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>> No.34059124 [View]
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"Yeah wait till the guys back in the village hear about this!" Shin said, having laid back on the bed with his arms behind his head.

The boy only nodded in agreement. Suddenly Rin jumped up and with a mischievous grin looked at the other three.

"This is a golden opportunity. As far as we know, no other humans have been in this mansion before!"

"That's true," Shin said "I had never heard about it from anyone in the village before. Some strange traveler is the one that told me about it. Still, I never imaged that it would be this amazing."

"Sooo why don't we take this chance and explore!" Rin's eyes were beaming and she was holding her hand in front of her clenched into a fist.

The boy loved this about her. She was fearless and always took an opportunity for adventure head on. Though he said nothing, he was curious too.

"N-no way!" Megume sounded terrified. "Don't forget that youkai live here. We could stumble into some monster! We could be eaten!"

Rin shot back, "Don't be such a baby Megume. You like books don't you? Imagine what kind of rare stuff you'd find in the library that witch was talking about. besides she doesn't seem that threatening."

Shin stood up, "She's right. We can't pass something like this up. But still, we shouldn't just waltz out and get caught."

"Duh! We'll wait until after dinner, and when everyone is sleeping we'll--"

There was a knock at the door, and a young girl's voice came, "The Mistress wishes me to inform you all that dinner is ready."

They opened the door and standing there was a girl about half their size wearing a maid uniform like Sakuya's. She had dark brown hair and green eyes. The translucent wings on her back to them that she was a fairy.

"This way."

They set out down the hall from which they had originally came. Coming into the same chamber from before, this time they went through the doors that had been on the far side of the room.

This time there was no hallway. The doors opened straight away into a large room, as large as the one at the entrance. This time there were no windows, and a massive golden chandelier kept the room dimly lit. In the center of the room was a long dark wooden table, almost as long as the room itself. At the far end sat Hong, Patchouli, Kaokuma, Sakuya, and Remilia at the head.

They sat at the table. They noticed that Remilia's chair had much longer legs than the rest, but said nothing.

"Welcome, guests" said the Lady Remilia.

Fairy maids came from a door at the side holding platters which had various foods, some of which they had never had. There were various meats and even seafood, which was a mystery since there was no sea nearby. There was fluffy bread and steaming vegetables. Sundry fruits sat on raised silver platters like ornaments. Each guest had a silver goblet, into which was poured wine. Since there was only sake in the human village, they were in awe. The Lady Remilia received her drink from a different bottle.

"I can drink preserved blood" she explained, "but it is not as good as fresh blood"

They all ate and talked. The food was delicious and their seemed to be no end to it. The fairies came in and out, bringing new dishes and taking away old ones. Before long they were onto seconds, and then thirds. Patchouli always seemed to be one round ahead of them.

"So" Hong began "does it bother you to be eating at the table of a vampire with a devil and witch. Sakuya's no ordinary human either."

This time it was Shin who responded first. "You all are much kinder than I had heard. And no wonder, always getting to eat such good food as this. Who'd need to eat humans?"

Kaokuma laughed "Humans still taste good."

Patchouli shot her a look and she giggled. "fufufu just kidding."

"I was scared at first, but you all are actually really nice" Megume added.

Rin continued, "besides we have made friends with some youkai and fairies before."

Sakuya raised an eyebrow at that. "Really? You all think that humans and youkai can be friends?"

"Well aren't we friends now?" Rin replied "After all you did invite us to your table."

"That's true, but not all non-human residents are as friendly as the Mistress. Many will attack and eat humans, and humans justly fear them. Most do not care to risk finding out which are friendly."

"Maybe we have just been lucky, but we have only come across friendly non-humans, or at least those who are non-violent. I think that humans and non-humans should try to be friends. There are many things we could learn from one another, and many things we could share."

Shin and Megume nodded in agreement. The boy said nothing, but he liked the sound of what Rin had said.

Remilia nodded as well. "Yes I concur. After all it would be easier to get blood if more humans and us were friends. I need to get it one way or another, and when they struggle all terrified it frankly ruins the taste. It tastes much better when the human is willing like you Rin."

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