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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.39428895 [View]
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I am bound to believe that /jp/ has much fewer South East Asian posters than /vt/ and I don't mean just because it has less posters overall, but per-capita. The evidence comes from the fact that this thread is much more critical and even mysoginistic. Although the Indonesians get a reputation for their autistic posts, the fact is that they come from a different place as the ones that surge naturally from 4chan, rather, Indonesians are a woman-dominated slave caste. One might be tempted to make comparisons to western modernity an it's fanciful liberal ideals that pretend to impose female power, but it is not so. They are not comparable, the South-East-Asian cultural perversion is not some modern invention that could be solved with a military coup or some kind of uprising. Rather, it is something pathological, something that is inherent to their DNA, because they are a subservient peoples and thus their society reflects that. With that in mind, it is easy to see that /vt/'s /hlg/ and it's calls to "unity" come from the same place as the high-school girl's drama that they claim to oppose, which is not the same as what this site usually calls "shitposting", since it does not come from a place of mockery and of self-concieved superiority, but rather, from the racially-reddit minds of sissyfied south east asians, which are (In most part anyway, surely there are exceptions to any example) incapable of the 4chan will to power exercised in shitposting.
-Dr. Ferenc Szakacs, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary

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