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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.40673596 [View]
File: 169 KB, 953x651, Screenshot from 2022-07-27 10-25-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I barely posted then or now though, so nothing really changed for me personally. I always ignored most of the thread.
Pic related is also how I browse the place. It helps being able to ignore a lot of garbage when it has a scrollbar next to it signalling it is probably garbage. (link poster is still my waifu though)
Smaller width makes for easier reading when you can absorb an entire post in under half a second, if not ignore it.

Definitely has. It's worse than this thread arguably. I've all but stopped reading it, meido stopped caring. Probably in some weird attempt to get people to move to /vt/, which is logically absurd but I wouldn't be surprised.
To be fair, this entire board, period, should be nuked, and should have been years ago. I'm usually not big on the whole "kill /X/" but fuck me this board went to shit hard, so hard half the damn community made their own sites to get away from it, not even /g/ did that and /g/ became macrumors for years.

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