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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.36944219 [View]
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1: This thread WILL be visited by a spam bot. Hide his posts and don't reply to him. Wait for janitors to do their work.

2: The bot often posts as Anacreon but most of the time pretends to be anonymous.

3: The bot replies to posts containing links to the updated djt guide and leaves hateful comments.

4: The bot is going to "recommend" you shitty sites and resources (previously debunked or considered obsolete) such as anime cards and itazuraneko.

5: The bot shills the following garbage:
> animecards.site
It's a scam site made by a person who only wants you to subscribe to his patreon
> learnjapanese.moe
Another patreon begging parasite. doesn't know japanese and recommends you to do shit that never worked. his teachings are going to set you back at most.
> core 2.3k
an anki deck that analfaggot made with a sole purpose to damage other japanese learners. it is based on a very old corpus and sorted in a way that makes learning harder. do this instead: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/basic-vocabulary.html
Read before you let them deceive you: https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/blog/resources.html#themoeway-and-animecards

6: If you see the bot advertising, link the correct resources so that he doesn't get any clicks to his spam sites.

7: His posts can bee seen in his thread. Just look at >>36944121

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