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>> No.44098676 [View]
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It's because KC went full retard and instead of remembering that Dwarfs are about 4' - 4'6 average in most fantasy settings as well as being built like brick shithouses went with the toddlercon route. Lolicons don't like them, people who like Dwarfs don't like them. They're single handedly one of the most bungled designs in MGE and I will fucking stab at him from Hell's black heart for ruining one of my favorite fantasy races.

MonMusu gets shit on because it's haremshit and because similarly to how the western fanbase operates with MGE they over-think the fucking series.

>> No.43240328 [View]
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The one fucking time Baalbuddy was actually based. Nothing like a woman who can drink you under the table and then fuck you so hard that it leaves you jelly kneed afterwards.

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