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>> No.45439775 [View]
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Seiga knew trouble was brewing. It started when the HSE opened and it only got worse as the months dragged on. Of course Seiga knew that when she joined up with Yukari, but the information she was privy to after the alliance really showed how bad things were. It might even come to a head before the year was over if her predictions were correct. It wasn't entirely hopeless,of course. In their corner they had two saves, the residents of youkai mountain and if course Seiga Ksku herself. There was someone else, but she rarely showed her face and Seiga didn't bother to remember the names of losers. Even if they lost, Seiga had a plan to escape and lay low until they all forgive her again. All she had to do is stick around to reap the benefits of this alliance. Valuable information to blackmail people with (Oh the things you learn in a brothel!) access to certain research materials that are hard to gain otherwise, and of course all the time she could spend with--

"Anon!" She cried out as she floated up to him hugged him, making sure to give him a good view as her breasts squished against him. When done she pulled away and dropped down to the ground.

"Hey Seiga, everything is ready for you" Anon said with his usual practiced politeness. Seiga had to hold back a pout. He still wasn't comfortable around her? Why couldn't he be more happy around her like he was like the others? Why if there was a way to make someone like you without being emotionally open to them and caring for their needs or killing them and raising them as a corpse, she'd love to hear it.

It's not like Seiga minded him fulfilling all the needs ace asked of him while she gave him little in return, in face this was her idea of a perfect relationship, but the idea of him loving her would make her feel so much sexier. But she did have something for him today. She reached into the small bag she had set on the ground and pulled out a cat ears headband and a matching cat tail. It took quite a bit of money to acquire these, but she just had to get them when she found them "Anon I got something for us. Take a look!"

Anon's eyes fell on the tail. "Is that a..." He said.

When Seiga realized what he was getting at she giggled. What a mind he had! "Oh no, it goes on with magic. Here, I'll show you" Seiga placed the cat ears on her head and the tail on the base of her spine. In a moment, both of them matched her into totally natural blue hair. The ears and tail bobbed and swayed realistically.

"Oh that is neat" Anon said, a hint of interest in his choice as the watched. Seiga knew she had him on the hook. Now to reel him in.

She did a little spin, raised her hand like a paw and gave hee best cat sound "Nyan!" It was then time seemed to freeze as the universe seemed to hold its breath. The very fabric of creation itself realized that never was, or ever would be a woman as sexy, intelligent, powerful, cute, wonderful, charming, witty, and morally dubious as here. Throughout the world, artists wept as they somehow knew true beauty showed itself as nothing they made would ever capture a fraction of it. Seiga seemed to be enveloped by a heavenly glow as she charmed her way into his heart.

That's what she told herself anyways. She actually held the pose for a few seconds and smugly noted the slight smile on his face. She dimmed the sura around her and pulled off the cat accessories. "Your turn!" She said as she handed them over to Anon.

He took them from her and looked them over, as if examining them for something wrong. "They're fine, just put them on" Seiga insisted.

Without a choice, Anon put them on and they matched his hair. He looked a bit uncomfortable.Seiga smiled, he was already so adorable, but he could be even cuter."Now what does the cat say?" Seiga asked giddily.

"Meow?" Anon mewed. Seiga went like her previous Love-Mew beam was reflected at her and pierced her heart. Why were scarred middle-aged DILFs with a history of physical and mental abuse so cute? She wasn't alone in thinking this, all the business around this place proven that. But the cat ears and tail were too much!

With a ecstatic gasp, she pulled him into a hug "So cute! Marry me!" Seiga herself wasn't sure how serious she was.

"Hey, don't kid around" Anon said, tail dropping a bit.

"Come on, I'll treat you better then your old wife" Seiga pouted. She was opening up to him. Why, that statement had a chance of being true!

"Cut it out" Anon snipped back as he tried to lean away from her. Seiga only tightened the hug and rubber her face in his chest. She still has the rest of the session to look forwards to. She looked up and gave him another request.

"They stay on until my session is over"

Felt like writing more Seiga. Not intended to be canon at all. Unless you want it to be. I just wanted to write a silly one shot before the thread ended.

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