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>> No.18513597 [View]
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>she's all sorts of ugly
That's where you're wrong, anon. Anemone is a cutie, and Aigis' world would be a better place if more women decided to fight in skintight, navel-showcasing school swimsuit/leotard hybrids. And glasses.

Butterflies are surprisingly neat animals, actually. There are skippers that fight with such vigor that competing males make audible sounds as they smash into each other, African swallowtails have been reported to mutually crash into the ground after pinning each other in their aerial grappling contests, and males of the Indian swallowtail are known to tear off their rivals' legs and antennae by slashing at them with their sharp wings. They're also incredibly lewd, as most moths and all butterflies have a genital opening that is used exclusively for sex - while the equipment of human women must meet the needs of both reproduction and childbearing, butterfly eggs are laid from a wholly different aperture, allowing them to evolve the ultimate sex organ that exists for no other purpose than mating.

Unsurprisingly, butterfly mating usually lasts for an hour or longer, and during this time the male may ejaculate up to 23% of his body mass to form a spermatophore directly inside the female. Also unsurprisingly, female butterflies are inherently capable of digesting semen, and will break down most of this nutrient-rich resource to feed their eggs.

I'll agree that yuri is leagues better, and butterflies are great for that too. There are many caterpillars that secrete a sweet, honeydew-like nectar to assemble a harem of ants, and some metalmark caterpillars even live in ant-built shelters constructed specifically for their protection, so you can't help but think of a mansion with a sheltered ojou-sama being doted on by her loving ant maids (adult harvester butterflies also feed on the nectar organs of caterpillars, so oneloli is fully possible too). There's even an artist on Pixiv who draws ant/myrmecophilous caterpillar yuri, you can find it here: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=33708921

Butterflies and moths also have exclusive mutualisms with many plants, from flowers with nectaries that can only be accessed by a single, specific pollinator (the comet orchid is so pure that anyone but her moth onee-sama is physically incapable of reaching her inner sanctum, for example) to yucca moths that co-evolved with yucca plants to such an extent that neither the plant nor the insect can survive without one another. Yucca moths also have mouthparts that evolved exclusively to pollinate yucca flowers, so I bet a yucca moth girl could work miracles with her tongue.

I've been hoping for a yucca knight in FKG due to this association, though bride Oncidium and Catchfly already fulfilled my hopes for bug-loving flower knights. A Yucca is also named on a single panel of the prequel manga, so I'm going to pretend that a moth-summoning knight academy student is canon in FKG.

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