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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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>> No.13284310 [View]
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>Dear Emily.
>It would seem that my belief that war was not possible in our lives was wrong.
>This morning we all received a message from high command that said we were going to war over a border skirmish in the East.
>I don’t know what the future holds for the boys in the main fighting force, but I can only hope that most of them come back home to their families.
>Thankfully my unit has not received any orders to move out, and I do not see any in the future for us.
>I am sure that the war will be over in only a few months, and then we will be together again for the holidays.
>I am thankful that you passed along my letter to mother, and it makes me relieved to hear you are all doing well.
>If you get the chance, give the Petersons a jar of that whisky my grandfather made, it’s good enough thanks for helping you with the farm.
>I hope you can get a good deal for the crop at the market once it’s been harvested, you’ll need it if I’m not there, though my military bonus should help lessen your burden.
>I forgot to mention it in my last letter, but could you send a bag of apples?
>They don’t give us much fruit to eat here, and I have had the meanest craving for the past few weeks.
>Love, David
>P.S., the picture this time is a photo of me and some of the boys, you should be able to pick me out, I haven't changed that much since I last saw you, still as handsome as ever.

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