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>> No.30435070 [View]
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Speaking of Greek Mythology, Hecatia is so fucking weird. Unlike most 2hus, she isn't really a 1:1 version of Hecate nor is much of the mythology revolving around Hecate used in the design of Hecatia. In Touhou, Hecatia is a goddess of the Hells of Earth, the Moon, and the Otherworlds, but her association with the Underworld doesn't extend that far in any of the myths or mysteries she is associated with. In Greek mythology, Hecatia has a fairly nebulous origin and her role in Greek society isn't exactly clear-cut either, though there is lots of evidence indicating what general roles she fulfilled in the eyes of the people of the city states throughout the millennia. According to Hesiod, she is one of the youngest Titans and the nurse of the Olympians and favored by her ancestors and gifted with the sky, the land, and the sea, which she was allowed to keep after the Titanomachy and given more by Zeus, along with the Lampades. However, according to other legends, Hecate is the daughter of Zeus or the cousin of Apollo and Artemis. In the Eleusinian Mysteries she is the younger sister of Persephone and a daughter of Demeter. She's served various roles as a liminal goddess, a miracle goddess, a goddess of magic, of death, and many other capacities yet most of these aren't really used or implied in Hecatia's design or role in Touhou. Though, it probably makes sense that Hecatia's design is more superficial compared to other 2hus because Hecate herself has never really been in the limelight compared to the gods of Olympus and mention of her is usually only in passing with any direct mention of her involves only secondary roles and nothing concrete.

TL;DR Hecatia is so fucking weird simply because the goddess she's based on is also really fucking weird. Fucking bitch appeared out of nowhere coming out of the Mycenaean Dark Ages and the only temples dedicated to her are in the lands of Anatolia.

Also there's her relevancy in Greek Gnosticism but I lost the book so I can't say much on the topic other than Hecatia being on the Moon is oddly fitting given her relation to it in Gnostic writings. Also I want to kiss all three of her and I'm sad that there's barely any art of Hecatia with dog ears and a tail wearing nothing but a leash and howling loudly at night.

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