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File: 32 KB, 530x530, 530px-Biáng.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
999321 No.999321 [Reply] [Original]

I'd be fine with Kanji if you only had to know like 500, that's easy manageable, over 2,000? That isn't fair. Unless you live in Japan get constant Kanji application there's just no way your average Joe could keep up with them all.

>> No.999330

Is this that 88 stroke kanji fuck?

>> No.999331

That way you can use more kanji in other kanji

>> No.999338

It's not that hard though, since it's made up of already existing Kanji anyway.

>> No.999343


>> No.999345

It wants to tell you with its heart that two long horse penises will visit you at night (under a roof)... and I don't recognize the rest

>> No.999344
File: 224 KB, 1015x1100, 1215983618400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Cirno is smarter than you.

>> No.999381

indeed it does lol

>> No.999394

45, if i'm not mistaken, i may have lost count

>> No.999403

The sad truth is that even 2000 is nowhere near enough. Work harder, used spaced repetition software, keep reading.

>> No.999423

definitely. And reading. Reading also increases your vocab, which is good.

Which reminds me of my homework I have due tomorrow --> go through drama, select words/phrases that I don't know, and learn them.
This is another way to get good, but not at writing.

>> No.999432

Don't be average.

>> No.999487

More words of encouragement!

>> No.999495

I don't know a single Kanji, but that thing still looks horrible to read. My eyes hurt a bit now.

>> No.999503

what's the matter, kanji too COUNTLESS for you?

>> No.999520

Enlgish ftw.

>> No.999559

Looks like one kanji wrapped around several other kanji.

Mind = blown.

>> No.999567

Most japanese don't now all kanji they should. Keyboards, etc

>> No.999589

protip: it is

>> No.1000252



>> No.1000303

Meh I've studied 750, I'd hazard a guess I could replicate maybe 250.

If you're going for proficiency tests, just buy the cram books.

>> No.1001089


Meaning, how to type it out, stroke order, etc.

>> No.1001115

You should learn to write every character you know. With actual pencil and paper not computer. Paper is obsolete and all, but your fingers remember after your consciousness has forgotten. When you see a forgotten character, trace out the strokes with an imaginary pen and the meaning will probably return.

>> No.1001175

I've memorised about 50 but could only draw about half of them..
Only been studying it for about a month though.
Should really apply myself more.

Needs moar immersion.

>> No.1001315

I'm getting pissed just looking at that picture.

>> No.1001341

Try Chinese. In no time, you'll be begging to need only 2000.
Also OP has 55 strokes by my count.

>> No.1001357


Unless you work for a restaurant, I honestly doubt you'll ever use that particular character. Ever.

>> No.1001365

Right, to explain further. There are 57 strokes in OP's character. The character is "biáng", which is ... chinese noodles. Biáng biáng noodles, specifically. Extra thick and long and tasty and fuck knows what else.

Here, a mnemonic for you - if you want to recall how to write it (correct stroke order and all):
一點上了天 A dot rises up to heaven,
黃河兩道彎 and the yellow river has two bends.
八字大張口 The character "eight" [八] opens its mouth,
言字往進走 and the character "speak" [言] walks in.
你一扭我一扭 You make a twist, I make a twist,
你一長我一長 you grow, I grow,
當中加個馬大王 and we add a horse king in between.
心字底 The character "heart" [心] forms the base,
月字旁 the character "moon" [月] stands at the side,
留个钓搭挂麻糖 a hook at the right to hang sesame candies,
坐着車車逛咸陽 and we ride a carriage to tour the streets of Xianyang.

>> No.1001376
File: 14 KB, 160x160, 1216002494821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and here's the 84-stroke character (Taito). Meaning "the appearance of a dragon in flight."

>> No.1001383

>Extra thick and long and tasty and fuck knows what else.
Reminds me of some handmade noodles I had in Xian. They were so good that sometimes I think those noodles might have been the climax of my life and that the years hence have all been a prolonged denouement.

>> No.1001395

That's harder to remember than the character itself.

That is not a character. That is several kanji stuck together.

>> No.1001413


Chinese isn't a language, it's a particularly perverse strain of masochism.

>> No.1001418

By your logic, the Biáng character isn't a character either, since it's just a bunch of characters around another character, eh?

>> No.1001448

I agree with your statement completely. It's just some shit made by the noodle maker to go "LOOK AT THESE FUCKING NOODLES"

>> No.1001457

Well, if that character came up to me and told me to eat the noodles, I would. You don't mess with a character like that.

>> No.1001473

my god if your gonna have that many strokes for one thing just draw it i can draw a dragon in flight with less brush strokes

>> No.1001476

I would agree with you but I'll have to eat those words when I go back to studying Chinese in a few years (currently taking a break to finally pursue Japanese at a decent pace). The characters aren't really the hard part, personally. The tones are what always get me.

Thank god Japanese does not have tones, but having 6 or more pronunciations for the same Kanji is almost as bad.

>> No.1001501

Tones? Those are differen't from japan's pitch?

And how is it to learn a language which is written one way but spoken like 20 completely different ways?

>> No.1001506

Tones? Are those different from japan's pitch?

And how is it to learn a language which is written one way but spoken like 20 completely different ways?

>> No.1001537

I took Chinese last year, and I have to agree with you on tones. I personally had a problem differentiating between tones 2 and 3, and between tones 4 and 5.

>> No.1001592

I'm doing Michel Thomas's Foundation Mandarin Chinese course right now (if you know it at all...)

he sets you right up easily from the beginning to get a.....well....decent idea of tones. Nothing near fluent, but at the point where I am (disc 3) I have no problems...but of course...it's disc 3

>> No.1001650

I studied it for 5 years (in public high school, so maybe 2 year's worth of a decent university-level course) and I didn't get tones two and three well until the fourth year.

>Tones? Are those different from japan's pitch?
Very much so.
Basically, Chinese is spoken with tone inflections that change the meaning of the word. This isn't to say that there is some "base word" and the tone makes the word vary in some way based on that. Instead, two pronunciations with different tones are completely different words and may not be related in any way whatsoever. The word "bao" is thus actually one of four words depending on which bao you mean (which tone you use):
1. bāo
2. báo
3. bǎo
4. bào
If that sounds like it will produce a million possible misunderstandings, you're right. In fact, 90% of Chinese comedy is based on tone-mismatch puns and the like. Thankfully since each is a distinct word, each has its own distinct character when written. This is not so for Kanji.

>And how is it to learn a language which is written one way but spoken like 20 completely different ways?
Frustrating because I'm used to Chinese where you can be ~95% sure that the character you learned to write as huān will always be pronounced huān, even in compound words. All told, it isn't much worse than some of the stupid shit English has in it, but it's more a problem because of how I learned Chinese and that method not working well when I tried to adapt it to Kanji. Basically I can read and write Kanji like a machine but if you asked me to read what I'm writing there's a very large possibility I'll have the wrong reading in mind for at least one of the Kanji, even if I used it properly.

>> No.1001663

I studied it for 5 years (in public high school, so maybe 2 year's worth of a decent university-level course) and I didn't get tones two and three well until the fourth year.

>Tones? Are those different from japan's pitch?
Very much so.
Basically, Chinese is spoken with tone inflections that change the meaning of the word. This isn't to say that there is some "base word" and the tone makes the word vary in some way based on that. Instead, two pronunciations with different tones are completely different words and may not be related in any way whatsoever. The word "bao" is thus actually one of four words depending on which bao you mean (which tone you use):
1. bāo
2. báo
3. bǎo
4. bào
If that sounds like it will produce a million possible misunderstandings, you're right. In fact, 90% of Chinese comedy is based on tone-mismatch puns and the like. Thankfully since each is a distinct word, each has its own distinct character when written. This is not so for Kanji.

>And how is it to learn a language which is written one way but spoken like 20 completely different ways?
Frustrating because I'm used to Chinese where you can be ~95% sure that the character you learned to write as huān will always be pronounced huān, even in compound words. All told, Japanese and its Kanji pronunciations isn't much worse than some of the stupid shit English has in it, but it's more a problem because of how I learned Chinese and that method not working well when I tried to adapt it to Kanji. Basically I can read and write Kanji like a machine but if you asked me to read what I'm writing there's a very large possibility I'll have the wrong reading in mind for at least one of the Kanji, even if I used it properly.

>> No.1001682
File: 53 KB, 288x291, 1216005374628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this! I'm just gonna wait until they invent something like this.

Plug yourself in and learn whatever you want.

>> No.1001995

How do I type this on computer? What keys do I mash?

I am not good with kanji.

>> No.1002021


