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>> No.46942321 [View]
File: 578 KB, 540x540, Hana wants pussy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana felt her face flush, so that was why she got that hit in… well if she didn’t know why… Sayori continued with true appreciation in her voice, “I thought I knew everything because Sanae-sama taught me everything she knew, just because I know the most of her danmaku patterns I thought I could take down anyone!”

For the first time after landing, Hana really saw the faces of the little clones Sayori was surrounded with, they were all bashfully smiling as their leader spoke. The crimson miko’s face grew crimson as well, “I-I hope we can be friends for real, and-“

A strangely familiar look came over Sayori’s face as she formulated her next words, “And, can you show me how you did that teleporting thingy? And the yin yang thingy too! It was so cool to see you teleporting and all- oh and what about the lasers? How did you get them to fire all spread out like that?!”

A verbal torrent shot out of Sayori’s mouth as the previously injured girl’s body shrugged off the danmaku inflicted pain. Hana looked over to Sanae for help, taking a step back as the girls all got that excited look in their eyes, but Sanae was powerless to stop the flood of girls from reaching Hana.

Hana soon found herself surrounded on all sides by starry-eyed girls, asking a variety of questions or simply just exclaiming how cool-this or-that move was. Worst of them all was Sayori, whose height and authority ensured she was right in Hana’s face, “And you gotta tell me all about the fights you’ve had with youkai, Sanae-sama even says you like picking fight with the wolf tengu when you go on picnics at the mountain, is that true?!”

As the girls clung to her, Hana couldn’t help but remember why Sayori got that hit off on her. While Hana was traveling around the constrained worldlines she was firing off homing seals from below to overwhelm her, that was when she saw it… She wasn’t wearing any… any… bloomers! Sayori’s ripped outfit did little to slow Hana’s imagination, I-it wasn’t any of her business of course, but to wear ‘that’ as casually as she did?!

Sayori must have been unaware of Hana’s true thoughts entirely, because as Sanae approached humming a small tune, she looked up at Hana with only a few inches separating them, “I wanna learn everything you know, please teach a lot, Hana-neechan!”

Hana was grateful as Sanae called out for the girls to give her some space, all Hana was able to sputter was a ‘s-sure-“ as they separated from her by a few feet. Sanae winked at Hana before addressing the girls, bringing up the point Sayori had about overconfidence. It was a nice point, one Hana had to learn the hard way… However, that wasn’t on her mind as the girls diligently listened to Sanae lecture them, it was on what the hell Sayori was thinking going around all day in that! I mean honestly, who else but a complete pervert would go around all day in something made for sex like that… Going around in nothing but a pair of small white panties… It’s immodest!

>> No.46727403 [View]
File: 578 KB, 540x540, Hana wants pussy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the Hana rape rondo actually be written?
Will I just time skip?
Will Hana recover from getting groomed by a 170000yr old eldritch horror?
Will she form a healthy relationship with the oni of sex?
Will she leave her mother's shrine on good terms?
Will she ever make it to Sanae's shrine?
Will Hana ever meet Dolly and her own deity?
Will I bother putting in some emotional confrontation?
I don't know and neither do you!
Join us next time on Hana's wild ride: the curse of Anon's banana edition!

>> No.45936797 [View]
File: 578 KB, 540x540, Hana wants pussy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana didn’t know when she fell asleep, only that now she had woken up it was quite dark. With the shutters down over the windows, the door firmly closed, and small lamp struggling to brighten the room it was hard to tell the proper time of day. In these few initial moments of consciousness Hana thought it might have well been a century for all the meaning time had.

Now that her senses were coming back to her, Hana could feel the chill seeping in through her tabi socks and miko outfit. A numbness was busy replacing feeling in the ends of those limbs as she cuddled up on instinct, rubbing her hands together she sat up. Using a leg, she pushed the sack of presents off of the disheveled futon, surveying the damage from earlier with tired eyes.

Sanae’s prayer book was tossed out an arm’s length away from the futon, the horn was a bit closer laying next to her pillow, and… a box? There was a green and red box sitting there upside down. Hana realized rather belatedly that during all the confusion of the day she’d seen the box here and there, but simply didn’t get around to opening it proper.

The freezing girl was about to reach out to grasp it when her mind caught up to her, it was cold and her fingers were about to fall off! The disheveled miko got up to her feet, patting down her dress where it twisted before she grasped her hand in the other. She tucked her freezing hands into her sides and endured a small shock, where were her gloves and muffler at anyways…? Ah, that’s right, she had left them behind at Alice’s during the hasty flight to the shrine.

Undaunted by the freezing chill the fine wardrobe stood upright and proper with only some dust on the handles to mar its beauty… as well as the teenage girl who flung open it’s drawers as she hunted for the- There it is! An older pair of mittens and shawl she got as hand-me-downs a few years ago.

Faded reds and whites made up the shawl itself, the fur that lined the end of the shawl was still the color of eggshell and warmed her upper arms. The mittens were more delicate, white with a red ribbon that swam around the wrist. Hana put both on with haste, spurring the fact that her warmer lounge wear was sitting back at home. It did help at least, while she’d rather cuddle up under her futon she just wasn’t tired at the moment.

Sighing and letting the warmth thaw her flexing hands Hana turned to face her room, and with that the memories of what happened before came trickling back. The memories cast a painful tinge on the sparse room as her groggy mind recalled the most recent events with her mother. Hana wanted to groan but shoved it down, sound traveled easily through the walls after all, and she didn’t want to give mother the satisfaction of knowing how deeply under her skin she’d gotten.

Her mother would just throw it in her face later, Hana knew her mother after all and that farce she saw… It was just a charade to throw her off. Hana had seen it before she’d thought, maybe that one time where mother apologized with sake-stained breath the morning after a bad night…? No, there was no way any of the times she acted the victim before came close to her performance that entire night. It felt different in a way she couldn’t describe in words properly, like at the party there was an underlying affection that Hana only ever seen in the eyes of those closest to her.

Quiet slippered feet walked up to the crumpled present, she needed a distraction and that little red and green trinket from the earlier chaos would be preferable to pondering problems as bitter as her mother. She grabbed the small thing gingerly and turned it right-side up letting the ribbon regain some of its life.

It was a rather appealing little present she thought, red and green? She thought the colors contrasted nicely; they were strangely nostalgic in a comforting way. The little box was placed on the dusty vanity and Hana’s curiosity got the better of her. Hana leaned into the box examining it closely wanting to see who it was from, though she didn’t see any real markings to indicate it’s sender.

She glanced in the mirror of the vanity as she leaned down, catching a glimpse of her own thick woolen vest. For a moment she glimpsed at her ascot, the old thing was as worn as it was green. Used for years, at least since she became a teenager, and as frayed and sewn back together as you’d expect. It’s a miracle it’s as stainless as it is given the years the objectively crude thing lived, it wasn’t that high of quality when Hana had obtained it either.

Her attention glanced down at the box itself, a similar shade to her ascot, and smiled at the seeming attention to detail. It was a small thing to notice something like the shade of a small accessory and favorite color, but it brought a bit of joy to Hana’s overtaxed spirit.

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