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>> No.46876433 [View]
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I can always remove them and let Ayaanon post it as separate in the collection if he wants to. Just hope he's still alive and hasn't died due to cuteness overload, since apparently he was writing chapters involving Chen and Aya's four eggs.

>> No.46769048 [View]
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it seems Ayaanon has died, the poor man...
but at least Aya was in a good spot, so that should one more character ready for the Solstice if our man doesn't return.

>> No.45485098 [View]
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Following Eirin’s directions was literally paramount to maintaining a healthy body and home. After some patients complained about undisclosed side-effects to her medication, the common issue among these cases was failure to adhere to a schedule. While the effects of her pills were perfectly documented during the prescribed time frame, expired ingredients could alter efficacy. To remedy this, the good doctor developed a method to ensure, without fail, that nobody could take expired medicine: It would destroy itself. After complaints came in that the self-destruction procedure was too sudden, the genius added a foul odor to the sequence, alerting anyone in the vicinity of the explosion. Now nobody complained.

Alas, Aya’s experimental pills did not come with an expiration date. Flying over Momiji’s home, the reporter saw the wolf dragging a wardrobe outside with a massive hold burned into it. While Momiji might need some help later, there was a more pressing matter on Aya’s mind: Tonight was the last night of her reservation. The final day she had a guarantee at seeing Anon before her belly gained a little bump for two months. Without those pills, she was liable to break him. She needed an emergency prescription.

Eientei was bustling with more rabbits than usual. Less than half of them were nurses tending to patients. The rest were growing inside the bellies of staff, not gravid but still obvious to an observer. A sobering thought grew in her mind: Aya wasn’t responsible for this batch of bunnies, but the next wave was on her head. When the front desk was clear, the tengu stated she had urgent business with the doctor — accusations of Reisen selling illicit substances.

For two long hours the tengu sat in a waiting room, reading through pamphlet after pamphlet about different kinds of youkai pregnancies and child-rearing processes. Huh. It seemed that rokurokubi gave birth in stages. A particularly spry nurse led Aya over to an office, asking her questions about her diet and skincare. They had quite a bit to talk about: Even with natal supplements keeping her baby healthy, the inaba had to pick up the slack on maintaining her body. After a while, the nurse went back to her duties, leaving Aya to mull over the advice until the Brain of the Moon herself entered with a clipboard in hand.

“Good afternoon, Shameimaru. What seems to be the problem? Are you having difficulties with those drugs Reisen sold you?” The doctor’s face was unbreakable; If she didn’t know any better, the tengu would have taken the doctor’s lie at face value.

“First, if Reisen was these pills behind you’re back, you wouldn’t know about it—keep your story consistent if we’re playing this game. Second, they work fine. Perfectly, even! There’s just one small issue: The rest of the supply expired this morning. Now I’ve got a pile of scrap where my laundry should be.”

“And? You would have to update your wardrobe anyways with the changes your body will undergo in the next two months.” The doctor began writing notes with little care for the tengu’s complaints.

“That’s not—look, the point is that the medicine expired prematurely and now I don’t have anything to take before the last night in my investigation. Can you just make me one more pill for tonight?”

“No.” Eirin didn’t look up.

“Why not?”
“Did you not hear me? You asked me if I CAN make another pill for tonight. The process for refining the ingredients involved in nullifying lunar incense takes at least ten hours: Considering noon has already passed, I cannot supply you with the drug before your stated deadline.”

The lecture was infuriatingly condescending, but the reporter held her tounge. “Oh. Well, do you have any more pills left over?”

“No. They’re all expired. Reisen was supposed to finish cleaning the storage room an hour ago.” With that, the doctor finished her notes off and looked Aya dead-on. “These were tools to help you with a so-called “investigation,” no? Tell me, did you find your answer?”

“I did. Thanks to your medicine, I know the truth I needed to tell.

“Very good. In that case, do you truly need to take the risk in visiting the HSE again?” Aya’s head went blank. It was true that she made the reservation only because she had Eirin’s pills. She hadn’t said goodbye to Anon… but she might lose control and ruin everything she built so far.

“I have another appointment to tend to. You may see yourself out.” Unceremoniously, the doctor urged Aya out the office as she locked it behind both of them. As she flew out of the bamboo thicket, it only took a moment for the tengu to come to a decision: Of course it was worth the risk! Disappearing from Anon would hurt far more than possibly raping him for the rest of the night, basking in his warm body and thick-

No! She wouldn’t rape him at all! Tonight will be perfect!

(Part 61)

>> No.45324427 [View]
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beautiful bird

>> No.45169469 [View]
File: 40 KB, 1000x708, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_totoharu_kujirai_minato__cb023c77ce0fd06a80771383d126927b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anon getting back into a relationship with a woman who raped him and grifted off of his suffering earlier as a bad ending.
I wouldn't call that a bad ending, more like a bittersweet ending. Aya clearly cares and regrets everything, but unlike Reimu she hasn't done it again and again to the point a normal relationship feels impossible. She was also under the impression Anon wanted to be at the HSE at first, so it's easier to forgive. The earlier slander and profit from his misery is the hardest to deal with in my opinion.
With some work, it could work nicely.

>> No.44933149 [View]
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I'll stop dunking on Aya for now, Ayafren, sorry for the bullying!

>> No.44905197 [View]
File: 40 KB, 1000x708, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_by_totoharu_kujirai_minato__cb023c77ce0fd06a80771383d126927b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aya was ready to drop dead. Talking to Anon took up too much of her mental energy, but it certainly was nice: Aya got a chance to really listen to him, and now Anon listened to her. She was absolutely certain it really was him listening: He was worried about holding her hand so the pill must have kicked in by then. Every point onward had to be the real Anon, real attention, real kindness.

Landing at her door, anxiety brought her back to full attention. The gap hag may have rummaged around again. Preparing a spell card once more, Aya entered her home. After a quick inspection checking her incubator (still wrapped) and pill stash (ten left), the tengu rummaged through an ice box for an energy drink. She found a bright yellow bottle with a striking print: “HYPER BLAST ENERGY! KAPPA WATER Z! HARNESS THE POWER THAT FUELS HISOUTENSOKU!*
*Does not contain light energy or light energy byproducts”

Regardless of if the sugary drink came the Moriya gods or not, it perked her up. The cucumber taste was starting to grow on her. After another full inspection of her home, Aya was both tired and restless. Damnit. Might as well get some work done. Lighting a candle, she sat down at her desk to tackle the last quarter of her fake news… only to find that the stack had doubled. The new manuscripts were unceremoniously dumped on top of the last one. However, these had far less blank space. Instead, Yukari included pictures that were either obviously staged or poorly shot, if not both. Grabbing a few more Kappa Water Zs, the tengu got to writing.

The printers won’t be enough. Yakumo will be dead and buried, and Aya will photograph the corpse herself. It would be the first properly-centered picture Yukari was ever involved in.

Finishing the last piece of libel, Aya looked out the window. The sun was beginning to rise! She could’ve sworn she saw sunlight peeking into her house a few hours ago, how was it still morning? Maybe this was an incident in the making! Quickly heading outside to investigate, Aya ran outside, camera in hand, ready to investigate-

After the fresh mountain air hit her face, Aya realized the sun was on the western horizon, not the east. Of course she saw sunlight earlier, she spent the entire day polishing off manuscripts. Crap, that meant it would be time to visit Anon soon! Rushing to leave, she nearly forget to bring two pills. Maybe she should take her own pill now, just so she wouldn’t forget at the HSE. Giving Anon his was the whole point of the visit, but she had to take hers in order to keep Anon safe and focus on her investigation.

Reaching the Human Village a little early, Aya walked around, trying to keep herself awake until her reservation came. Her wanderings brought her to a house she barely recalled: Anon and Hana’s house. It looked desolate from the outside. She contemplated knocking on the door before remembering how Hana talked to her last time. What goodwill would she have now? Laying a hand over her tummy, Aya pressed down until she felt a small, hard object poking back. She knew what kind of life led to a mother and child separating; She documented the whole thing herself. Still, imagining the situation gave the pregnant tengu a unique sense of dread she’d never felt before. One that would’ve made her feel sorry for the Hakurei miko if she didn’t bring it on herself.

It was the dead of night and the HSE would finally be ready for Aya. Tonight, the kitsune simply gave her a smile with lidded eyes. Aya was too tired to care. Without exchanging words, Aya entered the dressing room. Pulling Anon’s pill out of her tokin, she hid it between her tits and the scanty, form-fitting miko garb. Anon might try to hold her hand before she had a chance to make him tea again and this uniform had very few hiding places.

The bright lights disoriented the girl as she made her to the shrine grounds. Focus, Aya. Put the pill in the tea as soon possible and make Anon drink it. But that was too much work, he could just comfort me instead… NO AYA! You have to get the pill in Anon! You’re here to investigate, not sleep!

Trudging into the main building, Anon gave Aya some greeting. Mumbling a reply back, Aya went straight for the kitchen, probably saying something about tea. First you put the sugar in the cups, then the leaves in the kettle. Then you turn on the stove and-wait what about the water… The pill! She fished through her clothes trying to find damn thing. Why was she looking for a pill again? Right, it’ll make the incense stop affecting Anon. Then she can talk to the real Anon and not the drugged-up Anon she raped that one time. But wait, wasn’t this technically also druggi-”AYAYAYAYA!”

Aya felt someone grab her love handles from behind and let out a cry of resistance before passing out. The last thing she heard was something clattering against the kitchen floor. Oh, there it is…

(Part 23)

Pill’s in your court, Ran.

>> No.38053974 [View]
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>> No.32213690 [View]
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>> No.26409530 [View]
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