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>> No.45624391 [View]
File: 926 KB, 1023x723, __kaku_seiga_and_miyako_yoshika_touhou_drawn_by_ichiba_youichi__1eb166cc6f1b69e119d1fda0bed705fb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“As you see, it is a manner of knowing how to stack the wood to make the fire burn bright. If one allows to air to fan the flame, it will burn easily” Anon crouched down next to Futo as she showed him the art of making a fire. It had only taken a couple of minutes for the fire to be set up and be burning bright enough to offset the chill and darkness of the winter evening.

Seiga had already gathered the shrine’s supply of liquor and had poured herself a cup, honoring the time-honored Christmas tradition of drinking through your hosts stash of alcohol.

As the drinks kept being poured, Seiga noticed something strange. Anon seemed to be acting different from all the times she met up with him before. Maybe it was the warmth of the fire, or the glow of the lights on the tree, or the drinks he had. But Anon seemed at ease, listening in to Futo tell him how she valiantly vanquished the enemies of Taoism during the religious conflicts many years ago. Could it be that Anon preferred spending time with Futo rather then her? Seiga did have to admit that she had a bit of charm to her, like a puppy or a child that was a bit slow. But it didn’t compare to her mature feminine charm. Maybe Anon just had bad taste in women, he married that miko after all.

Yoshika, who had been listening into the conversation ass well, tapped Anon on the shoulder when Futo had ended her story. “I have a Christmas book, can you read it to me?” She held a small book in her other hand and waited for Anon to take it.

“Oh, it’s this book! I’m not much of a storyteller, but I’ll read it to you” A smile formed on Anon’s face, something that Seiga almost never saw. She pouted, but nobody seemed to notice.

Anon moved his seat closer to the fire, the light from it and the tree being enough to read by. “Every Who down in Whoville liked Christmas a lot-”

“And he, he himself the Grinch carved the roast-beast” Anon closed the book and put it on his lap.

“I did not understand all of it, but what a good story! To teach that material possessions can distract us from more important manners, an excellent lesson to teach children.” Futo said.

“I don’t get what the Grinch did wrong. They annoyed him all the time so he had a right to make them stop. Why didn’t he silence the witness as well? She could have seen through his lie and raised the alarm” Seiga shrugged as she added her honest option.

Three sets of eyes turned to look at her “I never thought of it that way” Anon added.

Futo stood up and stretched a bit “It is getting late. I shall make make my way back. I enjoyed indulging myself, but I think it is time for this night to end. Do you not agree Seiga?”

“But I want to stay. If you don’t want to watch then you don’t have to, you know” Seiga smirked and tried to move closer to Anon.

“Christmas is new to me, but I do not think that is in the spirit of the holiday. I am sure you can let him be, for this night, correct?” Futo rubbed her forehead a bit, hat jingling.

Seiga turned away. Why would she leave? Sure it was Christmas, and almost night, but it’s not like she had anything better to do-

“Yoshika, we are going. Anon be a dear and clean everything up. I’ll collect my present from you later” Yoshika hurriedly put on her coat and rushed away with Yoshika. By now, everyone would be going to bed, and if she started now she’d have plenty of time. If there’s one thing she learned from that story, it’s that the Grinch was no slacker and like hell she was going to let a green fictional thing show her up.
Anon and Futo watched the two hurry away, eager to ruin someone else’s night for a change. “I must be going. I have my duties in the morning. I thank you for being a most excellent host. Good night, and merry Christmas”

And with that, Anon was left alone in the shrine. But something about what Futo said about presences in the shrine still bugged him. He lifted up his drink. “Merry Christmas to you as well” He said to the empty shrine, hoping that if something was there, it heard him.

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