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>> No.45075451 [View]
File: 1.11 MB, 3401x2436, __kochiya_sanae_and_shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_shinapuu__5ed86d4833912b2885ca2be9c47f960a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a quiet, stress-free flight up to the shrine. The ropeway seemed active today, meaning there would probably be more than a few human visitors present. She considered disguising herself, but threw caution to the wind. These human were on Youkai Mountain, after all. Maybe seeing a tengu would put enough fear in them to squeeze out a little extra faith for her allies.

Landing on the pathway leading up to the shrine, Aya joined the procession of humans seeking their own personal miracles. Most of them were unaware that the cute girl next to them could fly faster than the wind. Some actually noticed her wings and made space, afraid that the scary tengu would kidnap them, never to be seen again. One little boy ran up to her and asked if she could fly. Before she could answer, his mother rushed behind him and pulled him away, offering praises to the great tengu for allowing these lowly humans to set foot in her territory. It was extremely tempting to keep playing with them, but she had more pressing matters. With a smile, she spread her wings and took flight. She’d get the attention she wanted behind the shrine anyways.

Landing in a nice, open area that overlooked the lake those Moriyans brought with them. Letting the wind blow through her hair, she waited until a familiar green-haired shrine maiden came to meet her. The commotion she caused must have captured her attention. However, she wasn’t she her normal self. Neither the chipper nature of a curious outsider nor the mien of a shrine maiden trained by goddesses to lead her masses was present. Instead, she was tired. Recognizing Aya’s face seemed to liven her up a little, “Oh, Aya. What brings you to the shrine this morning?” Confident that her ally would tell her the truth of the matter, the tengu whipped out a pen and notebook, ready to conduct her interview. With a big grin, Aya asked the damning question: “Kochiya-sama, Miko and Goddess of the Moriya Shrine, can you verify rumors that the goddess Kanako has been visiting the HSE? A simple yes or no will suffice!”

Sanae’s face went dark. “You too. All of you dirty tengu… slandering Kanako-sama!” Sanae pulled out and swung her gohei in one motion. Aya dodged back, surprised at the attack, but even more surprised at the lack of bullets. Her confusion turned to pain as Sanae flew at her, swinging the gohei down hard on Aya’s shoulder and knocking her back a few feet. As the miko summoned a barrage of glowing ofuda to chase her down directly, Aya pulled out her maple fan and blew them away with a gust of wind. “Get away from my home you dirty crow!” With those words, Sanae charged forwards once more.

It had been far too long since Aya got into a genuine brawl, but her adrenaline started pumping hard enough to bring her back into the swing of it. Holding her fan a little lower than usual to deflect attacks to her abdomen first, the tengu took a fighting stance. Sanea struck low at her feet, tripping her. So she wants to play dirty, huh? Before hitting the ground, Aya summoned the winds beneath her to lift her into the skies. Sanae rode the zephyr, intent on keeping this fight close-quarters and inflicting as much pain as physically possible.

In a fair fight, Aya wasn’t worried about her odds against the human god. She told herself that being pregnant made it okay to invoke the backdoor on her to ensure this berserk woman wouldn’t cause any accidents she wasn’t aware of. Feeling the energy flow through her, Aya’s fan clashed against Sanae’s gohei midair, both of them sending forward heavy waves of pressure. Feeling a little greedy, Aya pulled out a spellcard, flashing a smile of superiority. “Thrust Sign: Tengu’s Macroburst!” Empowered by her backdoor, Aya’s gales overcame the human and sent her back crashing towards the ground.

Free in the skies, Aya watched as her tornadoes trapped Sanae in the dirt while she gracefully danced in the sky. She didn’t hold anything against her, but Aya wasn’t going to run from another indignant miko. Holding her maple leaf firm and true, Aya stared her enemy down as she charged one last spell. The Crow Sign should end this quite stylishly! Musing about the best angle to make a record of her latest victory, the tengu failed to notice a bright star shining down on her from above until it was too late.”


Aya’s body was bathed in light, sending her careening back down to land. So this is the hubris of a god. It hurts.

(Part 38)

>> No.36927531 [View]
File: 1.11 MB, 3401x2436, 5ed86d4833912b2885ca2be9c47f960a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to the Japanese - most of them weigh less than 70 kg.
People don't die from sudden gusts of wind, they die from obesity and diabetes.

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