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>> No.45065142 [View]
File: 379 KB, 711x790, Entirely safe doll construction technique.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>45055851 (15/?)

Dressed in her yellow vest and hard hat, foreman Shanghai directed the various teams of dolls as they each filled their role in the creator’s great design. What exactly that grand design is eludes Shanghai. Based on Alice’s instructions she was to make a house like the mean red one’s, but her creator never explained why that is.

Shanghai did have a few theories, however, and given the dolls had finally stopped trying to cut down trees that other dolls were working under, she had some time to indulge them. It may be wishful thinking on her part, but maybe it was supposed to be a home for Mr. Anon. If she remembered right, he used to live with the mean red one, but he couldn’t have been happy there. Afterward, he went to that other bad place in the village and that was super bad. Maybe he was like one of those hermit crabs from the stories Alice would read to her and could only live in specific kinds of shells. It makes sense that he'd need to live in a place like the ones he lived in, otherwise, he wouldn’t live there.

If that were the case, the fact that the site is between Alice’s house and the village makes super sense for a ton of reasons. 1: When Alice goes to the village, they could stop by for tea and cuddles with Mr. Anon. 2: It’s close to Alice’s house so she can notice if anyone tries to take him from his habitat. 3: It’s close to the village so he can get here quickly when they relocate. She knows that moving is scary for hermit crabs and Alice, so he likely wouldn’t want to travel too far in fear of predators.

Shanghai was about to move on to reason four, but her attention shifted to the sound of metal banging against metal in the trees. Drawing her razor sword, she and the rest of the dolls (except the ones that carry stuff in the air because she shook her fists at them for that) drop what they are doing and swarm over to face the incoming threat.

Reaching where the watchman doll was stationed, Shanghai sees a hairy dog woman nervously backing away from the growing army of dolls all around her. Raising her hands she says, “I’m sorry for disturbing… whatever this is. If you’ll forgive me I’ll be right on my way...”

At that, the youkai turns tail and runs in the other direction. It was to be expected really. Every time a youkai stumbled into the construction site, they quickly backed away after seeing the true power of the doll army. Still, if they don't give a show of force, the youkai think they could push dolls around as if they were weak.

Giving the signal for the others to go back to work, Shanghai tries to remember what she was thinking about before she was rudely interrupted… Ah! Why they were building this place?

If it’s not a Mr. Anon sanctuary, it could also be a house for Mima. Ever since they started working with Alice, Marisa and Mima have been sleeping in Alice’s house. Marisa definitely has a house and just likes taking Alice’s things, but maybe Mima doesn’t have a house? She’s never seen Mima’s house and she has to be going somewhere when she’s not causing trouble, so maybe she’s homeless?

She’d deserve to be homeless given how mean she is to Alice, but Shanghai wouldn’t be surprised if her creator was nice enough to give a homeless ghost lady a house. Who knows? Maybe it’s like one of those stories where the bad person is just bad because they’re sad and Mima will become nice if she has a house. While Shanghai would rather have Mr. Anon living in this place, it’d be pretty cool if Mima and Marisa left.

Still, at the end of the day, Shanghai can only guess. It’s probably going to be something weird like a magic building, or a really big doll house for really big dolls, or a place to put all those dresses Alice blushes while making and hides, or a place for Mima and Ms. Shinki to fight in, or…

Shanghai trails off as she watches a team of dolls who ARE NOT wearing their protective helmets wander under a tree laden with acorns. Her eye twitches for a second as she recalls the many many times she made it clear that the hats had to always be on, especially while under something dangerous! Do they not appreciate the time Alice spent making each of them a hard hat? Do they want Alice to cry when they bump their noggins? Do they even realize that Mr. Anon would be sad to know that dolls got hurt building his enclosure?

With building fury, Shanghai descends upon the foolish dolls. Unaware of the fact she’s slowly assuming the mantle of Goddess of OSHA regulations.

I want to make a b-plot with Shanghai, Medicine, and Shimmy now. Here's to hoping I can find the time for it.

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