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>> No.34058111 [View]
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"She's right Patchouli" The white haired one snapped "You should know just how dangerous it is for Lady Remilia to be out here in his condition!"

Patchouli grumbled something inaudible and Koakuma kept rubbing her shoulder.

"Hong!" The white-haired woman shouted at the red-haired woman standing beside her. "The umbrella!"

Hong adjusted the umbrella that she was holding. She looked down and to the side, as if she wanted to be removed from the situation, but her face still showed concern.

"You know Sakuya, we did walk alot farther than we planned, but it's hard to argue with the Lady when she get's like that. Still, we're only a couple miles away."

"Ah Lady Remilia, why did you insist on walking in the daytime when it had been that long since you ate!" Sakuya looked defeated. "If only there were a human around."

At that moment Hong's head snapped toward them.

"Shit!" Rin had stuck up her head a little to far.

"Idiot!" Megume slapped her head. "Did they see us??"

Shin spoke in a hushed whisper, "I have heard of them. They live in the Scarlett Devil Mansion. I heard that the Lady of the Mansion eats humans. That must be the purple haired--"

"Hi-ya!" At that moment there was a flash of green and leaping over the embankment with a flourish, the red-haired woman landed in a martial stance behind them.

"Now, what do we have here" The red haired demon was floating in front of them, a fire ball blazing in her hand.

They were totally trapped. Without a word of protest the four allowed themselves to be taken to the roadside.

"Good job Kaokuma" The purple-hat girl said in a haggard voice, looking up from her staff.

"Shut up you lazy mage, you didn't do anything" The red-haired woman snapped at her.

"T-that's not true! I'm the one who summoned Koa-"

"Who are they Hong?" The white-haired woman, who they now saw was dressed as maid, was holding the young girl closely in one arm, the other holding a silver knife defensively.

"Do they mean to harm lady Remilia?" She spoke calmly, but her voice told them that their safety depended on their answer.

"N-no!!" Rin spoke holding her hands out in front of her. "We wouldn't do anything like that! We're from the human village, and we only happened upon you. We were only curious!"

The other three kept silent, thinking that if they all began speaking it would only make things worse.

"You are a long way from the human village." Hong's voice came bluntly from behind them.

"W-well that's true." Rin continued, "but really, we mean you no harm! You said that the girl needs--"

"The young mistress" The maid said, in correcting her.

"T-that the young mistress needs blood. She can have some of mine." Rin pulled down her shirt and exposed her neck.

The maid narrowed her eyes. "We would have taken your blood anyway, but it makes it easier if you are willing. I am Sakuya Izayoi, a human."

"I am Rin."

At Sakuya's beckoning, Rin stepped forward. Seemingly sensing the presence of a human, The purple haired vampire opened her eyes.

"Lady Remilia, I have some blood for you." Then looking at Rin, Sakuya said "Don't worry, she won't take enough to harm you."

In a swift movement, the young lady grabbed onto Rin and sank her teeth into her neck. Rin winced, but did not cry out. While this was happening, the other's made their introductions.

"Sorry for the rough introduction. I'm Hong Meiling, youkai and gatekeeper." The red-haired woman said.

Hong looked at the purple-hat girl, who seemed to be barely holding herself up. "Patchouli!"

"Shut up you muscle head! I'm dying..."

Hong shot a little green ball of light out of her fingertip, which hit Patchouli in the forehead.

"Mukyu~" She rubbed the spot where it hit.

"There, there master" The red-haired devil rubbed her master's back.

"I-i'm Patchouli Knowledge, a witch and at you service..."

Somehow the three thought that she did not actually mean for them to request any services at all from from her.

"I'm Koakuma, a devil and assistant of Patchouli." She smiled at them.

"I'm Shin."

"I'm Megume."

At first the boy said nothing, but feeling that an answer was expected of him began "My name is..."

"FUWWWWAAA" At that moment the vampire and mistress removed herself from Rin's neck. "Thanks lady that was refreshing. Your blood is very tasteful."

"Ojou-sama!" Sakuya practically had tears in her eyes.

The young lady stood and with her hands on her hips proclaimed to the four, "I give you my thanks humans! I was quite famished."

Though she had the voice of a little girl, she spoke in a refined manner.

"I am Remilia Scarlett, Lady of Scarlett Devil Mansion. I give you my thanks."

Rin, not knowing what else to do, bowed. Shin and Megume followed after, with Shin pulling the boy's head down, for he would not have bowed otherwise.

"The hour is late. You must be tired from traveling and from having your blood drunken. Please, accompany us back to Scarlett Devil Mansion and we will treat you, as thanks."

>> No.33760818 [View]
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