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>> No.45201476 [View]
File: 452 KB, 2048x1536, okivaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll get no answers from me, you dumb gote!
I do love the silly ex-celestial but she's not my wife

>> No.44475746 [View]
File: 452 KB, 2048x1536, tenshi okivaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I'm not talking to an ill Shrine Maiden right now, since it’s your fault that you’re ill in the first place." Miss Tenshi said sharply. "Are you okay? I don't know exactly what she showed you, but I can't imagine it was anything good." I managed to shake my head. "Well, even divine luck can't protect you from everything. How's your head?" I couldn't answer, but I made some sort of shrugging motion. "Figures she'd put no care into dealing with a human. You'd never see someone behave like that in Heaven." She took her hat off and ran her hand through her hair. "You'll recover, I'm sure. I wish I could take you somewhere better, but short of abducting you and taking you to Heaven - and I don't think they'd be too happy to see me - here's probably the safest place for you."
"Better? You're lucky I'm ill." Reimu muttered. "He'll be fine if you let him rest."
Miss Tenshi laughed. "Oh, Reimu. If I left him to you, he'd starve in a day. No, I'll be coming back for the next few days." I wanted to thank her for her generosity, but I was still struggling to get words out. I noticed a distinct lack of any quick response from Reimu.
When one did come, it was a very quiet, almost petulant whisper of "I'm not the only one living here." I imagined that Reimu must have done something particularly embarrassing at one point, and no one was in a hurry to let her forget it.
Miss Tenshi got to her feet and stretched her arms out. "Ah...Well, I don't think either of you are going to be moving much today. I'm going for now, but I'll grace you with my presence again tomorrow." She cracked her knuckled and rolled her neck. "Ugh, I wish I'd gotten to punch that mind reader in her smug face. I hate that kind of person." I don't think I'd have gone quite that far, but I didn't feel all that many positive emotions toward Satori Komeiji right now. It wasn't like the first time. Then, I'd asked. Here, she'd forcibly uncovered the hole in my memory. It was just another reminder that youkai didn't think like humans. They didn't take the same considerations.
Was Yamame like that as well? For all this time, I'd considered her biting habit something endearing. But now...Could I think of it that way again? I wanted to pretend it hadn't happened. Perhaps I could get past it, but it wouldn't be soon.
I thought that if I were to see Yamame, now, it wouldn't end well. And, regardless of how things shook out, she deserved better than that. She had done far more for me than I deserved, and I still liked her too much to pretend that I could just cut anything off. I wanted to see her again, but I needed the time, without talking to any man-eating youkai, to let my mind heal.
Miss Tenshi had pulled the sliding door open, and I could see that night was approaching. "Having someone of my stature take care of you must be an exciting prospect, but it'll have to wait for tomorrow." Miss Tenshi had a smug smile on her face, but unlike Satori, it didn't feel like outright superiority. Close, I supposed, but not quite. "I'll be making you breakfast, so you'd better not sleep in." She finished with a wave, and then pulled the sliding door shut. I could hear her muffled voice outside, talking to someone, but I couldn't tell who it was.
Reimu poked her head back out of the covers. "There's a horrifying prospect." She muttered. "That girl cannot cook. She makes fun of me, but she's even worse." I didn't like the sound of that, but at least someone would be making something. I felt like my voice had improved a little, but not enough to try and talk fully. Instead, I picked a single word. I asked Reimu if she was really naked. She snorted. "Ha. What, did you want me to be? No, I'm still wearing my bloomers. You've already undressed me once, so it's not really anything to be ashamed of, is it?" I breathed a sigh of relief. Answering her question would have taken a significant number of words that I just didn't have in me right now. Instead, I decided to close my eyes. I did feel exhausted, just as I had when Satori had unravelled my mind the first time. "Yeah, I'm tired too. This illness stuff takes a lot out of you." Reimu said, settling down next to me. "Maybe by tomorrow I'll finally stop feeling so awful. Hey, now we can both be...what did Marisa say? 'Difficult'? I'm sure she'll love that." Reimu dragged by arm back around her to serve as her pillow. "Well, goodnight."
It didn't take her long to fall asleep. After a few minutes, I found myself staring up at the ceiling again. I was thinking about Yamame again. I wondered if she'd recovered from Reimu's gohei injuries. If she was in bed too. I didn't know how everything would end, but I did know that I didn't want to cut Yamame Kurodani out of my life.

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