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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 11 KB, 140x209, MV5BMTMxMTkyNDM4NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTI3MDg0MQ@@._V1._SY209_CR4,0,140,209_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10073437 No.10073437[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Japanese Movies General

So /jp/ I was looking for some good japanese movies to watch and I stumbled upon this list


Can anyone who's seen any of these confirm accuracy?

>> No.10073447
File: 39 KB, 300x393, gir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are any of the The Girl Who Leapt Through Time adaptations good? Which is the best?

>> No.10073453

/jp/ is not japanese culture


>> No.10073456


>> No.10073459


>> No.10073460

Japanese cinema is dead.

Start with some Ozu and Kurosawa and go from there

>> No.10073461

it's not gook culture either


>> No.10073471

You have literally no reason not to make this thread on /tv/. It's not like Japanese film are a niche interest among people who watch movies.

>> No.10073493
File: 82 KB, 1213x365, 2012-11-17_164214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/jp/ is not you personal shitposting board

reported for being an angry retard


I have no reason not to make it here either, also probably samefag, take your butthurt somewhere else

>> No.10073499
File: 44 KB, 774x345, jpjapangeneral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have no reason not to make it here either

You do though.

>> No.10073502


>> No.10073511

redirecting you to the appropriate board where you will most likely gather fruitful discussion is not shitposting

>> No.10073506

that post by that mod >>10073493
ís newer. if trains and headphones that should go to other boards as well are tolerated so are japanese movies. deal with it faggot

>> No.10073515

bunch of those movies are pretty good i like them

>> No.10073517

I wonder what nationality and skin color these people represent. Certainly not white americans

>> No.10073518

Welcome, new user to /jp/ - Japan/General! Hah, just kidding, this isn't Japan/General. This is Touhou/Visual Novels/Doujin Games.

If you want to discuss the different places you can visit in Japan, I suggest you go to /trv/ (though they also seem to hate Japan there, so don't annoy them too much). If you want to discuss the Japanese language, go to /lang/ (yes, 4chan has text boards!). If you want to discuss anime and manga, go to /a/ (some series that are based on light novels/VNs/games like Marimite and Higurashi can also be discussed in /jp/, it really depends, so lurk a bit to see what's acceptable). Finally, if you want to talk about Japanese history and culture, go somewhere else, nobody here knows or cares for that stuff.

/jp/ was created as a board to get rid of Touhou and visual novels from /a/, it was never intended to be a board about Japanese culture. Most of the users here don't care about Japan, we only care about lolis and doujin games.

>> No.10073522

On November 17th, 2012, /jp/ is named "Otaku Culture," not "Japan/General". So I think that post reiterating the board title is slightly more relevant.

>> No.10073519


Oh, calling out an obvious retard who's anus is clearly hemorrhaging is now only a /a/ and /v/ thing, sure thing kiddo. Why don't you cry harder.

>> No.10073526

and that post by that mod clearly states that interests such as these are tolerated. the fuck's your problem faggot?

>> No.10073532


And what is considered "Otaku Culture" is indicated here >>10073493

>> No.10073534


I hope you're using that copypasta ironically, otherwise you would look very stupid

>> No.10073538

I don't see "movies that happened to be made in Japan" listed under that sticky.

Moot has already said these threads don't belong here. Several times. Just give it up, dude.
>>>/tv/ will be more than happy to talk about any Japanese films you want.

>> No.10073554

Yes I'm sure /g/ would be more than happy to talk about those headphones or /n/ about trains that don't belong here according your logic. I sincerely hope you're not this fucking stupid.

>> No.10073562

>Moot has already said these threads don't belong here. Several times. Just give it up, dude.

>> No.10073564


>I don't see "movies that happened to be made in Japan" listed under that sticky.

It's because you're a 12 year old that has severe comprehension problems

>Moot has already said these threads don't belong here.

Funny, because the last update on rules says you're a fucking retard and the janitor hasn't deleted it yet.

>Just give it up, dude.

Hope you're talking to yourself because these threads are here to stay no matter how many tantrums you throw

>> No.10073568
File: 807 KB, 1893x1938, 1351814605755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take a hint, weeb

>> No.10073570
File: 54 KB, 575x687, 1343234051354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please don't tell me you're that fucking gookloving Russian wannabe Finnish fuck.

>> No.10073599

What? /g/ has threads about headphones daily. And /n/ is a board made just for trains. I don't get what you're saying.

He changed the board name in 2010 to 'Otaku Culture' as a direct response to people complaining about these threads. He also repeated it in the image I've already posted. This is not a board for Japanese Culture. It is a board for diverse niche Japanese interests pertaining to otaku hobbies within the scope of anime and manga, like Touhou and visual novels.

Please take it easy.

>> No.10073611


>> No.10073629


>Japanese interests pertaining to otaku hobbies within the scope of anime and manga
>like Touhou and visual novel

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

Seriously, what the fuck are you smoking?

Please easily take my cock up your ass you annoying faggot

>> No.10073638

>What? /g/ has threads about headphones daily. And /n/ is a board made just for trains. I don't get what you're saying.
That's exactly what I'm saying. The mod said earlier that both headphones and trains are tolerated on /jp/, you know, things that should normally go to /g/ and /n/. I'd be worrying if I were you and didn't see the flaw in my logic

>> No.10073641

>Please easily take my cock up your ass
eeewwww gay!

>> No.10073642

Touhou has a manga, OP-kun.

And many visual/light novels have anime or manga adaptations. Although you can post about those that have none.

>> No.10073646

>headphones and trains are tolerated on /jp/
they're not

>> No.10073648

They're not though.

>> No.10073651


And many anime and manga have live-action adaptations. Do you see how much of a fucking autistic retard you are?

>> No.10073652

Open that fucking picture and read it and tell me you're not retarded >>10073493

>> No.10073660


Maybe he's just pretending ... well for his sake, I hope he's just pretending

>> No.10073669

that's pretty embarassing.

>> No.10073675

The mod removed remade the sticky after it caused an uproar here

Moot has said that this is a board for otaku, not Japan.

Please, please learn to take it easy before you decide to post here. This is not the board for movie discussion.

>> No.10073682 [DELETED] 

Those are fine to talk about.

>> No.10073687

And those are fine to talk about on /a/ or /tv/.

>> No.10073690

>The mod removed remade the sticky after it caused an uproar here
more like he made a new thread to add more info. nothing really changed and notice how the mod says "tea" which also should go to /ck/. as far as I'm concerned tea is as deeply rooted in japanese culture as it gets, and it's not even a niche one

>> No.10073692

Welcome to /jp/, 4chan's premier anime discussion forum! This is the forum where you will find nearly all anime talk, manga discussion, and associated threads about Japan (and to a lesser extent Asia in general) and its arts. On a good day, you might even find some translation requests or talk about anime-related video games!

>> No.10073696


>The mod removed remade the sticky after it caused an uproar here

After several days? And moot said /jp/ was great AFTER the changes. God, I would have better luck trying to teach a monkey english. Please tell me you're just trolling, I have trouble believing anyone can be THIS retarded

>> No.10073703


>Although you can post about those that have none.

Gee thanks. Now you can go kill yourself.


Take your 2hu and VN shit to /a/ since those are anime related too you faggot

>> No.10073706

People were generally fine with the sticky. It was modified once or twice, but the sticky being removed doesn't make its contents null and void any more than "no junior idols" no longer applies.
In fact I'm guessing it was removed because the main points were incorporated into the rules. Note that nowhere in the rules does it say we are not allowed to discuss anime.

>> No.10073710

In meantime before meido wakes up and deletes this thread, you should probably start a thread on /q/ calling to rename this board back to Japan/General instead of bitching here.

>> No.10073719

I can't, because this is the board for Touhou and VNs.

>> No.10073723
File: 18 KB, 317x313, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People were generally fine with the sticky

>> No.10073734

Sorry I'm trying to work out your poor english, but are you implying that the janitor deleted those threads because he felt headphones weren't approriate for /jp/? Only one of them were discussing headphones and it was deleted by the thread's OP http://archive.foolz.us/jp/thread/9934832/#q9935261 while the others are personal blog threads.

Nice try though asshat.

>> No.10073730
File: 54 KB, 400x400, 1341782779501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But Japanese movies are Otaku Culture

>> No.10073737


Meido is already up and he says this thread is fine. He also told me to tell you your mother's asshole is very sloppy and loose

Someone post that pic of moot saying /jp/ is the best moderated board AFTER THE CHANGES to shut these attention-whoring faggots up

>> No.10073742

holy shit just fucking go to /tv/, nobody here wants to talk about your samurai movies

>> No.10073749

Please stop bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.10073750


Your twisted delusion of reality =/= reality itself

Though that may be difficult for an egocentric underage child to understand

>> No.10073758

Plenty of people do if you look through the archives. At least until samefags like you appear and start to derail a perfectly valid thread.

>> No.10073761

If we can't talk about manga we can't talk about Japanese movie.

>> No.10073776
File: 13 KB, 260x315, 1337628396436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of person would want Japanese movies go to /tv/? Would he look like this?

>> No.10073808
File: 189 KB, 345x337, 1325692888763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think this

>> No.10073817

Thanks, I needed that one without all the shitty rainbow image macros.

>> No.10073819

El Oh El, you all just got tricked.

>> No.10073820

Yeah they've probably never had sex before, or even a girlfriend. What losers.

>> No.10073833

I'm glad you know your place.

>> No.10073837

I wish I could see all you guys irl so I can laugh at you. lolololololololol HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.10073854
File: 45 KB, 420x258, blaze_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only movies /jp/ likes are Toho

>> No.10073865


>> No.10073869

You're not funny. Your "jokes" are awkward and out of place. Even replying with a "your mom lol" type of response, you can't save yourself from the embarrassment.

>> No.10073880

I never made a joke. You ok, pal?

>> No.10073882

Soon he peretends to take it easy.

>> No.10073913

Jesus christ.. I wasn't born perfect, but at least I'm not that hideous.

>> No.10073936

I wonder how many on /jp/ look like that.

>> No.10073946

Attention, crossboarders.

This thread belongs on /tv/.

If you want an example of a thread that belongs on here look at: >>10073466

Notice the quality discussion and interaction among the posters? This is the essence and fruits of /jp/'s elitism. Only the best posters survive.

>> No.10073947

All we have to do is shitpost the board to the point where these faggots themselves finally decide to kill themselves.

>> No.10073985


Funny thing is both threads are about idiots bitching about something except one thread was made for that purpose and this one was made for an actual discussion.

>> No.10074039

Seems like a great, completely waterproof idea.
