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>> No.45515809 [View]
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Warning: the following chapters are incredibly silly, so if you want the plot bits, just read the first one.
'Let's aim for Sagedom.' I had said. Something so impossible, so beyond us, it wouldn't even be worth dreaming about. Kasen, Okina, and Yukari, we've experienced all three of these powers and been toyed with every time. Yuugi, someone who's strength I couldn't even measure, fought Yukari, and the gap youkai barely seemed harmed.

But going to Hell and seeing all the powers that be, they weren't so alien as their strength would suggest. Onis can get embarrassed, a Yama wasn't infallible, terrifying gang matriarchs made faux pas, and even the Goddess of Hell had a cute side to her. Maybe we could make up the difference in strength through negotiation? No, not unless everyone stronger died in the battle. In the end we'd need our own strength to take the spot.

Looking up at the Myouren Temple, I could see the construction crews at work. Building new housing and infrastructure to foster the next generation. But it wouldn't be enough. There were only so much charity to go around and some children would be forsaken. Mad woman like Yukari wouldn't care.

Could Seija do it if I inverted? Stand in her place of powerand change the reputation of a sage from despicable manipulator to benevolent benefactor? I'd have to bet on that, what choice did I have if we wanted a future for our kids?

"Oh, Goro!" Kyouko called, waving us down.

"How are you! I haven't seen you in quite a while and er-" she started excitedly, only to wind down after spotting Seija on my arm.

"Kyouko-tan! I've missed you!" I said, gently scruffling the little Youkai's head. "You're showing already? How far along are you?"

"A few months. You'd know if you called more." Kyouko said with a huff.

"I'm deeply sorry. So much has happened and, well, I'm also-"

I felt a gentle, but firm grip on my shoulder. It belonged to the serene mask of Hijiri"Goro, we need to talk."

Would a Sage walk into a trap? I think so.


Hijiri sat peacefully in the meeting room. But this was façade, and I didn't need the bracelets help to feel the fury radiating off her.

Kyouko sat, perpendicular to both parties, shaking nervously.

"My apologizes for having not written Hijiri-sensei, I'm really glad you all showed up for me really, I've just been so busy since." I said plainly.

"We've been to Hell and back. Also Goro is-" Seija started.

"Goro I'm not mad, I'm simply..." Hijiri took a breath in "...worried that you may be making poor decisions under duress." between her squinting eyes I could tell she was glaring at Seija.

Sagume's fate-altering ability seemed to be in full swing. May as well talk about something else.

"I can assure you Hijiri-sensei that I'm in my right mind, I've just been seeing the world and meeting new people is all! The Mistress of the Earth Spirit Palace, a Yama, a genuine Jidiao, even the goddess of Hell itself!"

"And Yukari." Hijiri added, looking at the white runes on our outfits.

"Say, did you hear that Koishi is pregnant? I didn't even know she existed until I visited the ESP and-"

"Goro." Hijiri stated flatly. "I've invited some friends and family who have some things they'd like to say to you."

From behind her, the doors spread apart and silence, quite literally, filled the room. Various Youkai from the temple shuffled in as well as an eldery man, Kazue, the oldest human practicing Buddhism in Gensokyo. Some of them gave me a nod, others looked at me confused, but they all brought a cushion and sat in a circle formed with us on one side and Hijiri on the other.

"Everyone together? Good." A rat walked in, presumably Nazrins's replacement. She held a solid black rod in her hand.

"Goro," She started. I feel like I was gonna get sick of my name today. "My name is Chizou and I'll be running this little event-... gathering, yes, a gathering of people who care about you, have been hurt by your actions, and are worried that you're hurting yourself. Now this is a sacred treasure of Lord Bishamonten I've borrowed called something too long and hard for you to pronounce so we'll just call it the 'talking stick'. Only the person holding the talking stick is allowed to speak, understand?"

I tried to say something, but the room remained silent. Seija also appeared to have words and started mouthing what I can only assume was vulger insults toward the rat's extended family...

"Good, it works. Now we'll start on the left of you, everyone will get their turn to speak and then you'll get a chance to say your piece at the end. No violence, only talking alright?" She smiled, enjoying the privilege of exclusive speaking rights.

Seija tried to get up to leave, but I placed a hand on her shoulder to bring her back down and winked. This was going to be embarrassing, but hell, these people were important to me.

Chizou tossed the stick to the left of me, where Kogasa sat.

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