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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10095990 No.10095990 [Reply] [Original]

Why is high school theme so popular in otaku entertainment?

>> No.10095993

high school regrets and nostalgia are a big part of japanese otaku culture

>> No.10095996

probably because the main target group are people in high school
it's so boring

>> No.10095997

Because Japan is paedophilia capital of the world

>> No.10096001

I think most otakus are older than high schoolers.

>> No.10096006

I wish someone would call me senpai.

One of my biggest fetishes is having an underling/kouhai, someone who looks up to me

>> No.10096005

Because actual Japanese high-school consists of studying for the majority of your free time if you don't want to end up as a store clerk for the rest of your life.

>> No.10096014

Because most people have been to high school. Once you start moving into settings such as college or a work environment, your audience starts shrinking.

>> No.10096010

I think a lot of them had a really shitty high school experience, so they want to fantasize about high school actually being nice.

That said, ore no imouto only served to realistically portray how mean teenagers are, so I'm not sure how that ended up being as popular with otaku as it is.

>> No.10096013

Because it is for children and the mentally stunted. Duh.

>> No.10096018


You would only try to convince them to do lewd things!

I see through you!

>> No.10096017 [DELETED] 
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>high school

>> No.10096023

because japs become wage slaves as soon as they graduate

>> No.10096021
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Because Evangelion.

>> No.10096026

I don't think there is such a thing as actually failing a grade in Japan.

>> No.10096024
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I wish I had a cool, cute, beautiful, voluptuous, muscular and sexy delinquent senpai who relied on me to get passing grades so she can graduate. On her third year she fails and has to repeat with me so she isn't my senpai and we become classmates who graduate together while falling deeply in love.

>> No.10096031

Of course there is you moron.

>> No.10096032

you want a slap, cunt?

>> No.10096034

It's practically nonexistent. And that's not because students study hard or anything.

>> No.10096035


>> No.10096037

Just shut up you clueless fucking weeb.

>> No.10096036

It's because their parents disown them if they do.
Children are just slaves in Japan, their parents don't give a shit about them.

>> No.10096038

No! I just want to have someone cute look up to me.

Hell, they won't even need to be cute, physically. The looking up is cute enough.

>> No.10096039

Adult anime creeps feel like teens because they became emotionally stunted in their school years due to their genetic defect and now they're manchildren.

>> No.10096042

I'm so full of school animu. For over a decade now. In fact, I remember dropping a newly airing anime back in 2001, only because the first episodes hinted at a school setting.

>> No.10096044

Mate, I'll fuck you up proper

>> No.10096049

Yeah, this is pretty much why I like high school anime.

Well, I don't know whether it's a 'genetic' defect, but aside from that.

>> No.10096046

Are you Japanese? Otherwise I find it hard to believe that you were watching airing anime in 2001.

>> No.10096047

I only come here to shitpost, what's your excuse, weeb?

>> No.10096052

I come here to own shiteating faggots like you.

>> No.10096055

Let me know when you do that, son.

>> No.10096059

No, I'm not japanese. Why is it hard to believe? Because anime wasn't mainstream? Because 4chan didn't exist?

>> No.10096060

Wouldn't middle school be better theme then?

>> No.10096067

Get out of the internet, grandpa

>> No.10096065

Having a hard time imagining that airing anime was so readily available 11 years ago.

>> No.10096066

Gomenasai, but shitposting should be concentrated in fun threads.
This is a serious thread that doesn't want to become off-topic circlejerk and you have to respect the people who actually follows the rules, onegai.

>> No.10096069

Middle school is popular but you can't push as much sexuality into it as you can with high school.

>> No.10096070

There are a lot of middle school themes around, but they play out the exact same way high school themes do. Like OP's image, that's middle school.

>> No.10096071

Middle school (aka jr. hs) is just as common as hs, if not even more so.

>> No.10096077


>> No.10096078


>> No.10096087

Eh, not much has changed since then. We've gone from divx to h264 and from bsplayer to mpc. Digital fansubs are far older than 11 years anyways, and fansubbers have always been far ahead of scene in terms of technology.

Kind of sad how /jp/ is filled with kids these days.

>> No.10096093

Just because you weren't interested in weeb shit back then, doesn't mean you're a kid.

>> No.10096097

[citation needed] get lost kid weeb

>> No.10096105

"I am really grown up. Believe me!"

>> No.10096106

epic quote dude, where is your greentext

>> No.10096113

I liked it because I could pretend my imouto was actually just tsundere.

>> No.10096119

[color=green]What is greentext?[/color]

>> No.10096128

>using html

Epic Fail.

>> No.10096135

That's epic. Epic for the win.

>> No.10096137
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>> No.10096138

I used to watch anime on video tapes.

>> No.10096140

It's basically the only time Japanese had fun, so they have fond memories of it.

>> No.10096142

I think becuase after highschool most of them become fulltime NEETS and their experiences of any kind of social interaction or experience stopped at highschool so it is the only thing they can relate to and recognize. So anime and manga that has a highschool theme would most likly appeal to them the most and those are the kind of shows and manga that gets focused on because of this.

It is similar to the reason why there tends to be more of moe heavy shows.

>> No.10096146

Most otakus aren't neets.

>> No.10096147

It's rubbing off on me too. I had a serious conversation about how much I love high school desks and I constantly think about all the pussy that slipped through my fingers....

>> No.10096149

l,ol i kno that feel
all that pussy bro


>> No.10096151

It's BBCode, moron

>> No.10096155


>> No.10096158
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>> No.10096167
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Nothing compares to the neet pussy I am getting now so I don't have any regrets.

>> No.10096168

>mfw you only realized this now
>mfw you are several posts late to the party
>mfw you had to look it up too

Epic... Fail...

>> No.10096170

Cute image, dude

>> No.10096176

But many of them stop wanting to interect with society after high school just the same. Not wanting to get into a relationship with a female for one example.

The industry make shows that the fanbase mostly care about. if the fanbase does not care about a show, it does not get good ratings and the show bombs.

After high school most japanese may not care about wanting to do much of social interaction then they were forced to do back in high school so hey stopped now that they had -slightly- more freedom to do so.

>> No.10096183

Are you talking about your own pattycake?

Can you take a picture of said NEET with her dirty NEET butthole is exposed?

Discribe the smell to me in great detail.

>> No.10096188

useless post, dude

>> No.10096190
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>> No.10096209

I want to smell Kusanagi's butt.

I never watched the show or read the manga yet(I am planning to one day) but I take it she is in love with that ugly old gaijin man with plastic bottle caps for eyes?

The music is really nice which got me curious to wanting to watch it. I remember seeing one episode of it and it was pretty duologue heavy. I assume the show is mostly like that huh? Not that it may be a bad thing. I will just have to get acquainted with it is all.

>> No.10096214

Shitposters, why do you keep ruining my threads?

>> No.10096218

Their relationship is very subtle. He's kind of in love with her while she doesn't care too much.

>> No.10096224
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Careful there anon. you don't want Mr. Bottlecaps-for-eyes to hear that.

>> No.10096232

Because they cant creatively research for any other setting

>> No.10096280

I have a question for all non japanese otaku here, which means: all of you.

Would you even like these anime if the schools represented in them were accurate representations of how schools are in your own country?

I sometimes I ask this to myself, and I think I really wouldn't like that. I don't really want to remember my school days... like at all.
Then why Japanese do?

I can only enjoy these anime because the schools in them are completely different from what I used to attend to.

>> No.10096292

...and fail English in.

>> No.10096300

Op, I figure that College-aged girls could be just as cute, but the average Japanese fan disagrees. This is why we have so many teenaged highschool settings.

What if it was an idealized version of your High School time?

An example: I remember there was this really cute and smart girl who ended up dating a massively muscled thug (later on she got tattoos). What if instead that never happened, because she was "pure"?

I guess fashion would be tricky- as we didn't have uniforms, getting good clothing design would be hard on the production staff. In real life, most of the clothing was ugly, along with the hairstyles. That wouldn't do animated.

>> No.10096301


Dunno, man. I don't watch anime.

>> No.10096305


I would say the same about this post, but you got doubles and 88 on top of that. Heil, dude.

>> No.10096309
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>I take it she is in love with that ugly old gaijin man with plastic bottle caps for eyes?

Actually, in the manga (and hintedly in the animu), she's part of a cyberized-lesbian daisy-chain. 4 pages of H material got removed from the 90s Dark Horse translations because of it.

>> No.10096325

I don't think the school life in an anime is anything like reality.

>> No.10096334

I haven't watched it in years, but it was lovely. I think if I watched it now, I would pick up on a lot more od the adult undertones.

>> No.10096340

>Would you even like these anime if the schools represented in them were accurate representations of how schools are in your own country?
Yes. Schools in my country are actually quite decent and you even get one or two unfeasibly quirky teachers. I still remember a literature teacher from some twelve years ago, he had a nickname for everyone in class and never called anyone by their real names, even when doing a roll call.

>> No.10096341

No as there are absolutely no forced club activities here which is the main setting for 90% HS/MS anime.

>> No.10096343

It's happened to me, it isn't great.

Considering I live in fucking America

>> No.10096349

sweet surprise box dude

>> No.10096353

Is this a thing now?

>> No.10096359

Yeah but, school uniforms, school swimsuits, culture festivals, athletic festivals, cleaning duties, entrance ceremonies, graduation ceremonies, physical examinations, and all that shit never existed in my school, or was absolutely different.

No matter how many times I keep seeing that, I cannot relate to that, because I never experienced it, not even in a non idealized way. But if I did, I would probably remember how all that stuff actually was in reality.
It would probably make me bitter and it would spoil me any chance of enjoying what I'm seeing.

>> No.10096369

Because in high school you start to have sex legally.
Next question.

>> No.10096370

a) that's nonsense
b) barely any anime are about sex in the first place

>> No.10096382

This topic isn't about anime specifically dude.

And don't tell me the 80% of eroge isn't in a classic school setting.

>> No.10096392

I don't know what platonic cave you've been living in, but don't even pretend most of the attraction to the opposite sex isn't sexual in nature.

>barely any anime are about sex in the first place
Yeah, maybe you're still living in the kiddie ghetto and most anime you watch are christian shounenshit but here in otakuland we watch haremshit, play eroges and sexualize little girls.

>> No.10096401

Right, I forgot this was about "otaku entertainment" and not just anime, sorry.

>> No.10096412

After High School, your life is basically over. You are just left counting your remaining days.

>> No.10096419

Well, you could have unforced club activities. There are plenty of excuses why someone would get into a club. Or how about just a bunch of kids hanging out together? That could be made idealized.

It's funny, I was looking at old eroge the other day, and I was surprised at how few pre Tokimeki Memorial were school settings. Most involved adult characters- workplace or college. Tokimeki and To Heart seemed to represent a sea change.

>> No.10096444

I really liked the sanlot for some reason
maybey thats why

>> No.10096445

yeah, though you aren't supposed to comment on it like >>10096349 did. that's like explaining a joke after the fact.

>> No.10096458

Typical weeb mentality.

>> No.10096508


It's when your life begins. But if you suck shit at it, of course you'd look upon things so bleakly.

>> No.10096518

Crossboard posters here.

>> No.10096545


Or maybe it's more "I wasn't ready for this" and you yearn for days where you had less freedom but also less responsibilities.

>> No.10097264

This is not Touhou.

>> No.10097607

This board isn't /2hu/, kid.

>> No.10101322

Simply put this, schoolgirls and skirts are the best damn thing.

>> No.10101376

It's popular at least in America too. People don't really care about old people doing stuff outside of soaps and sitcoms, and it's weird for younger people to not be in school ever. It's also a good way for Japanese to not have to design a bunch of outfits.

>Op, I figure that College-aged girls could be just as cute, but the average Japanese fan disagrees. This is why we have so many teenaged highschool settings.

I've never seen a show in America set in a college either, though I can think about some involving middle schools like in otaku entertainment.

>Would you even like these anime if the schools represented in them were accurate representations of how schools are in your own country?
No, even TV high school here isn't an accurate representation. Also it would be boring as fuck if it were even an accurate representation of any high school life. Hell, Lucky Star is probably the most accurate representation of any high school life.

>After High School, your life is basically over.
College is the best part of your life. It's the same shit as highschool except you are truly free. Anyone who says high school is the best part never went to a university.

>> No.10101468

>except you are truly free

>> No.10102516

I could think of some ways to pull quality moe material out of American high schools.

Some of the cutest girls were in the school band or orchestra. I could totally see character personalities being fleshed out based on what instruments they play (the obnoxious trumpeter) or even what part of their section they're in (the lazy/easy-going back-row violinist). The resulting mess is an orchestra class filled with chaotic drama and humor as so many different personalities clash against one another. Not a bad backbone for a humorous/school life style story.

An example story: a male protagonist works his way up his section just to get to be stand partners with that one cute ass girl in first chair, who is currently sitting next to an egotistical bastard. Only to find that his osana-najimi was closely following him from behind. Moe as hell.

I don't know if there are school bands/orchestras in Japanese high schools though. There probably are, just that it isn't a common theme or something. Or maybe they're so formalized that you don't get the same amount of drama/shenanigans than from the music program I'm used to.

>> No.10102567

I don't like high school settings because it just makes me depressed by showing me things that would never have happened to me. Sure it's nice to watch girls in a light music club having fun, but don't you get sad thinking about how you never did anything fun or exciting in high school? At least this is how I feel.
