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>> No.21151690 [View]
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Imagine, MGE but it's written by Steve Irwin

>"Crikey, look at the size of this beaut, she's positively massive!"

Paladin Irwin was a legendary man, wrestling gator-girls and protecting the public from ravenous monsters.
He trained Order recruits into elite beast-tamers feared across the realms and became adored by both sides of the conflict.
The Demon Lord's daughters sent many (corruption)assassins to take him down, time and again they would fail until one fated day...

Paladin Steve Irwin died from a Stingray Sting. Not a Stingray girl but a literal stingray fish when he was taking a swim in the ocean.

>Long Live Saint Irwin the Brave

>Be a Captain of a small Order men-at-arms conroi
>Grave news sent shockwaves across the realms
>Paladin Irwin is dead, struck by a Devilfish that pierced his heart while swimming
>And to your bewilderment, you've been tasked with a most noble and important act straight from the Pope's High Council
>Recover Irwin's body so that he could be buried at his home
>You and your small wagon detachment retrieve him from the local militia who found his body, dressed him in blessed wrappings and put him in a wooden coffin made by the local carpenter
>You inspect the body yourself before they hammer the lid on
>Arms crossed and eyes and mouth closed, it was hard to imagine such a man like him put to this
>Paladin Steven Irwin, the Mangler of Monsters, the Crocodile Hunter,
>Some have claimed his deeds were nothing but exaggerated Order propaganda
>Those that know him, both men and monster, claim that if anything, they have been watered down
>The Swordless Knight, the Uncontested Wrestler, a fool would challenge him unarmed
>Yet his fate crosses with a lone Devilfish, what irony the gods play
>You set off with your men after securing the coffin to the wagon

>For days you travel across unknown territory, neither the Order or Demon
>Your men are wary of any trouble along the way, they opt to send large screens of outriders to warn of whats up ahead
>In rides the last sentry, frantically waving you down
>"The Demon Lord's Regulars coming this way! They carry their colors! By the Gods there must have been at least hundreds!"
>Dread reaches your men, you were barely a dozen strong, driving a wagon they were charged to protect
>There was nowhere to turn, certainly not back were the monster army marches foward
>This might be it, at least you could say your last act was something most honorable
>"We drive on! Onward!" You order, much to the confusion of your men. "Follow me."

>The army was massive compared to your lot, a dozen banners fluttered ahead of you sporting many a company
>You press on regardless, even as their sentries fall back upon seeing your men's armor
>Outward comes a small group of figures on horse, emerging from the mass of troops they move towards you and your wagon
>You command your men to halt as they approach, they do so
>Before you is a Salamander, broad shouldered, armor of intricate metal and eyes of gold, her retinue flanks her sides
>She eyes you, steadily looking to your wagon and to your men, one of her staff speaks
>"You are before Marshal Adelgunde, commander of these Sisters of War, you will be given this chance to lay down your arms, Man-Knight, and s-"
>The Marshal raises a clawed hand, peering slightly to her aide, she turns to look back at you
>You state your name, "I am not a knight, I carry no titles except as a soldier of The Holy Order. We've come for no war."
>There is a heavy pause, the Marshal points to your wagon. "Is that him?"
>You nod. She returns her hand again, closing her eyes and taking a slow breath.
>"I have orders to capture Paladin Irwin's body and give it to our magic-folk. But I will not, not one of my girls will touch you, your men, or his body."
>Some of her retinue blink and turn to her with faces incredulous
>"Ares is blind to race and creed, for bringer of war only knows warriors. He deserves a proper burial and not whatever abomination others have planned."
>She turns to her advisers, adequately raising her voice so they all could hear, "They pass safely! Spread the order!"
>She turns back to you once more as part of her group rides off, "Be warned, soldier. Others of my color may not see it the same." With that, she turns and rides back with her retinue

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