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>> No.34227274 [View]
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Is it morally justified to hate others for being bullied? Are you making a case for morality because you have the compassion in your heart, or are you merely doing so to spite Ange? Furthermore, what exactly causes something to be 'moral' or not? What if I were to kill a tyrannical dictator, would that be justified? What is morality but the human attempt to create order in a society that doesn't want to collapse? If you understand that you will also understand there are exceptions for everything. Murder CAN be justified and has been. Legally, governments can't say they approved of the murder of a terrible person who actively harmed society around them, but nobody would care. In fact I would say that if detectives despised the person who was killed, some of them wouldn't even try as hard.

You do not have the authority necessary to judge whether or not someone is morally correct. Only God can do that, if He exists, and even if He exists I would question His authority regardless. And if you find yourself to be the kind of person who scrutinizes others for merely their thoughts, why not apply the same process to yourself? Every single one of us has had terrible thoughts. If you've held a baby, you've likely imagined what would happen if you dropped it. If you were at the edge of a cliff, you probably wondered what would happen if you jumped off. Such thoughts are perfectly natural and understood among psychologists and philosophers alike. Actions make the man, not his thoughts.

Judge yourself before judging others, and do not judge if you fear being judged yourself. Tell me, why do you hate Ange? What did she ever do to you? Do you see yourself in her, perhaps? Do you think she's annoying for showing distress because she's been tormented all her life and is effectively an orphan? What did she ever do wrong, have a problematic thought? At no point does Ange Ushiromiya ever hurt anyone, she is always just hurt, and she is more help than harm. She understands Ikuko's point, which is more than you do, she helps Battler's incompetent ass, and, despite initially being a problem in the Meta-World, she never actually harms her family significantly, has the ability to bring them back, ultimately realizes the truth, and is able to heal and heal her amnesiac brother while also writing many children's stories to make them happy. She's an accomplished writer, in the end of all things, and is happy. Is that truly the fate of a would-be murderer? Does anyone have the capacity to be Ted Bundy or Mr. Rogers, in the end?

Frankly, I don't see what it is about an upstanding individual who reacts understandably, and legitimately, to being assaulted physically and verbally torn into for circumstances beyond her control, after a life of grief, with a terrible, equally trauma-stricken aunt, of blaming herself for things she could not fix, and loneliness after losing her entire family to something she could've never been forewarned about.

Not only that, but she and Eva were hounded by the media and by citizens due to their connections to a widely publicized, unsolved mystery. She's been followed by the terrible shadow of the Rokkenjima Massacre for her entire life, and that was merely the last straw. How can anyone blame Ange, after having such a hard, horrible life, through no fault of her own? And she didn't even actually do anything, she merely wished for it. She was having an emotional moment, who hasn't had one?

So tell me, have YOU ever wished for the death of another? Has YOUR entire family died an untimely death when you were a very young child? Have YOU been raised by a traumatized, broken parent who seems like they don't love you? Have YOU been bullied and assaulted at school because of those circumstances? Have YOU been raised in a society such as Japan's, whose Confucian influences have caused them to despise and be distrustful of orphans? Have YOU been hounded by the media and people who you don't even know or care about because of something you had only a tangential involvement in? Maybe some of these things have happened to you, but certainly not all. So I ask you this, how can you, a person devoid of authority to impose a legitimate, moral judgement, with a lack of any evidence or real actions that'd lead to a legal judgement, and with the absence of the experiences that would lead you to understand Ange's perspective, be able to say with any confidence at all, that what she thought at that point was in any way wrong? It seems, my friend, that you just have an irrational hatred (perhaps stemming from a deep seated, psychological issue of your own) of an innocent little girl, lashing out at an unjust world about the things that objectively she did NOT deserve to go through, and that she would later come to regret having such thoughts and ideas to her imaginary friend, Mammon. It's clear to me that it is YOU, my dear, who needs to take your meds and see a psychiatrist, for this sort of hatred is abnormal.

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