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>> No.12192688 [View]
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interesting composition; where'd you get the drums from?



why did you blow up the playlist view lol

also to anyone starting out you could just save yourself time and check out the basic tutorials (search howtomakeelectronicmusic, that guy's got the best beginner stuff out there)

can't comment on mixing wise since don't usually listen to this kind of stuff so no idea what you're aiming for. Mixing wise its actually alright, though if you're trying to make it louder you just need compression on the individual channels.
Like the background arp, if you compressed that more you could lower the volume giving the piano at 1:34 more room.

Also dumb question, but what synth is that at 2:15? Sounds really familiar.

Have you tried getting monitors/headphones with a flat response instead? Would probably have you save time picking out stuff instead of trying to translate your mixdown over 3 different monitors

Suppose they both require different ways of thinking. Mixing and mastering's pretty easy imo but extensions, voicing and diminished harmony? that shit's hard as hell man

newfag here, the hell's that?

when starting out, don't expect to be able to hold a 1-hour session straight away. If you force yourself to hold it that long you'll quickly lose the motivation to start drawing since it'll feel more like a chore.
Start small, my first day was just 5 minutes of gesture drawings. Then 10 minutes the next. Then half an hour. Now actually managing to do hour long practices, with only minor distractions.

that doesn't sound like you're being awake that just sounds like you're having a harder time focusing lol

ohhh boy that sounds tough as hell; good luck though, can't wait to see your progress!

in that case will you check out my shit too?
link: >>12183298

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