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>> No.40644120 [View]
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"Glad to hear it. Two lolis, maybe Katsuko and Torako, had a special ability to not take damage from enemies under level 35, one went to India, the other China maybe. The one that went to India summoned Izanami Hades, there was information like "Indian people fear four things. The rich, the powerful, the charming, and death." the one that maybe went to China summoned Susanoo, the Blazblue Susanoo, though I don't know if there's much of a difference when it's a dream, I met Izanami Hades in another dream and ask "What's the difference between you and the one from mythology?" she said "It doesn't matter, locate your heart." Anyway, when Susanoo was summoned he asked the loli "Hey, do you think you can teach me self-love?" she looked at him, who might as well be a big lump of negativity, laughed, and said "Come on.""
"Hah. I didn't expect you to laugh, I don't think I'm very good at story telling."
"I can imagine it, that's all. Hahaha. You could use some work on that, yes."
"I never would have imagined my dreams becoming like this. Like that stupid "No one could have predicted him" dream, yeah, that includes me! I never would have believed I'd become The Demiurge. I was always seeking to go to other worlds in my dreams, but I didn't think I'd actually bridge the gap, even if in such a limited way. My dreams make me think of a daydream I used to have, about a videogame. At first it was like a walled off Victorian city, mostly abandoned. Though a gate at the North there were paths leading off to four mansions owned by great witches, don't remember much of the details I imagined, except one was filled with dolls, and maybe another with ice. After a while I started imagining something else. Well, I thought it's like my dreams became like what I imagined but I guess I'd already had quite a few by this point, but anyway. There was still a Victorian town in the centre, though now it was basically Bloodborne. Only a few people lived there, ah, also both of these daydreams were set in a place that was like a huge dome underground, that still somehow had a day and night cycle. At night it was dangerous. It was supposed to be a crossover video game, so you start off in this city with Bloodborne gameplay, and there's gates in each cardinal direction. Leave through the east gate, and it become Touhou gameplay, with the final boss being you. The north gate leads to Blazblue gameplay, the final boss is Izanami. West gate is Rance gameplay, final boss is ALICE. South gate is Disgaea gameplay, final boss is Pram. Beat all the guardians, then you unlock a fight with my self-insert, Uni. It's just a mansion floating up above the city, go in and it's a red carpeted place, there's doors along the way, you have to beat the four guardians again, then you can fight Uni. I don't really remember much of what I imagined, except it was Touhou gameplay, my final spell was Pure Sparks, where I'd summon super powerful lightning strikes. You beat me, and it's treated like the final boss, and the game is post-game, but there's a great tower in the middle of the city that becomes unlocked then, you go into it, and travel down far below, where there's only this tower leading down into an endless dark stormy sea. You reach some giant platform, and from the distance see the true final boss making her way over, the gigantic Tiamat. She's also a Touhou boss, though she's snaking all over edges of the screen limiting your space and attacking with her scythes, her spellcards, little monsters she spawns. Her design comes from one dream where I was walking around, a little sheet of paper blew over. I picked it up and it had all the Sumerian pantheon on it. A couple dozen of them lined up at the top third, only remembered a lava golem one, then the rest of the page was taken up by Tiamat. When you beat her the tower collapses, along with the roof that was holding up the world, which starts collapsing, and maybe you escape to another world with others. Anyway, it's kind of like how my dreams cross between these different worlds, not much originality, but they're cool. This reminds me of a dream where someone was saying you have to come up with your own microcosm eventually, while I was saying "I just want to make Touhou fiction" though I think I ended up making a story about generic witch, purple clothes, adventuring."
"Interesting. I like your daydreams." She really didn't seem to mind me talking too much, she concentrated on driving while listening. At this point, we were passing over hilly farmlands, hilly landscape is nice to look at.
"I like them too, in retrospect. I did it automatically back then, it sounds cooler when I talk about them now. Though I got sick of everything being a videogame sometimes. I'd get annoyed by coming up with stuff automatically while trying to sleep, like Tetris effect, or playing games automatically in the same way. Every game I'd play I'd imagine characters and stuff, though I never really created anything.

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