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>> No.29323623 [View]
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This you Civia?

>> No.28318746 [View]
File: 55 KB, 600x418, 1577659796223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's examine the evidence, shall we:
1. Aqua's LoL cover gets uploaded on bilibili. Well, when I say "uploaded" I mean "leaked". Aqua didn't upload it (and didn't mention it at all on her twitter), and I doubt the JP management did given that apparently they don't control their bilibili channels anymore. So it's either CN management, one of the fan account people or potentially one of the CN chuubas. Given that the cover was uploaded right before a different LoL song by Aqua got uploaded on youtube, whoever did this had to have some kind of insider info to time it that way.
2. Since it's a leak, nobody in JP (or ID, or EN) comments on or acknowledges it. Yet Artia and Civia, in sync and using very similar verbiage, tweet about it to an audience that probably has no clue what they're even talking about since how the fuck would English speakers that aren't /hlg/ even know about something that happened only on bilibili (they don't link it either). Them even talking about this at all is like if Risu made a tweet joking about "are you leady" in leaked Gen 5 Ochame Kinou.
3. Civia is a massive Aqua fangirl, sure. But Artia isn't. In fact she isn't a fan of any holos and the only chuuba-related subject she can discuss for more than 5 minutes without faking being interested in it is which nijimale she would rather suck off (it's Kanae). Why does Artia, who doesn't rreally care about Aqua, go to Twitter to post something completely out of context that only /hlg/ and the kind of people posting death threats under every Coco twit would understand? If it's for Aqua's sake, why is it in English? Civia could translate it for both of them, since they clearly planned this together like their Twitch stream.
4. They're chinks. I know, I know, that's pretty fucking obvious. But what I mean is like every other person deeply involved in bilibili's holo community they must be painfully aware that the song became a rallying cry for chink antis from the moment it was uploaded. Given that chinks thought that something like Coco's T-word drop was intentional and planned, no way they're gonna think this is just some big coincidence from Civia and Artia.

All in all, as disappointing this is to see from Civia, for Artia this is par course. See, Artia thinks she's really clever. That's how we got gems like her congratulating Roberu or whoever it was on his birthday only to pretend she doesn't even know who homos are like ten minutes later. This is probably her brainchild of an idea. As hilarious as it is to unironically use the word "dogwhistling" on 4chin, I think that's what it is.

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