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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10140949 No.10140949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever thought about devising a NEET schedule for your day so that you can maximize your potential and achieve the things that you want to achieve?

If you're the average NEET and you sleep the average amount of hours then that means that each day you have 16 free hours that you can do whatever you want with. That's several times the amount of hours that most people have. You could learn so many things that you want to learn in that time.

>> No.10140954

But it's boring and I can't do things unless I have a carrot-on-a-stick guiding me.

>> No.10140959

The reason I'm a NEET in the first place OP is because I have no motivation to do anything.

>> No.10140955

no, i want to take it easy

>> No.10140963

Give examples of NEET success stories.

>> No.10140966

I would like to do this so I could learn Japanese and a few other things. My doctor even prescribes me speed so I have the medications needed to give me the focus.

Unfortunately I can't seem to find a way to channel that focus. I just sit here all amped up and browse /jp/ with a superhuman degree of motivation and interest. I'm like one of those fast cars that spins it wheels but doesn't actually move. I got all the energy, but I'm not going anywhere.

>> No.10140975

It's hard for me to sleep less than 10 hours a day. I try waking up early, but then I need to take naps.

>> No.10140976

>NEET schedule
wake up > play anki: vocab slayer for ~6 hours > supplement japanese stuff > eat > sleep

throw in /jp/ here and there and that is my day

>> No.10140981

I try to schedule but end up spending ~10 hours on jp and ~6 hours playing games or other various non productive activities

>> No.10140983
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Leonardo Da Vinci was a NEET.

Back in those days you would have a benefactor and they would just pay for all of your living expenses and in exchange you would just sit around and do your hobbies. It was kind of like SSI, but SSI is easier to get.

>> No.10140989

maximize my anus

>> No.10140990

I don't follow a schedule, but I spend most of my day working on my drawings. I take short breaks to eat or browse /jp/, then go back to drawing. I can only hope that something good comes of all the time I spend practicing, but most likely I'll just keep doing this until I die.

>> No.10140986
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>I just sit here all amped up and browse /jp/ with a superhuman degree of motivation and interest. I'm like one of those fast cars that spins it wheels but doesn't actually move. I got all the energy, but I'm not going anywhere.

>> No.10140991

Author of kaminomi was a NEET for 13 years.


>> No.10140993

I'm so depressed that I can't be bothered to do even my favourite things. Surely I'm not the only one in this situation? It makes learning new things and trying new hobbies impossible.

>> No.10141001
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Takashi Kotegawa is a day-trader otaku and a hikikomori.

>The hermit turned his college savings, the yen equivalent of $13,000, into over $150 million in 8 years. The most expensive things he has bought recently are two Nintendo Wiis and he only eats cup ramen.

>> No.10141004

>Rockefeller spent the last 40 years of his life in retirement.

>> No.10141006

this guy is my hero

>> No.10141008

>The most expensive things he has bought recently are two Nintendo Wiis
why two?

>> No.10141011


He probably just wanted two different colors. When you're that rich then buying a Wii is like selecting what flavor of gum you want to buy. Might as well just take them both.

>> No.10141012

He may be a success story but his wealth came from one extremely lucky incident. The reason he is so frugal is probably because he is well aware the chances of him catching another chance like that are nearly 0.

>> No.10141015

why would you want two different colors?

>The reason he is so frugal is probably because he is well aware the chances of him catching another chance like that are nearly 0.
he has 150 million, he doesnt need any more chances

>> No.10141035

I'm thinking about becoming an indie game developer. It seems easier than ever now with things like Greenlight and it doesn't seem like as much of an unrealistic dream as it used to be.

For example, I knew these two brothers who were making a game called Miasmata. Just two completely unknown indie developers working from their house, they put together this game, got it green-lit on steam relatively easily with nothing more than a trailer video, it was released yesterday, and just this morning I woke up and saw Miasmata on the frontpage of the steam store and it's currently in the top seller list.

They probably just made a couple hundred grand in a day. It's so easy now.

>> No.10141037

>The reason he is so frugal is probably because he is well aware the chances of him catching another chance like that are nearly 0.
Maybe he just has a sense of shame. The "western" (American) mentality of regarding all money as righfully deserved is amazing.

>> No.10141044

... so jealous...

>> No.10141051

Spending money is shameful? We're not talking about buying jets with your face on them here, just talking about eating better than cup ramen. I don't understand your point.

>> No.10141049

It's also very finicky as to whether your game succeeds or not.

>> No.10141078

That was my point. Everything is relative. When you're inside the maze, it's difficult to see what's on the outside.

>> No.10141081


Just bacterial market the shit out of it on reddit and pay the youtube celebrities some money to cum over it and any game will sell well.

>> No.10141085

I guess, if you have the resources to do that. The issue was that it's not super easy to just go make a ton of money unless you know how to manipulate it or you are lucky.

>> No.10141096


Any Otaku or western equivalent smart enough to code his own game should be smart enough to figure out how to viral after spending so much time on the internet. Unless you have some sort of problem interpreting social cues and interactions.

>> No.10141105

The skills needed for producing a game and marketing a game are two completely different things.

Spending literally none of your money (except for the wiis, I guess) on anything other than more work tools isn't modesty, it's abnormal. If he wants to do it, that's fine, but I don't think the modesty explanation holds much weight.

>> No.10141113

>Unless you have some sort of problem interpreting social cues and interactions.
That's why the coders never reap the bux lmao

>> No.10141118

>it's abnormal
To whom?

>> No.10141121

The Japanese, which is the society he lives in. Incidentally that holds for just about every other society in existence.

>> No.10141126

Please respond.

>> No.10141132


I wouldn't even say that excessively marketing your game is even necessary. Maybe if you're making a game that is pretty unremarkable and similar to other games that are coming out, but if you make a game that appeals to a niche that isn't already over-saturated then people will be looking for you.

For example, any kind of open world game sells like hotcakes. There's just not enough people making those types of games in comparison to the huge amount of linear games that are coming out. If you have a decent open world game placed in some kind of public marketplace like steam then people will seek it out without any real advertising on your part.

>> No.10141146


Have you tried motivation drugs?

I don't like to recommend drugs because of the stigma associated with them, but it works and it'll do what you're looking for. I also have depression that prevents me from caring about doing anything, but I take a pill, twenty minutes go by, and suddenly, "Life is wonderful! I love everything! Every single thing that I do feels so interesting!"

That lasts about 6 hours. I take another at the 6 hour mark for another 6 hours. Eventually it wears off, my real depressed personality comes back, and I go to sleep, but that was 12 hours of pure motivation, happiness, and zero depression.

>> No.10141148


What drug, anon?

>> No.10141151

Does a long-time hikki consider himself to be Japanese? Do the japs consider him to be Japanese? Do you suddenly transform into an upstanding citizen when a mountain of gold gets dumped on you?

>> No.10141152

That sounds fucking awesome, what's the name of the pill?

>> No.10141153

tell me more about it please

>> No.10141154

I've accomplished nothing in my years of being a NEET. SSRIs made things worse (I'm no longer on any medication). Should I ask my doctor about pills?

>> No.10141161


Just amphetamines. If you live in the U.S then you can get them really easily. Just go to basically any doctor, mention some generic ADHD symptoms (don't mention the depression), and five minutes later you have a prescription for adderall or dexedrine or something like that. They give these drugs out to little children every day in the U.S, they really don't care at all.

They're all amphetamines though, it's basically just prescription speed.

>> No.10141166


I've been severely depressed since... well I've been severely depressed my entire life.

I'd rather gives things one last shot before I kill myself.

>> No.10141176

Is studying that long very effective? I study around 3 hours per day.

>> No.10141178

Damn. I live in the UK. A Swedish guy I know gets meth, so perhaps I should enquire about drugs nonetheless. I have a history of depression (although, as far as they know, I'm no longer depressed), so that won't help.

>> No.10141182


>SSRIs made things worse (I'm no longer on any medication). Should I ask my doctor about pills?

It'll definitely help you out. I tried SSRIs as well and it did nothing good for me, as far as I'm concerned those pills are trash.

That's the thing that I like about amphetamines though. It's pretty much impossible for them to not work. SSRIs and normal anti-depressants try to induce subtle changes to cure your depression, so half the time they don't do anything noticeable, but there's nothing subtle about amphetamines. They flood you with dopamine, it's impossible to feel depressed in that state of mind. It will make you just naturally enjoy everything and whatever you're doing will feel like the most important and interesting thing in the whole world.

They're not perfect drugs though, there's some downsides to taking them. You will probably become excessively confident to the point of being a bit arrogant and you will think and talk very fast. It will probably make you pretty skinny since you get so interested in things that you forget to eat and you won't feel hungry. Heartrate might increase a bit, but it's not really a big deal unless you have an existing heart condition. You feel pretty apathetic when they wear off, but you can just sleep it off and you're fine in the morning. Some people say that you build tolerance, but I haven't experienced that and I've been taking the same dose every day for nearly four years. That's pretty much everything.

>> No.10141184

Most of the time I'm really lazy and end up staying in the house. I'm planning on going out tomorrow though. During the day I want to walk around the city. Even in a town of 1.5 million I still get a bit nervous thinking about people I know seeing me.

>> No.10141186

How much did it cost to get? Aren't shrinks expensive?

I don't care about frying my brain I doubt I'll be around much longer.

>> No.10141196


>A Swedish guy I know gets meth, so perhaps I should enquire about drugs nonetheless.

That should probably work. Can always buy off the silkroad too, but it might be more expensive than it's worth if your friend can get you drugs.

From what I've read they're really strict about stimulants in the UK so I doubt getting a prescription would be very likely. If he doesn't have anything lighter than meth then you could probably take that too, you would just have to be a lot more careful and take very small amounts.

If you can take very small amounts of it then it really wouldn't be much more harmful than taking adderall. In the U.S they actually still prescribe meth to people.


>> No.10141204


>How much did it cost to get? Aren't shrinks expensive?

I'd definitely suggest going to a general practitioner, just someone like your family doctor, instead of going to a psychiatrist.

Psychiatrists will make you jump through a whole bunch of loops, charge a ton for each visit, and make you take all of these ridiculous ADHD tests. Normal doctors aren't like that though, they're used to throwing out amphetamines to little kids on a daily basis and they'll give it to you without a second thought if you mention some ADHD symptoms.

I avoided the psychiatrist entirely and had a prescription within less than five minutes at my family doctor.

>> No.10141206

I don't want to do it illegally. I would go to jail if caught and I wouldn't be able to function in a prison environment. I'll probably just for anything and give it a go. I can always ask about what I'm given (if I'm given anything) on /jp/ or 420chan.

>> No.10141208

/jp/ - Shitposting and Narcotic Abuse Advice

>> No.10141209

>I'll probably just for anything and give it a go
Meant to say: "I'll probably just ask for anything and give it a go."

>> No.10141211

Wow I didn't know they could prescribe anything harder than wellbutrin, that changes everything.

I mean it's still expensive as fuck and probably hit-and-miss but whatever. How do you go about it? Just set an appointment for "I can't concentrate"?

>> No.10141221


>Just set an appointment for "I can't concentrate"?

Yeah, pretty much. Definitely don't mention depression at all though. I've been to the same doctor for both the depression that I really do have and the "ADHD" that I don't actually have and the drugs that they will prescribe are totally different, even though the ADHD drugs are much better for treating depression than what they normally give out.

It doesn't make any sense to me, but that's how it works. ADHD just seems to be some magic word that gets them to pull out the good stuff. I would just go in, if you have a history of depression with that doctor then mention that your depression is better but you can't focus, you're having a hard time concentrating on any tasks, and you always lose track of your thoughts when you're reading. Just generic symptoms like that.

I had this whole little speech of symptoms all prepared when I first went to my doctor and he cut me off the middle of the sentence, he said something like, "Oh, that's just ADHD." and was writing out a prescription for adderall before I said another word. They really don't care at all.

>> No.10141223


>I'll probably just ask for anything and give it a go.

Your Swedish friend or the doctor?

Either would probably work. Buying from someone you know is definitely more legal than having drugs shipped to you through the mail with something like silkroad and I know that doctors are strict about amphetamines in the UK, but if your doctor has some other kind of stimulant that he would prescribe then that might help too.

>> No.10141232

Swedish friend is an Internet friend. I'd ask my doctor (a GP).

I'll pluck up the courage tomorrow and make an appointment. It's 10 AM here, so all the slots will have been taken for the day.

>> No.10141238

I can't do anything because I have paranoid delusions. I believe someone installed a keylogger in this computer back in June and has monitoring me ever since, taking note of all my 4chan posts, personal data, habits, etc. He's waiting for the right moment to release it all at once and ruin my life. I don't know know what I'm going to do when this happens. Might as well kill myself before seeing pictures of my face spammed all over the front page, there's nowhere else for me to go.

I would have reformatted my PC a long time ago but of SATA1 through 5 only 2 works, which mean that I can't keep a hard drive and a dvd drive connected simultaneously. I'd need to do it via USB and I have no idea how

>> No.10141252


Good luck with your appointment. You'll probably be able to get something from him. I did a few google searches about ADHD drugs in the UK and from what I can tell it seems like they don't throw out adderall much, but it looks like you might have a pretty good chance of getting ritalin or something like that.

It might not be as potent as the stims they throw out in the U.S, but it should still do the trick.

>> No.10141253

Here: http://windows7usbcreator.com/

Good luck with your delusions.

>> No.10141254

Sounds good to me. Thanks for looking that up, and for wishing me luck. I might post how things go if I come across a NEET thread afterwards.

Look up "UNetbootin". Install TrueCrypt for full-disk encryption if you're concerned about security.

>> No.10141261

This works with the win 8 beta right?

>> No.10141263

How would a NEETfag buy weed? Do any other Anons have exerpeince with this? I sort of want to smoke but I don't have any friends anymore to buy from.

>> No.10141264

>win 8 beta
But Windows 8 RTM is out...

>> No.10141267

Hey, that's my paranoid delusion, dude.

>> No.10141270

Pretty sure it does.

>> No.10141279

I'll sell you some for 12 dollars a gram

>> No.10141290


There's two ways for a NEET to get weed as far as I know.

Silkroad is probably the easiest way, but the whole shipping weed through the mail thing made me pretty paranoid when I did it. There were no problems with my order and everything went fine, I've never heard of anyone getting busted either so it seems pretty safe. If you go with that route then I would order some weed cookies though, seems like it would be a bit less conspicuous.

The safest option would be growing it yourself. It's more work, but you save money in the long run and getting some seeds mailed to you from a seedbank isn't a legal issue. If you live in a rural area then you can easily grow out in an isolated area of the woods, but if you live in a more urban area where you have to worry about people spotting your grows then one of those PC micro grow setups or something like that would be a better option.

With some filters and a bucket of ona gel you won't have any odor issues to worry about and you can get a pretty decent yield from a PC grow case. The initial setup cost is more expensive than growing outside though.

>> No.10141293

i have nothing else to do and want to learn it as quickly as possible. so that is why i'm going as hard as i possible can. i wish i wasn't completely retarded so i could be learning like 200 new vocab words a day as compared to 100 right now.

>> No.10141298

sounds awesome but do i have to be worried that i live w. my parents?

>> No.10141301

I always think about how, in the amount of time I've spent playing games, watching anime, and even just staring at my wall, I could have done so much. Learned languages, learned skills, made things. Anything.

Sometimes I try to make a schedule and think "now I can get my life on track" but it doesn't work. I get bored halfway through making it, or I say "I'll start the schedule tomorrow" and we all know how that goes.

Used to I would start all sorts of things and quit halfway. Now I don't even start them. I can't get to a doctor to get drugs because I have no vehicle and live in a small town with no doctor.

>> No.10141303
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>12 hours of pure motivation, happiness, and zero depression.

I wish I could channel my motivation when I take my pills. I make these plans to study Japanese but every time it just ends with me dancing in front of the mirror for hours like the man in this video.


>> No.10141305

Forcing yourself to learn for that long is completely retarded and it's not even an efficient way to learn. There is a large difference between studying hard and wasting time.

>> No.10141314
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It shouldn't be a problem as long as your parents aren't walking into the room and searching your things every day. From the outside it will just look like a normal PC case, but on the inside all of the parts are just gutted out and replaced with growing equipment.

It looks something like this. As long as you control the odor with carbon filters and oni gel then they shouldn't ever find out.

>> No.10141319

Six hours is long and retarded? Please tell us about your education history.

>> No.10141324

Six hours on one thing daily? Do you not have even the slightest clue of what efficient studying looks like?

>> No.10141333


Is she pretending to be a frog?

>> No.10141331

can you grow inside a PC or is that dangerous?

i have 6 old PCs from my dad in my room...that i've been meaning to do shit with

>> No.10141341

I don't think you understand the NEET's here.

These are the people who have no motivation whatsoever. Not even enough to stave off their inevitable homelessness.

What makes you think they will embark on some journey, even if it involves not leaving their rooms, the improve themselves?

>> No.10141343

Speak for yourself. I'm NEET and I have no trouble motivating myself to do things.

>> No.10141346


As long as they aren't too small then it shouldn't be a problem. There's a lot of guides out there for setting these up so it's not too hard. You can buy PC grow cases that are already assembled on the internet as well, but that costs about $200. Cheaper to do it yourself if you already have a PC case that isn't too small.

Look for the auto-flowering strains when you order your seeds as well. They're much smaller so it will fit inside of a PC grow. Normal strains of weed are gigantic in comparison and it will pretty much be bursting out the side of your case once it grows a bit.

>> No.10141348

>What makes you think they will embark on some journey, even if it involves not leaving their rooms, the improve themselves?
I want to be able to be proud of myself, not ashamed of who I am. I want to take care of myself not because I have to, but because I want you. Sometimes I get so depressed I become suicidal and stop taking care of myself and taking my medication with no regards for the damage it does to me. I just stop caring. What makes me want to improve myself and leave my room to get a better life is the hope of being happy, successful, employed, with friends and money to spend on hobbies I don't yet have. The hope of not being NEET someday.

>> No.10141349

Excuse the typos, my English is awful. I'm a Slav.

>> No.10141351

sell the speed and make mad dosh bro

>> No.10141354
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>I'm thinking about becoming an indie game developer.

Is this a new otaku trend?

>> No.10141358

indie game dev is easy?

>> No.10141357


Easiest way to make money without leaving your house.

>> No.10141360
File: 65 KB, 596x424, meth-addict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, basically, NEET could apply to someone who graduated college but is currently unemployed? I know like 10 people in that situation, myself included.

Also, lol@meth discussions in this thread. Go to 420chan and learn about drugs, kids.

>> No.10141361

>Also, lol@meth discussions in this thread. Go to 420chan and learn about drugs, kids.
I'm >>10141263 and I went there 2 hours ago and got banned for underage.

>> No.10141363

So stop being underaged or learn to fake it better.

>> No.10141365

I'm 20 ;_;

>> No.10141370

>Six hours on one thing daily?
Are you assuming I am not taking breaks every hour or does that not help?

Is it really completely retarded to learn only one thing? I have nothing else I want to do with my day except practicing reading Japanese and learning more words.

>> No.10141372

How did you get banned? Did you say 'Hi, I'm 20 years old and I want to know where to buy illegal drugs on the internet.'?

>> No.10141386


>The face of extreme malnutrition - 10 years

Why is meth always blamed for this? They end up looking like skeletons because they can't be bothered to eat or bathe themselves. It can be hard to pull yourself away from things when you're tweaking out and hyperfocused, but it's not that hard.

These faces of meth people would still be alive if they practiced basic hygiene and ate a decent diet.

>> No.10141390

I'm fine with weed, halluciangens, all of that. But if you actually think you can take meth, and not get addicted, and not have anything bad happen to you, you're sorely mistaken.

>> No.10141392

It's blamed for it because it directly causes it.

>> No.10141395

At a point you aren't going to be actually learning anymore regardless of how much you want it. Your brain can only handle so much information at a time. Granted, the amount is different for everyone so it's entirely possible that you are completely fine with six hours of grinding.

>> No.10141400


Plenty of bad things will happen from regularly using meth, but all of the things that people usually blame on meth are only indirectly caused by meth. It's perfectly accurate to blame meth for causing brain damage because it's extremely neurotoxic, but it's not as easy to scare people away from meth with brain damage posters as it is to just pull in some junkies off the street and take pictures of them.


Malnutrition is indirectly caused by meth though. It takes away your appetite, but it doesn't make you incapable of eating. There's plenty of people who take meth on a regular basis and look normal. Sleep deprivation and malnutrition will make you look like a zombie very quickly.

The people you see in this faces of meth just do not give a shit anymore. They binge for a week and don't get an ounce of sleep during that time, they can't be bothered to eat anything, they won't bathe and their skin becomes filthy, they then obsessively pick at it, they don't care about their dental hygiene and the only food they do eat is things with extremely high sugar content.

It's all just a complete lack of self-discipline and regard for their well-being. They could easily avoid looking like that, they just don't give a shit.

>> No.10141401

SO METH IS STILL RETARDED TO TAKE. It's the most retarded drug anyone can take unless their goal is to be an addict and die.

>> No.10141405

>It's all just a complete lack of self-discipline and regard for their well-being.
You mean the complete lack of self-discipline and regard for their well-being that is caused by taking meth?

>> No.10141422


>It's the most retarded drug anyone

I can think of dozens of drugs that are more dangerous than meth. In many ways meth is actually healthier than commonly prescribed amphetamines like adderall. It doesn't stress out your heart nearly as much as adderall does.

The big misconception with meth is that people don't seem to understand that street meth is sold at an obscenely high dosage. Pure methamphetamine is still legally prescribed today and it's no worse than adderall or any of the other commonly prescribed stimulants.

Prescription meth doses are 5-10mg though. If you were to smoke street meth then that's often equivalent to around 150mg or more. Any drug taken at such a high dosage will be horrible for you.

The point is that meth itself isn't a bad drug. It's not this demon that people make it out to be. People are just smoking extremely high doses. The same people who make meth out to be the worst drug in human history are often the same people who load their kids up on adderall, it's ridiculous.

>> No.10141428

yeah but addy is so delicious

and if you have a scrip you can sell it for mad dosh

>> No.10141465

How did you survive through uni?

>> No.10141482

>You mean the complete lack of self-discipline and regard for their well-being that is caused by taking meth?

That resulted in them using meth in the first place. The MBA snorting coke and the inner-city ethnic minority NEET smoking crack are differentiated by their qualities as humans, not the substances they're using.

>> No.10141494

>Just amphetamines. If you live in the U.S then you can get them really easily.

On the minus side, it's illegal to take them into the country with you if you go to Japan.

>> No.10141536

japan sucks anyways, go to korea

>> No.10141564

I still say Joakim Sandberg is the only good indie game dev. Nothing can rival him, just look at Noitu Love 2. God that game is so good.

>> No.10141609
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I start things but never finish them because they all eventually go from new and exciting to monotonous work.

>> No.10141613 [DELETED] 
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Well as this is a neat thread anyway..

I've been cripplingly depressed and anxious for years now. I've started a few menial jobs to try and dig myself up and out and they've all ended with me mortified of going in one day and getting myself fired. Sometimes I can't even get myself to sign on at the fucking job center.

So I read some fag bragging about his bank account and how he sits back and collects dolla for claiming to be autistic. I took a look at DWP and such and I can't for the life of me figure out what he's doing, to collect disability it seems you have to be crippled/blind. I figured I'd ask here because surely someone here is on it and can tell me where I need to be looking.


>> No.10141624
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I never start new things and stick to stuff I'm familiar with because I hate not knowing what exactly to expect.

>> No.10141713

11:00-1200: Wake up and eat breakfast.
1200-1300: Lounge about doing nothing.
1300-1400: Shower.
1400-1800: Lounge about doing nothing.
1800-1900: Eat food.
1900-0200: Lounge about doing nothing.
0200-1100: Sleep.

Being a NEET is all about taking it easy.
Hard work is for uneasy shiddy slaves, understand easy, okay?

>> No.10141738
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>> No.10141741
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I've already earned the equivalent of $1,300 over my neet years and some part time jobs (pays really sucks here btw ).So it's still possible to convert that to about $15 million in 8 years!

>> No.10141787


I don't think I'd be good at day trading...

any other ways to turn small savings into big money (or at least a reasonable amount of money) without selling drugs?

>> No.10141870

>How did you survive through uni?

By dropping out?

>> No.10142168
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I started watching this but I can't take it seriously, the guy sounds like /jp/ being ironic "I'M A TRUE HIKIKOMORI :DDDD"

>> No.10142331

guy who made scott pilgrim was a neet until he made a lot of money from said comic book

>> No.10142931

he's not trying to be ironic though. he realises he has a problem, and he wants to fix it but he's sort of insane with the conspiracy stuff. he's not really truHIK.
