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>> No.45094780 [View]
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Seija had cupped her hands over her ears as to not listen to my observations.
It was decided. I didn’t know if Seija was telling me the whole truth, but I was bearing witness to a miracle here and it was far too interesting to turn away from! Making sure Seija made proper amends for bullying the small could come later!
“Alright!” I said, pulling out the miracle mallet. “I’ll use the mallet to help you locate Goro, that should make for a light enough penalty to not jeopardize anything!”
“Thanks.” Seija groaned, recovering from her ill feelings.
I waved the miracle mallet in the air and thought on our objective. For a moment it glows brightly and the air crackles before returning to its inert state.
“Shouldn’t be long-“ I begin to say, but am interrupted by a gigantic tarp impacting my face.
Furiously tearing through what I realize now was paper, I gaze out my window to see a flying tengu.
“Special edition!” She says, before speeding away.
“Damn birds.” I complain, rubbing my head while crawling over the newspaper.
Which publication was this even? How many ‘free samples’ did they have to pelt at the castle before they realized we weren’t interested in their prattle?
The front page reads: ‘Buddhist Monk’s Ominous Protest!’
‘The HSE has become a well-known establishment within the Village in the past few months and has been met with no shortage of detractors from irate business owners to Youkai puritans and religious protests. Meanwhile the Yakumo-backed institution continues to see great success regardless, but a new protest of one could finally threaten its existence!’
‘A man identified as Goro Nomura has been sitting cross-legged across from the entrance to the HSE for the two days, speaking only in twisted sutras, and refusing to acknowledge anything except the business in front of him! Numerous attempts to remove him have been made but were unsuccessful as Nomura-San is operating within a well-known village compact that allows Buddhists to exercise their faith even in commercial zones. Which one can clearly see on the post beside Nomura-San’s protest spot.’
‘” I find it comforting” one local woman said. “That building has attracted all sorts of seedy people, and nobody seems to be doing anything about it! It’s the most we can do to keep our children away from it and try to go about our lives.”’
While local support for the man’s protest is evident, major issue has been taken with his ominous presence and apparel, mainly the threatening, possibly magic beads around the man’s right arm and the doll-like construction of his left.
‘” We respect right Nomura-San’s rights to exercise Buddhism, however as a business we are responsible for our patron’s safety.” A representative of the HSE explained. “We are carefully monitoring the situation and keeping around the clock watch for any unlawful or dangerous activity and will make every effort to remove Nomura-San if he has proven in contempt of any village compact.
‘Goro Nomura is well known within the village and Buddhist circles as a reliable broker, handy man, and acquisition agent, one who has found work with various small Youkai groups and may have performed jobs for larger organizations such as the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Earth Sprit Palace, and the gangs of New Hell. This has led some to question if this is not an act of religious devotion, but an ‘activist-for-hire’ job in progress.’
‘” It’s obviously an angle. This guy’s no different from the rest of these follow-on [local businesses] and the fact that he’s using Buddhism for sympathy is so shameful. Expect him to be walking around with full pockets in a few months. In fact, I bet Yakumo is paying him off!”’ a local HSE patron, who wished to stay anonymous, commented.
Seija, I think I found him.” I said, looking up from the paper to an empty room.
I sighed as I grabbed my bowl and needle off the wall. Intent on following her.

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