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>> No.12658873 [View]
File: 134 KB, 840x545, the horror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They say it all started with one tail, just one
>That the great wolfuscape was a waifu once, someone's waifu.
>Now there is nothing but fluff as far as the eye can see
>It grows in bunches and clumps as tall as skyscrapers and as small and fluffy as grass
>Your clothes are made of wolf hair
>Your weapons are carved from mighty hairs chopped down and sharpened
>You burn wolf hair in great stinking bundles to stay warm and cook your food, cut from the warm meaty ground beneath your feet.
>You've not seen another creature that wasn't a giant flea or a tick in what must be years
>The world of before seems like a dream compared to this unending nightmare
>But you keep walking, hoping to find an end to the fluff on the horizon
>Maybe even find someone else
>Someone who will shield you from the howling land around you and take comfort in your company
>No such luck
>It's just another day
>Alone in this hell

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