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>> No.45843420 [View]
File: 512 KB, 596x1200, Mindflayer105a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order soldier left despairing after the city he defended so valiantly falls to monsters
>a demon and bogey already tried cheering him up, but it just seems they couldn't get through to him
>no matter what, they couldn't make him like how things are now, he just can't accept it
>he asks them, monsters, who always win, how it's fair they always do
>the order is his "team", and he doesn't want to leave it, he likes his team
>so how is he supposed to be happy that his team never wins? that they'll lose in the end and stop existing one day
>they can't seem to find any answer to his trouble, so they decide to give him off to a Mindflayer
>Mindflayer tries to be his therapist and make him lose his despair but like the others that tried, she can't seem to make him happy
>his values are just too strong, he'll never feel satisfied until the side he picked that he devoted his entire life to wins, he'll never feel satisfied so long as it's still so unfair in his eyes
>Mindflayer takes him to bed one night and sighs as she settles into it with him
>he falls asleep as morose as ever with her holding him
>suddenly, he awakes to screams
>the house he fell asleep in is burning down
>people in the streets are running and crying for help
>when he comes to, he sees more Order soldiers charging into the city that was just taken
>a spark of hope comes to him, the city he failed to protect is being retaken for the Chief God!
>but then he sees the Monsters
>they're not cute girls anymore, they're back to their true forms! actual monsters! vicious and terrifying monsters that are killing people! destroying things!
>the monsters that took over his city weren't threats... but these ones are! and what is he doing? standing around?! people are being threatened... and he's a soldier!
>he has to defend the weak!
>he quickly retrieves his sword and rushes into battle alongside his comrades, chopping down goblin after goblin, killing monstrosity after monstrosity
>suddenly he gets hit from the side, goes flying
>a giant, muscly ogre with an ugly countenance snarling at him with a big club
>he's hurt, it's all so real
>but he presses on
>he gets back up and grabs a spear, yells as he runs up a fallen pillar and jumps off the rubble to impale the ogre and bring it down
>after a hard fought battle, the Order is victorious, and the city is retaken, the people saved, monsters destroyed
>finally, for the first time in his life, he actually feels like a soldier as rain pours down over the site of the battle, washing the blood from his face and wounds
>he feels accomplished
>he feels like a winner
>all the despair he felt was gone at last, like he'd truly accomplished his goal and made something of his life
>a village woman in a shawl comes to him after the battle, crying that he was hurt
>he accepts to let her take care of him and patch him up and she thanks him for saving them
>that thank you... it felt so genuine... it was... new!
>it felt so good
>he'd been fighting hard throughout the night, he was so tired now, so exhausted
>the village girl insisted he come with her though, she wouldn't want him sleeping on the hard wooden cots of the barracks after he slew so many foes, she takes him home with her and settles him down into his bed
>the chance to rest is so rewarding to his burning bones, he almost falls asleep immediately
>but not before he felt himself being hugged by the woman, who tells him how brave he is, and how proud he should be of himself
>he brings his arms up and hugs the Mindflayer back tightly
>he melts into her embrace in the bed as her tendrils recede from his ears, he feels so comfortable and happy now
>"Th-...ank you..."
>Mindflayer kisses him on the head
>"You're welcome, my champion..."
>she smiles and strokes his head throughout the night as he rests with her

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