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>> No.42035631 [View]
File: 299 KB, 1368x1200, Reimu relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writing out the next piece of 2hu fanfic in another thread, so pretty decent for a monday morning

>> No.41937585 [View]
File: 299 KB, 1368x1200, Reimu relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Satisfaction was something you haven't felt in a long time and it was a welcome diversion from the numbness that seemed to grip your mortal soul as of late. With a disassociated gaze you watched as Reimu's behavior changed from the demon you once knew to a more docile girl again that seemed to be able to actually express concern for you even when the irritants of daily life and her job seemed to harass her. Of course you weren't one to put her under fire and leave her be without comfort and you did what you thought was best to accomplish your goal of remediating the once violent miko. It wasn't a clear cut thing even after her emotional outbursts seemed to cease with the once inferno like intensity but you were adept and handling her by this point and you noted that it was thanks to your numbness that not even potentially violent outbursts phased you. You didn't try coaxing the demon out of Reimu nor did it wish to show up as it ran contrary your goals, you had to heal Reimu's soul no matter the cost to yourself to uphold your vows after all. You recognized the demon always lurking under the surface of the fiery miko's emotions however and realized that until you were able to stomp it down you'd never be done.
You knew you wouldn't last much longer if you weren't able to fix Reimu's spirits, everyday you spent together you found yourself gazing upon her as she spent her precious time with you in an imitation of what you once had and a part of you wished she'd snap again and become swallowed in another bout of endless rage. You realized that you were wishing for your own death at almost all waking hours you spent with her, despite the practiced physical contact and inflections in your voice to imitate the warmth you once felt it was just you going through the motions really. If Reimu realized this she never said anything, you knew her intuition must have been screaming at her however because when she thought you weren't looking she'd give you glances that gave away a complex emotional storm behind eyes that she no doubt thought were blank. As you sat there on the slightly battered wooden veranda soaking up the rays of light on a rare sunny day at the tail end of autumn you realized that you could've once found this comical, both of you stewing in your own emotions not willing to let the other in on it despite your supposed intimacy and love while you could both read each other as easily as one of Kosuzu's books.
As you predicted neither of you broke the silence beyond small words of thanks as you served hot tea and a small meal of steaming rice gruel with a bit of pickled fruit for flavor. Honestly if you didn't think it was needed for you two to be close to each other for her therapy you would've been much happier laying in bed waiting till the time to do the next chore so you simply filed this time as a chore in your head. The sun drenched miko glanced at you every now and then after she finished her meal, it was clear she wanted to say something and while you would've been happy ignoring her entirely you figured that it would only set things back if you didn't hear her out when she was conflicted so you opened your mouth first after moving your gaze to intercept hers, "Is something wrong?". You made sure your simple question had an underlying warmth you didn't feel as to calm her down and with a soft voice Reimu returned her gaze to just beyond you as if unwilling to look upon your face, "Its a dumb question but... you're not mad are you?" Reimu squirmed after asking this question a bit but awaited an answer nevertheless. That question wasn't what you expected honestly and you started thinking deeper then you thought you'd have too but once the silence fell upon you both like a smothering pillow you realized you had to say something so with not enough of a guard on your thoughts you let slip your real thoughts and with a tone that was as warm as the autumn breeze, "Ah.. well... I haven't felt anything like that in a long time...". You realized you made a mistake as soon as the words left your lips but such is the nature of such slips up and the storm of emotions behinds Reimu's eyes didn't subside at all as her gaze fell to her feet, you could tell she was conflicted as your answer didn't set her at ease but you knew better then to keep up the conversation once you let your mask slip as it took you a bit to compose yourself again and chase away the urge to let it out. You knew it'd only set things back if you burdened her with your problems as she went through so much.
The minutes ticked away and you put your arm around your wife in a calculated manner that you felt she always responded to the best, recently you've been initiating physical contact now that she has more reign on her emotions. She was still downcast not even daring to look at you and jumped slightly at the contact, but you persisted and soon she embraced you in a manner you haven't felt in a long time. Her tears flowed soon after.

>> No.41579452 [View]
File: 299 KB, 1368x1200, Reimu relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autumn 'mu

>> No.41345620 [View]
File: 299 KB, 1368x1200, Reimu relax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get Reimu pregnant
>every single youkai and their familiar start creating incidents
What is the next step in your master plan?

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