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>> No.47024047 [View]
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you're bluffing

>> No.45201254 [View]
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It took several days for anything interesting to happen. Yamame hugged me a lot, which was nice. On the second day, she found where I’d hidden her coffee supply, which had led to a wasted, if very strenuous and enjoyable, day. In the rest of the time, Yamame fixed up my sweater, complaining to me the entire time about letting strange woman bite me, mixed with complaints that she herself couldn't bite me. My remarks that being bitten by an oni who could probably lift a mountain really wasn't quite as great as she seemed to think I found it fell on deaf ears. There was a lot of "But she gets to leave permanent marks on you and I don't!" from Yamame in this time, and I repeatedly reassured her that I loved her, not Raki, and I wasn't looking to let her bite me. For a moment, I thought about saying that I'd love to let Yamame leave permanent marks on me too, but I decided that saying that would be the sort of thing to start putting strange ideas in her head, so I let it lie.

"What do you think about something darker?" Yamame asked me, sitting in her armchair up in her workshop with her legs crossed. I was stood in front of her, shirtless but with my trousers on, and she was forcing me through another long session of trying on clothing. "If you did work with Miss Hecatia, it might be more fitting." I frowned, lifting up what I could only describe as one of Lady Hecatia's t-shirts, though it was definitely not long enough to cover my entire upper body. Surely, I asked, I'd need an outfit for every version of Lady Hecatia, since the dark colours and reds would only match with the hell version. Yamame sat up, her chin resting on her hand, and looked between me and the very tight, very short t-shirt. "I'd like to see you in that." She finally said, and I sighed and draped it back over the nearest surface. "Spoilsport. Let me indulge in my fantasies, won't you?" The last thing I needed was Yamame coming up with weirder fantasies for me, so I gave her a pointed look, and she finally acquiesced, throwing herself back in her chair and shoving a hand into the pile of clothes she'd dragged over to sit next to her.

My feet hurt.

"Alright, try this one." Yamame said, dragging out a long-sleeved, red shirt. "And...this." She pulled out a grey set of trousers, slim without any additional pockets or anything of that nature. "See if the colours go well." I sighed, possibly a little more heavily than I'd intended. "Hey! No complaints, or I just might start charging you!" I muttered something under my breath about her already using my body for payment, but she tutted and ignored me as I slipped out of my current trousers. "...Or you could just stay like that. That's good too." I looked back at her over my shoulder with a slightly scandalized expression, and she smiled so innocently that I couldn't help but forgive her immediately. I shook my head in exasperation and pulled the new pair of trousers on, finding the fabric to be quite breathable. "Silk." She told me, and I stared for a moment. I opened my mouth. "Just silk. Don't think any further." I closed my mouth, but I stared at her with narrowed eyes for a moment. "Oh, er, it's probably not going to be great for the weather. Hmm..." I paused, then asked her why I was even trying it on. "Well, er...I might have gotten carried away." I turned, crossed my arms, then strode over to stand in front of her. "Ooh, scary." She said with a mischievous smile. "Planning to punish me?" Scowling, I crouched down, lifted the spider from her chair despite her complaints, and sat myself down with her on my lap. Then, ignoring her questions, I placed my hands on her shoulders and squeezed.

"Just what are you planning to-" And immediately, she melted. "O-Oh..." She immediately went slack in my lap, and I continued. I'd worked out all of her weak points over time, and it was easy to massage her into becoming incapable of functioning for a while. "Y-You're cheating..." She mumbled, trying and failing to lift her arms. "So unfair." I moved from her shoulders to her head, slipping her ribbon free. "Wait, now I need t-to-" I slid my fingers through her hair, shaking it free until it fell in every direction, and then I very gently began to massage it. Within minutes, I had Yamame down to nothing but a heavily breathing mess. Finally, I asked her if she'd had enough. "...Not a chance." She mumbled.

Of course, I knew by now that I'd get interrupted most of the time, so I wasn't all too surprised at the knock on the door. "Hello, hello~" I was a little surprised by the voice. "Miss Spider~" It had been only a mere few days since I'd heard Tenshi's voice, but it felt like ages. "Reimu says this is the place to seek out hapless men!"

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