here guys.

>> No.10176950

kara no shoujo 2 opening

>> No.10176997

I don't think there's even a single person in this thread who would expect anything else in that spoiler, anon-kun.

>> No.10177012

I didn't even get it until you posted.

>> No.10178457



>> No.10178473

Yeah, I'm sure everyone actually believes self-projection feel-good scenarios can happen

>> No.10178477

I was thiking more along the lines of believing that women go crazy for huge dongs, and that perceived dick deficiency (as opposed to serious personality deficiency) is all that's holding them back from making Mayuyu their personal cockslave or whatever

>> No.10178482 [DELETED] 

>believing that women go crazy for huge dongs
they do

>> No.10178590


>> No.10178591 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10178608 [DELETED] 

Not necessarily. Huge dongs tend to be attached to guys that think being hueg means their work is done, no need to learn anything about technique.

>> No.10178625 [DELETED] 

Owning a huge dong doesn't render a person incapable of learning and communicating. To be honest, I think they have a relative advantage in communication with the opposite sex because of the confidence boost that the huge dong provides.

>> No.10178629 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 235x226, 1186585336899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10178641 [DELETED] 

any /jp/sies with huge dongs please report in so we can settle this.

*haah haah*

>> No.10178646 [DELETED] 

Don't you guys have a BBC forum to discuss this on?

>> No.10178647 [DELETED] 


Are we talking huge or above average?

>> No.10178650 [DELETED] 

What are you '`spoiling`'?

>> No.10178676 [DELETED] 
File: 30 KB, 500x375, 1275749161418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your day, fuckstick

>> No.10179042


So what are you guys looking forward to this month?

>> No.10179068

Just Gak'thun, and even then I won't actually play it this month since I've got the majority of Grisaia to get through before going to Japan.

>> No.10179100

Are you going to attend Comiket?

>> No.10179374

Yup. Went last time I was there and it was a fun experience, and I walked away with a ton of good stuff, so it's worth going again.

>> No.10179437

Gakthun, the Applique fandisc, Sengoku Hime 4, Gun Knight Girl, JustxNasty, Kanojo to Ore to Koibito to, Koiken Otome, Natsuzora no Perseus, and a few PSP otomege. Looks like I'm going to be busy for quite awhile, although I'll probably end up dropping a few as usual.

>> No.10179448

>and a few PSP otomege
Which ones look less bad this month?

>> No.10179478

There's the Black Wolves Saga psp game which I'll be playing since I slightly enjoyed the PC game, I'm unsure if it's new or just a port and I haven't bothered to check, but I'll play it either way. Glass Heart Princess looks like another Otomate piece of shit but the premise is even more retarded than usual. Another fucking Wonderful Wonder World addition from Quinrose, but their games are actually pretty funny so I'll be playing it. I have no idea about Solomon's Ring and the character designs are pretty ugly. Lastly there's the Tokyo Tamanote Boys Honey Milk PSP port which I'll also play since I never got around to playing the original and I like Rejet's games. So pretty much only the games from Rejet look promising, and they may or may not both be ports.

>> No.10179513

>Glass Heart Princess
Oh yes I remember this one, I hope the girl gets raped eventually. I'll probably try the WWW, I like the series for some reason, it's fun.
If BWS gets some additions I'll probably replay it, it was entertaining, not just for an otomege.

>> No.10179714

Just found out that Illusion is making Rapelay 2.
That's pretty ballsy of them.

>> No.10179781

The only reason Rapelay became a brouhaha was because someone tried to sell it on Amazon. That's not going to happen anymore so they have nothing to worry about.

>> No.10179786

>Just found out that Illusion is making Rapelay 2.
They are?
I won't believe it until I see it.
I've got absolutely no faith in them for various reasons.

>> No.10179797
File: 848 KB, 806x1185, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't making Rapelay2 but their next game does have rape in it.

>> No.10179800

It's not Rapelay 2, but it's supposed to follow a similar vein. Comes out in January.

>> No.10180019
File: 107 KB, 799x597, nire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beyond adorable.

>> No.10180033 [DELETED] 

Holy shit, you can grope her breasts with your mouse?

Fucking frontier technology we've got here. Just imagine what you'll be able to do in games in the year 2000.

>> No.10180047

son this is 2012

>> No.10180053

You can even customize the characters! Their eye color and everything.

>> No.10180059

What the hell, the graphics look shittier than School Mate 2 or Artificial Academy.

>> No.10180069

the twintailed girl looks constipated
silly chikan you don't make bowel movement easier by groping breast

>> No.10180070
File: 291 KB, 1296x758, Congratulations, you've just started and you already feel the route guilt pressure on top of you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started playing Kurano Family's Brother Complex Circumstances.

Damn, I've only just reached the opening and I'm already starting to feel like I'll get hit with a large truck of route guilt no matter what route I go for (well, unless there's a happy harem route, I guess), especially because of Ema.

>> No.10180078
File: 845 KB, 3280x1080, relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well after a shitty day.. time for Alicetale.

>> No.10180111

Well, there goes all my motivation to play that game.

>> No.10180147

Quinrose protagonists are top tier. They're so icy and sarcastic, and the best ones initially want nothing to do with the man harem laid out before them like a buffet because they have more important shit to do. Awesome.

>> No.10180154

Look at that lewd girl. Just look at her.

Why did Nire have twenty H-scenes, anyway?

>> No.10180195



>> No.10180204

Indeed. The protagonists are one of the main reasons I even play Quinrose games, because the art is pretty mediocre and usually the males don't particularly appeal to me. A great change of pace from Otomate games. Hell, in the last Otomate game I played, the protagonist literally had no lines.

>> No.10180205
File: 324 KB, 1024x768, b0051345_373585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To fill the quota?
Her side of the school had a lot of ero while the other school barely had any if I remember correctly

Why is Miyabi so pretty?

>> No.10180220

can't you take a screenshot of just the game instead of your whole room next time?

>> No.10180258

Where do you guys get your jap VNs?

>> No.10180294

Sukenyaa, share, PD, anime-sharing forums sometimes, Chinese forums or blogs if it can't be found, dlsite as a last resort.

>> No.10180300
File: 42 KB, 500x648, 1341816888450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10180386
File: 233 KB, 640x400, yn-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still playing the Best VN ever.

>> No.10180412
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1340959500175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10180422


Careful now, there are some sharp edges in this post.

>> No.10180494

This 戦女神ZERO and this *Baldr Sky*.
And of course Yu-No isn't the best.

>> No.10180512

I'm always surprised to hear of people actually using share or PD. Is there much useful content?

>> No.10180519

All the hentai games you've downloaded probably originated from Share/PD.

>> No.10180522

you can get new releases faster than torrents, or you can find obscure shit that's not seeded or uploaded anymore sometimes
for you average everyday needs I wouldn't say it's worth it

>> No.10180524


It is the best.

>> No.10180526

It's more useful than you think.

Sometimes you can only find old stuff there.

>> No.10180537

Sometimes, it's the only way to find some obscure things, especially doujin things. I haven't used them much, but for an example, that was the only place where I found a certain series of doujin audio CDs.

>> No.10180553

I wish I could get Share working, but for some reason the .exe gets deleted whenever I download it, even with my antivirus disabled.

I just want my old Liar-Soft Music Discs ;_;

>> No.10180565

I need to try and find the kusarihime OST. The only decent rip found links to that shitty chinese ddl service and it just freezes after a few minutes.

>> No.10180581

I found two of the albums I was looking for on a rapidshare tracker.

The third one was the one I actually wanted, and was nowhere to be found.

I was a bit frustrated.

>> No.10180609

It's useful for finding early 2000s or earlier things, since they're usually not seeded or DDL links are dead. And since most of the things I play seem to always be made between 2000-2006, PD has been very helpful for me. Share never seems to finish older downloads but it's good for new releases.

>> No.10180659
File: 783 KB, 800x600, 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, this is getting even better.

>> No.10180708
File: 171 KB, 1038x611, grisaia_start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replaying Kajitsu again to get the ball rolling.
It's kinda nice not having to use the dictionary every so often, which makes the reading experience much more enjoyable.

>> No.10180715
File: 116 KB, 1024x781, atlas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10180763

In fairness, it is confusing to write that only as kana.

>> No.10180786

I think he just wrote the english text himself in the clipboard or something, so that it showed like that for a laugh. I don't think any translator could actually get bukkake from ぶって

>> No.10180817
File: 145 KB, 808x608, 禁親相愛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mother isn't this pretty and you will never have a sexual relationship with her and . . . what the fuck kanji is that?

>> No.10180842
File: 580 KB, 1920x1200, microsoft quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised.

>> No.10180854

It's a little MS paint rapier, obviously.

>> No.10180859
File: 41 KB, 940x280, 1324498849605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A classic.

>> No.10180872

〆切 ‐ しめきり

>> No.10180909

huh, I never knew such a kanji existed before. Interesting.

>> No.10180913


>> No.10181117


Speaking of PD, what exactly is unity?

>> No.10181144

Too bad that now that I'm halfways through the kanji list, I don't have much interest in VNs anymore.
It's like I'm cursed or some shit. I don't even know why I'm still learning Kanji.

>> No.10181150
File: 674 KB, 1280x720, kurafuta2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The harem route is nice right up until the end where you're back to where you started and you have to choose only one of them again. I'm glad you didn't have to pursue it any further though and it ends right there.

I must say that Tomoka was adorable when she lost herself during those H scenes. I also loved Izumi's teasings. What a loving family!

>> No.10181151

>I don't have much interest in VNs anymore
How come?

>> No.10181162

I did my run of 20~30 translated titles, but since like, a year ago, the medium just doesn't attract me anymore.
Maybe I should just try again.

>> No.10181160

Do you have this game? The torrent for this is dead.

>> No.10181172

You'll just have to wait until you find that special gem, and you'll be right back on track.

>> No.10181200

Eh, I'm in a similar situation, but now I'm even more motivated to learn Japanese because despite some titles having come ever so close to being good, they are always flawed in some major way.

But there's gotta be some stuff that's actually good in Japanese, and by god, I'm going to find it.

>> No.10181215

Oh god all those girls looking at me is making my anxiety flare up.

>> No.10181222

It's files you download and keep on your computer from PD, that are constantly uploading to PD. It's like seeding except with special unity files. So pretty much you dedicate 40 GB of space to PD and in return can download all you want.

>> No.10181280

They're looking at you with love in their eyes, Anon. They're willing to fuck you silly with but a single word. They'll serve all your needs.

>> No.10181335

So basically, it's various pieces of files that other users have uploaded?

>> No.10181369

I think it's like cache. 40 GB of cache. And it's always changing, downloading and uploading new parts.

>> No.10181403

So by using Share or PD should I be able to get pretty much any VN I want?

>> No.10181423

It would depend on what VN you wanted but your selection is a lot bigger than if you use exclusively torrents/downloads.

>> No.10181467

So far I've only ran into a few old nukige that I couldn't find on Share/PD.

>> No.10181585

can anyone give me links to these sites? I can't seem to find them anywhere.

>> No.10181847


You're far too new to be on /jp/.


>> No.10181883

I don't have the original rar file so I can't torrent it that way. I have an internet cap at my house so if I'm going to upload something I go to my aunt's place.

Mine was uploaded by baka girlcelly if that helps any. I might be persuaded to make some effort to go to my aunt's house for you if you really can't find good links.

>> No.10181904

The girlcelly torrent is dead. However, I found it on Share, or at least I think I did since I don't have much experience spotting fakes.

Thanks for the offer though, but I don't want the game so much that I'd ask someone to go out of their way to upload it.

>> No.10181918
File: 158 KB, 816x638, 禁親相愛.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god fucking dammit, suddenly I don't want to play this anymore.

I mean, if they're not blood related, what's the fucking point?

>> No.10182209


It seems they always do that "step-mother" or "step-sister" thing to soften the blow. Like they're afraid of real incest.

What are the real incest VNs anyways?

>> No.10182231

Let me know if you ever find them ;___;

>> No.10182255
File: 94 KB, 480x640, 20z501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> なんだ、this fellow.

>> No.10182329

IC is perfect for winter, m8

>> No.10182384

At least for sisters blood-related has been more common than non-related for years now. Not sure about moms since I don't play those kinds of games (though >>10180817 looked good until I read >>10181918).

>> No.10182392

I'm curious.

Did you attach the Text-hooker to VirtualBox? It actually grabs text from inside it?

>> No.10182403

It's possible if you shared the clipboard.

>> No.10182423

That makes sense, but ChiiTrans is running from Win7, so it's grabbing text inside the XP virtual machine.

At least that's what the screenshot suggested.

>> No.10182434

He's also using a text hooker in the virtual machine.

>> No.10182464

The next Append for Hatsukoi 1/1 is out if anyone cares.

>> No.10182504

I see. I was curious if you could cut the middleman. AGTH is supposedly limited on XP and doesn't work on Win95, at least that's what the site says.

>> No.10182626

I have to wonder why eroge developers do these since they don't make any money from them. Why not just Jew up and save that content for a fan disk or something?

>> No.10182638

It helps in establishing fans for a brand, I guess?
Might have to do with Hatsukoi 1/1 being Visual Art's 20th Anniversary title too.

>> No.10182777
File: 148 KB, 1237x530, Untitled(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I had taken more screenshots back then. There were ridiculous amount of hilarious stuff from google translate. 揉む would translate into masturbate for example.

>> No.10182797
File: 96 KB, 250x303, vlr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just finished virtue's last reward, depression ahoy. what a masterpiece.

>> No.10182810

It's really fantastic and probably the best Vita game out there.

>> No.10182815


Anyone know how the 3DS version turned out? My brother only owns a 3DS and he wants to play it.

>> No.10182838

mine was on the 3ds, it worked fine, i never encountered the savefile loss bug. the 3d was a bit gimmicky during escapes but great during the novel sections, it was the visual icing on the immersion cake. i'd say it's hands down the best game overall i've ever played. not sure how i'll muster the patience to wait for the third zero escape incarnation.

>> No.10182856

I'm out for the whole weekend, but I left my eroge case back at my apartment. Can someone give me a good, preferably freeware, preferably on the short side, doujin game to play?

I was thinking about loading up Last Purify, but I'm not really in the mood for what appears to be Sundervolt's version of 1982.

>> No.10182875

I kind of have to hand that one to P4G. Too bad Ciel noSurge sucked so hard.

No, that was a game. 極限脱出 series "VN" aspects in terms of character design, scenario, and pacing don't compare nearly as well to the eroge medium.

>> No.10182878

Finished the human, angel & devil routes with the respective default heroines in Soukoku no Arterial.
I don't have the drive to get the rest of the heroines ending.

I'm disappointed, the writing made it look like Kamidori is a masterpiece. Reading through it was a chore, I had to literally force myself at times.
The protagonist isn't likeable, he barely have a personality.
The heroines aren't any better either, Narumi is an annoying whiny emo Luna Clear clone, I have an urge to punch her whenever she appeared.
Mehisha's voice is awful, it doesn't fit her character at all.
Akari is 空気, I swear the writer forgot about her, Kaito has more events than her.
Shaneorka is an inferior Suina, despite being a literal copy paste version of her.
Sayane is a great character but a bad heroine, she outshines the protagonist by a mile, but she fucks the butler.
Arisa, Mirai and Madoka are the only decent heroines.

But all that can be forgotten if the plot was decent, unfortunately it was horrible.
The writing was shit. Stuff was routinely handwaved with no explanation. Actions are done without rhyme or reason other than the game told you to do it.
The only parts I enjoyed reading was the append parts with Wil, Emilio and Haisherra. I wish the rest of the game was like it.

>> No.10182891

That said, the card game was fun to play.
Unfortunately the cards and their effects are way too similar with each other, there's not much creativity you can do with your deck.
Also getting new cards is a pain but there's auto battle to help somewhat.

Anyway it's a good game if you disregard the story. I guess IM Zero was a fluke.

>> No.10182892

I guess I will buy it for him then as an early Christmas gift.

>> No.10182901

as long as he doesn't save during the escape rooms everything should be fine.

kind of arguing semantics here aren't we? if you remove the escape room aspects from the zero escape series, then what difference have they from other visual novels?

>> No.10182908

Is it really that busted? Maybe I should just buy him one of those Vita bundle packs and a copy of it. Kind of surprised they haven't patched that yet.

>> No.10182909

I've been playing Kara no Shoujo and i tried to find the cast for it. 冬子's voice actress is called Aji Sanma?? Or is that just in the anime adaptation?

It has to be the sweetest voice i ever heard, i don't understand why i can't find more information about her.

>> No.10182915

How is this game compared to 999? I played 999 and felt like it was a casual version of Ever17 with gimmicky as hell gameplay. The last boss is a basic Sudoku puzzle... really?

>> No.10182925

i never had any issues myself, but it's just a warning.

an overall improvement in all aspects. there're two answers (one being secret file unlocks) to each room escape now and a hard/easy mode if more difficulty is what you wanted.

>> No.10182938

It's all on Wikipedia and Getchu and probably the official site as well.

>> No.10182947

eat my ass Moogy. Don't you have blog for this shit?

>> No.10182952
File: 85 KB, 720x400, cq_str_ch6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cut of your jib, game.

>> No.10182989

I agree that it's petty, but I think it's important to give Zero Escape a leg up by calling it a game. It's a great game (as in the whole package), but it's only a decent VN. Speaking of arguing semantics, removing the game part of any game makes it just a story (well, in most cases). The VN like portray of the story was just a convenient medium to convey the contents.

>> No.10182992

But I'm not moogy.
I'm sorry for the rant, I was just disappointed really.

Is there any other eroge companies doing this? Besides this I only know Lovely Cation.

>> No.10183047

Got my Vita with the AC3 pack.
Goddamit, i never played anything so bugged before, it's almost Cheetahmen level. Those SLG VNs look like pearls of programming near that, even considering that 3D physics are on another level of complexity.

>> No.10183129

rant all you want, but don't mix needless Japanese into your posts, especially when it's words with a direct English equivalent. Why type kuuki when "forgettable" would do just as well? This board is weeb heaven and all, but Jesus man, have some self-respect.

>> No.10183149

Sorry, I'm not a native English speaker. I just didn't know how to translate it into English.

I feel stupid now. ;_;

>> No.10183165

It's ok, that one guy was probably molested by Moogy so he reacts badly whenever he sees someone speaking in a similar manner because of the trauma. I thought using that word was perfectly fine.

>> No.10183510

Why do you need Win95? I have a couple 90s era eroge and they work fine on XP.

They tend to work fine in Win7 too, except for those games that uses a 16bit installer.

>> No.10183518
File: 348 KB, 960x1200, 29617770_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't cry Anonymous. Who cares what that guy thinks?

>> No.10183536
File: 1.47 MB, 1024x768, trial08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Gahkthun trial, finished third chapter and was pleasantly surprised to see the first included as well. Nice school life scenes, the supporting cast of friends is immediately likeable, love th--



why was that so arousing

So Annabeth is in an illicit ageplay relationship with an officer of the public morals police force? And pumps him for insider info for her backstreet informant agency (when she's not pumping him for... something else)?
My anticipation level for this game just quadrupled.

>> No.10183571

Was Id -Rebirth Session- actually finished? Any good?

>> No.10183684
File: 306 KB, 357x500, kg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me.

>> No.10184155

I was running ITH and the game inside VirtualBox. If I remember right the game ran fine in 7, but running it in a VM was less of a pain in the ass than setting my time zone to Japan every single time.

>> No.10184161

Runs fine to me without setting the timezone to Japan.

>> No.10184184

Maybe I'm remembering it wrong. This was quite a while ago. But I remember there being a reason I was running it in a VM.

>> No.10184217

can someone help me out in my search for a ないしょのないしょ crack? I checked sukebei and anime-sharing is down for maintenance. I'm trying to search the web on my own, but it's difficult with a shitty UMTS connection.

>> No.10184223


>> No.10184241

thanks a lot

>> No.10184266

>Is there any other eroge companies doing this? Besides this I only know Lovely Cation.

Monobeno also did this. Speaking of Lovely Cation, why the hell isn't the new in widescreen?

>> No.10184317

It really is a shame with that delicious art.
Let's hope for a bright future where more than a couple eroge companies think about people who might want to fullscreen their games.

>> No.10184356

Pointing back at this. Sorry to be obnoxious, I just have a full two days ahead of me and my laptop can't run much.

>> No.10184365


>> No.10184374

If you don't hate yuri, there's that seven days with the ghost game, only freeware I know, and it's pretty short.

>> No.10184376

congrats on the marriage gigs!bar

>> No.10184430

It's not in Widescreen?
Well, that's dissapointing. I'll still probably end up buying it though if I have the money though.

>> No.10184431

This will do. Thank you.

Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately I've already played that.

Also still open for other suggestions.

>> No.10184518

These are all free and pretty short:

I've also heard that キナナキノ森 is good.

>> No.10184523

無限夜行 is good, free and quite short

>> No.10184530


Same people that're working on Pandora.

>> No.10184550 [DELETED] 

You guys are my heroes. Not only does this meet my specifications, all of these games also look like something I'll enjoy after reading the synopsis. Really appreciate it.

>> No.10184552

You guys are my heroes. Not only does this meet my specifications, all of these games also look like something I'll enjoy after reading the synopsis. Really appreciate it.

Is there a difference between the free edition and the distributed one?

>> No.10184561

Is texthooking/machine translation actually enjoyable? I can't imagine being able to enjoy something so badly translated.

>> No.10184575

I guess you're one of the guys who argues in endless battles over which subgroup to chose? You use these machine translations as guidelines and to help you out if you don't understand certain words/phrases, you don't read it like it's a book.

Too bad Naishi no Naishi isn't really working with either agth noir ith yet, hopefully someone can come up with a hook code soon.

>> No.10184572

Well, as for me, I use text hooking so I can paste words I do not know into denshi jisho.

>> No.10184587

That seems fine, I guess.
>I guess you're one of the guys who argues in endless battles over which subgroup to chose?
No, I read it raw. It's just that I was wondering what kind of experience people have if they actually rely on this.

>> No.10184618
File: 553 KB, 1286x768, カミカゼ☆エクスプローラー!_2012-12-08_19-02-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a game where the friend of the protagonist gets some love too? I like this guy, I wouldn't mind it if he got to bang Keiji's sister.

>> No.10184626


>> No.10184637

Does Shikkoku no Sharnoth count? One of Mary's friends is already in a relationship.

>> No.10184655


>> No.10184659

there are a few, it's pretty nice in getting rid of that aura that only the main character is allowed to have a relationship

>> No.10184685

I'd rather get rid of those token best friends and their dumb jokes for crappy comic relief.

>> No.10184689

is there any good ntr vn out there

good as in stuff that will really move you

not just childhood friend being fucked by her fat step father

>> No.10184690

You can thank Sunohara for popularizing the archetype.

Still, comic relief best friends are better than asshole "friends" who attempt to NTR you.

>> No.10184692

sometimes they're pretty annoying and feel rather forced, I agree on that

>> No.10184702

Games need more friends like Haruki's in WA2.

>> No.10184709

If you swap Iyo with Tomo, what a bitch, god, shew as only bearable in Setsuna's true end.

>> No.10184711

Well, in Kimi ga Ita Kisetsu's remake, they paired up the girl who was raping one of the heroines with one of the newly introduced friend characters.

>> No.10184735

Judgmental assholes who decide he has to be with one girl and proceed to treat him like a baby-killer for being attracted to someone else / breaking up with her?

>> No.10184762

Sunohara is a perfect example. Though I was satisfied with having his sister having a route instead.

It bugged me a little that in most routes you just forget about him.

>> No.10184764

You even get to see how they get together.
Though in that case the bro part is taken by the girl mostly, they make a really good couple though similar to Isaac and Miria (with the girl being Isaac)

Did you see how he reacted in Kazusa's true route?
He is a true friend, during most of the game he was just pushed by Iyo and didn't want to see his friend mopes around forever but you could really see where his true priority lies in that route

>> No.10184771


... which reminds me, did anyone play the new version? Is it worth playing if I already played 'remind of you'?

>> No.10184827

Try A Profile, fhc wrote a great review of it


>The NTR feeling in this game is STRONG, that I played the whole game almost all the time with my penis erect, just reading texts,without see any sex scene, since you play the game the whole time by the point of view of the protagonist, never from the point of view of the girl, this make the NTR feeling more stronger. NTR games need to be like this, because, If you see so many parts of the game by the point of view of the girl, this mess up the NTR feeling.

>I masturbated and my penis almost explode of so much excitation specially when the protagonist force the girl to admit that she is doing the prostitution and he request to her to explain WHY she is doing it. Just reading her explanation already make the whole game worthwhile.

Seriously, how does that not sound convincing

>> No.10184839

the disappointment in finding out that wasn't written by fhc

>> No.10184848

oh wait, nevermind, I can't read

>> No.10184925

Is Souka Akki Muramasa as good as people make it be? I'm not hoping for conclusive opinion but I would like to know what makes it good (or bad) in your opinion. I'm hoping I can read it translated at some point (yeah, sure, JAST)

>> No.10184937

Recent Elf games. They get more NTR as they go, so Biniku no Kaori doesn't have much NTR, Ningen Debris has quite a bit, and Boku no Kanojo was Gatenkei is a full-blown NTR game.

Uchi no Imouto no Baai is also really destructive, especially if you're into imoutos. The NTR isn't a huge part of the game but even the non-NTR stuff can be depressing. Highly recommended.

Some of the more fap-oriented NTR games also have the occasional decent emotional moment, though it's like finding a diamond in the rough. It's more common in genre classics/pioneers like True Blue and Konna Atashi demo.

>> No.10184940
File: 259 KB, 560x420, sister scheme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I saw a few people playing Sister Scheme in previous threads. What were your impression? Between the first and the second one which is better?

>> No.10184953 [DELETED] 

About how long would you say the common route is?

>> No.10185394

Speaking of NTR, are there any non-nukige with "consensual" NTR, as in the girl isn't raped or blackmailed into it? I can only think of a few Elf games, Oyako Rankan (might be considered a nukige, but it gets extra points since I've never seen that combination of femdom and NTR), and the few games under the "Netorare type A" tag on vndb although I haven't played them yet.

>> No.10186454

Puchi Cherry

>> No.10186736

Speaking of Hatsukoi 1/1, how are the other routes?
I only played Maya's route due to how lovely she was and playing another route immediately afterwards would have more or less ruined that route for me.

>> No.10187180
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>> No.10187221
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Of course that counts. They're adorable.

The steampunk series VNs often have secondary couples, though they're not always among the protagonist's friends.

Eiji in G-Senjou is somewhat of a ladykiller (how much in real life and how much just in his own head isn't clear though). He goes after one of your teachers and eventually kind of scores.

It's been a while since I played A Profile, but your best friend is interested in one of the heroines, and IIRC it's hinted that they've begun dating/are dancing around the idea in one of the other girls' routes.

There's Appo in Edelweiss too, although that's probably not what you were thinking of.

>> No.10187227

The story is better presented in 1 . . . want spoilers? It's hard to explain without ruining the story. Anyway, I liked the story better in 1.

The best part about Sister Scheme 2 is going on a date with your eldest sister. It was absolutely the most adorable thing in existence.

Spoiler, if you want it. In the first game you're being blackmailed by an unknown individual who found out your sister has a crush on you and is trying to help her out. This person is blackmailing the two of you hoping that you eventually get your sister pregnant so that you'll be together forever. In the second game the person blackmailing you IS your sister who's just trying to tease you. She stops blackmailing you when it goes too far (before sex). You still get to nail your sisters though if you've made those choices because why the hell not? But you're never forced to fuck your sister like in the first game.

That's why I like the first one better.

>> No.10187283

Best friend in A Profile is also transgendered (born a girl) and has some feelings for the protagonist, so the relationship between the two of you and Mio gets pretty... intricate? to say the least.

>> No.10187345
File: 202 KB, 850x680, sample-6a36c5c1ba2e896150ad5e6d3b26c5f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Appreciating the classics. Only played 4 prior to this and felt like this one is vastly superior, in spite of dated graphics.

Also, love how the gameplay system unintentionally made the main girl seem like a plotting & stalking evil two-faced bitch.

>> No.10187355
File: 240 KB, 474x683, sorimachi hikaru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is that great, pretty much the only downside that I can remember is that it sometimes drags on about things you may not care, like politics. I also had a friend who had to drop it after his first ending, since one of the heroines dies when you get to her ending.

Well, back when I was more dependent on machine translations, it took me about two or three screens to stop reading it literally. You pretty much have to rearrange the words you get by yourself to have it make sense. And it gets even worse when it translates speech instead of narration.

>> No.10187366

it's pretty funny when it tries to translate dialogue where the characters throw in random engrish.

>> No.10187387

I just started on Tsukihime.
Pretty good.

>> No.10187430

The new x-change game has been uploaded for those who still care.

>> No.10187460

I heard Runa's route was ass because the MC is super donkan in it. It's a pity, since I was interested in her the most.

>> No.10187709

>18禁等: 18禁

Is this accurate? There's an official Shining Wind eroge?

>> No.10187724
File: 150 KB, 250x400, 1275528164879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had so much fun playing that. Fate too. The choices that trap you in totally unexpected bad ends are best.

Honestly the part of MahoYo that disappointed me most was the way that it's linear so there were no tiger stamps to collect and no sudden horrible deaths to always be afraid I was going to run into. Isn't it sad.

>> No.10187758

It's on amazon and it doesn't have 18+ tags

>> No.10187800
File: 203 KB, 797x599, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help but feel terrible..

>> No.10187813
File: 98 KB, 799x599, sumika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First route finished, took me a ton for some reason, i should have made more time.
Liked the comedy and the drama, and the character development was really solid throughout.
8 scenes was a bit too much for my tastes, especially considering the main branch must have 4 in total, but the sexual tension in this route kind of needed a few, Sumika was really lewd.

>> No.10187927

wow where is this from? Mind to share?

>> No.10187943

G-senjou no maou.

>> No.10188097
File: 41 KB, 213x385, please help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone translate this please.

>> No.10188121

Weapon Atk Up

>> No.10188364

Man, I love the Tokimeki Memorial games. Only dating sims I've been able to really get into and the girls are all so cute. I even played the spin offs made for girls. I wonder if they'll make a new game sometime.

>> No.10188565

Nope. There's some slightly lewd CGs, and that's about it.

>> No.10188644


>> No.10188794

I've read the hetero route of the xchange. A ton better than mai angel in the sex department, has everything I could hope for in it.

>> No.10188860
File: 104 KB, 727x799, voiceturnon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got around to resuming Alicetale thanks to a break in RL, she seems to be the most interesting of the lot with her delusions...

>> No.10188894
File: 173 KB, 810x652, dea4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah Chuuni.
Game probably would have been better without the slg part, it has a really interesting story and the battles have been surprisingly well written so far but damn the whole making sex toys stuff really clash with the rest of the story.

Also, anyone know how long this game is?

>> No.10188965

New thread: >>10188964
