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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.36804451 [View]
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"only read the parts that you like" wise words but you cannot deny that the person probably needs to halt and slow down and analyze the sentence just as slowly as the other person who doesn't skip.
I think skipping is smart for books that someone has already read translated but reading the original with japanese, or if you are reading a MANGA which has images to describe what's happening (a visual translation). Also it could be useful to read kana so you can read it faster and try to read kanji that you remember and you may see kanji that you don't know, maybe if it comes up a bunch, you probably should check it out.
But the problem is that if you are using yobisan, you could probably "read" Japanese just as fast as someone skimming without yobichan, and yobisan can really help teach kanji. So someone skimming is instead of learning kanji is instead learning other skills, but there is still value in actually understanding what you are reading (especially for beginner books that have words you really should try to learn, instead of anime specific gibberish).
You can instead learn to skip japanese by just watching anime, which will also teach you how to hear japanese and maybe you can try to recreate the sounds which are very important.
I only started learning japanese for 3 days though, so take my word with a grain of salt.

>> No.22105526 [DELETED]  [View]
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