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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.45158533 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 720x1280, meiling drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44818486 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 720x1280, meiling drink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.43598736 [View]
File: 1.58 MB, 720x1280, hongdrinkling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Con't from last thread, archive is https://archiveofourown.org/works/47203450/chapters/118934587
I think I'll add this to chapter 3, it leaves off better than what I did before.

>"Beat her?"

>"You know, in a fight. It doesn't happen very often, since Remi doesn't leave the house all that often and usually just to view her garden outside, but sometimes she comes around looking for trouble..."
>"Really, it's quite something. Remi isn't the kind of person you can just *beat* y'know? For all her lounging around and impulses, she puts on a beautiful show."
>"Trouble with it is that miss Flower Power can put out some complex patterns, the kind you just don't get to make mistakes with, and is nearly perfect herself."
>"I once caught remi managing to get close in to attack, but now here's the thing, *she dodged it*"
>"That ain't no small feat, Remi's got the reflexes of a cat, and can damn near swing her spear at the speed of sound, and sunlight herself danced away like it was a , before smashing Remi over the head with that parasol of hers..."

Meiling continues on about the Danmaku game you've heard about from time to time.
Having never seen any, or been given a proper explanation on how it's supposed to work, you can only nod dumbly past the inital torrent of words and terminology.
The only thing you can glean from the verbal outpour is that Meiling both knows her stuff, and that Remilia is a hell of a lot stronger than either of you.
Inhumanly strong, in fact.
She never mentioned it, but it's totally obvious that you've effectively meet up with another inhuman monster.
As much as the prospect sends a small chill down your spine, you can't help but think back to her earlier words.
If Meiling is a youkai, and Yuuka is a terribly feared youkai, and both Meiling and Sakuya speak of Remilia in such glowing terms, she can't be that bad, right?
You're really not sure about this, but if you can corner Sakuya at some point and at least get a description of what to expect, then provided you watch yourself and mind your manners, you have nothing to fear, right?
... Right?

>"...Oh, and then there was this one time, when the fairies came round and fought me for my hat! Who could have known that they would want something like that, huh? 'Course, they didn't get past me though, nuh uh. Meilings are made from stronger stuff than people give us credit for."
>"Ahhhh, sometimes I wish I could go around doing what I want to, like that black-and-white 'witch, but I much prefer knowing I'll get a hot meal cooked for me at the end of the day."
>"Sakuya's a great cook you know, and you'll find out soon enough. Hey, you are coming right?"

You snap to attention.
That little internal monologue of yours cost you valuable information, and now you have to try your best to not appear rude.
Before you can open your mouth however, Meiling answers her own question.

>"Oh yeah, you wanted to talk with Sakuya about it. Well, I'll treat that as a yes then. I don't know what you want to take from her though, Sakuya's probably the last person you should ask for advice in that regard."
>"Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Sakuya's cooking. Y'see, she does a really nice thing with the meat..."

You turn off your ears for a moment.
Not to think about anything in particular, although you idly wonder what this 'mansion' looks like.
Meiling doesn't look as if she's from this place more than you are, and Sakuya's first language appears to be English...
It wouldn't be unreasonable to expect a western-style of house, you conclude.
You finally get a chance to eat your soup, which has cooled down a bit so you don't have to blow on it.
It's onion soup, which is a pleasant surprise. And it's perfectly salted as well.
Meiling stops her verbal outpour a moment to down a gulp of her beer, before continuing on.
It's almost like she doesn't get the chance to talk to someone all that often, at least, someone she doesn't work with you'd assume.

>"So anyway, what'cha got there, mh? Onion soup? That's nice, although really it should have some cheese in it, preferably a strong Alpine one. It's supposed to be Gruyere, but I think that Swiss cheese is close enough that no one will notice. Although I prefer a stronger one myself, so sometimes I take a little cheddar from the pantry.
>"It's not the most used cheese we keep stock of, since everyone else gets so snobby about it, but honestly for all the praise French, Swiss and Italian cheeses get, there's nothing all that much wrong with it. It tastes just fine, and that's all I care about."
>"And what's in that mug there, hm? The beer here is a little weak compared to what I'm used to, but then again it's not about the beer. Hey, what's say we commemorate this fine occasion with a little tot of something *stronger*, eh?"

There's a look of adventure in Meiling's eyes, and despite your reservations, you can't quite bring yourself to turn her down yet again.
Besides, it looks like she's buying.

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