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>> No.18523749 [View]
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As a rule of thumb, bond fairies are best used on your initial deploys: Soldiers, archers, merchants and vanguard/rearguard tacticians are some of the ideal first targets, as they will be deployed first in nearly every map. Conversely, high-cost and situational units can do just fine without CRs, since you will almost always have surplus UP after your early game.

Since your main soldier is Liselotte, and CR fairies should never be used on event units, you may as well hold onto the plat for a while. You can also use it on Clarice if you find yourself deploying her early in every map, and feel free to place a CR on other units you use often or consider to be cute, since you'll get enough to use them freely.

Also note that the chances are 100%/50%/25% for the first, second and third CRs, so it's better to go for -1 CR on your core units before risking your fairies on -2 and lower.

Chizuru has an enormous HP pool and higher attack than Hibari (the black samurai) at the cost of low defense, which you don't care about because samurai defense isn't particularly impressive anyway. She also gets a ranged melee SAW, which is always handy, but her real advantage is the taunt + dodge effect that protects your squishier units and outright breaks a certain mechanic in Aigis: some enemies attack every unit in their range, making them extremely dangerous to groups, but they apparently return to being single-target when a taunt skill is active in their range.

This is not to say that Hibari is weak either, she's one of the premier free tanks and has seen substantial use in majin clears. Samurai and bowriders have this weird trend where the golds and blacks are amazing while the plats suffer.

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