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>> No.34059952 [View]
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The matter being settled, the waited a couple hours to be safe and set out from the room. At this hour the lights in the hallway were very dim. Well, vampires do like the darkness. It seemed that some magic controlled their brightness at different times.

The headed down the hall back to the same chamber from before. Where before there had been sparse activity, at this time the halls were totally deserted and silent. The four were conscious of their own footsteps and breathing. When they reached the chamber, they quickly crossed the room and slipped through the door across, that is the door that Patchouli had early gone into to get to the library.

Beyond the door the hallway was much like the one that led to their room. The moved down it, on high alert knowing that now they were where they weren't supposed to be.

At the end of the hallway was a square room. At the center of it was a staircase that sank down into the floor. It had two glowing red crystals set on pedestals lighting the entrance.

Thinking that this conspicuous staircase must naturally lead to the library, they headed down. They stairs went on for a while, so that they could tell they were being taken underground. When it ended they found themselves in a cold stone hallway. Unlike the decorative hallway above, this one was bare and lit only by dim red crystals recessed into the walls.

Not knowing where the library was, they headed to the right. Like the rest of the mansion, this basement area was a confusing labyrinth of hallways. They figured that the library would be attached to the main hall, and to avoid getting lost did not turn off into any side passages. As they went on, the floor seemed to slope downward. It also grew colder.

Finally the hall came to an abrupt end. But instead of a wall, there was a lone white wooden door, just like the ones in the mansion above. And the door stood ajar.

"W-what is this?" Megume's voice trembled. "Is this the library?"

Before anyone could respond, the crystals that lit the hallway flickered and went out.

"W-what's going on?!" Megume was about to panic.

It was pitch dark.

"Sh! Do you hear that?" Shin whispered.

It was nearly inaudible at first. But they could just barely hear it. It was a sound like many glass bottles softly clinking together, and it was approaching them from the way that they came. In the darkness appeared a light. As it approached they could tell it was multiple lights of different colors that seemed to be suspended off the ground in a horizontal line.

Slowly the lights approached, until they illuminated a little girl. They realized that the lights were some kind of wings coming from her back. She was blonde and was wearing a white bonnet. With her innocent looking face and hat she reminded them of Remilia. She was wearing a red skirt and shirt, with white sleeves and collar, and a yellow cloth tied around her neck. If it wasn't the ominous circumstances she would been cute.

"S-sorry" Rin started "We kind of got lost and--"

"Are you here to play with me?" The girl interrupted quizzically.

They noticed that she had a headless teddy bear in her hand.

"Oh...I see... you're humans"

The girl cocked her head to the side, and her mouth spread into a wide and wicked smile that bared her sharp fangs. Her red eyes shone in the dark, with catlike black pupils. Dropping the bear, her nails grew into red claws. She stepped forward. Pointing to Rin she said in her little girl voice.

"You...you smell good. It's been a while since I've eaten"

Rin stepped back. The boy leaped in front of her.

"Don't touch her!" He yelled. This was the girl he would marry and he wouldn't let this youkai touch her.

With the afterimage of her wings trailing in the dark she rushed forward, slashing the boy and sending him flying into the wall where he lay unconscious. Shin and Megume had fallen backwards, frozen in fear. The girl stood over Rin.

"Don't go getting in the way of my mean when I'm so hungry." Her voice had become more monstrous. To Rin her mouth appeared to be a gaping black hole. Her eyes were evil red jewels belonging to a ravenous monster.

"W-wait--" Rin began, but the girl did not listen.

In one movement the girl slashed at Rin's throat with her claws, and her head rolled away from her body. Megume's scream echoed off the stone walls. But the girl paid no head. In the dim light of her wings, she tore flesh and broke bone, loudly slurping up the blood and viscera, and chewing chunks of flesh. Shin and Megume crawled to where the boy lay, but with her blocking the path, and with their legs not willing to move, the could only only watch the grisly scene. Megume sobbed and Shin held her, too terrified to make a sound himself.

Eventually the girl stood up, satiated from her feast.

"That was filling... I think that I'll you all now, since I get so bored down here."

Raising her hand, she pointed it at them huddling against the wall.


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