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>> No.46712083 [View]
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Feet moving before thought catches up, Hana stepped forward and struck her hand out, grasping the handle of the door and pushing it open in one flick of her wrist. The darkness in that room was impenetrable, but Hana didn’t care for such things. A slightly stale smell greeted Hana’s nose instantly, the dust was collecting just fine and showing off how much an annoyance it was by each step she took in the room.

Holding back a sneeze, the miko of sniffles lets her eyes adjust to the gloom of the master bedroom. The faint light coming from the hallway is enough to let her see the room in shades of gray, she could make out the futon, cleaned, folded, ready for use; like she left it after tidying up when she came home. It was where she’d leave it till she rescued her father, it was the least she could do for him.

Memories of that day played; of her rushing at that tear in space, not being able to overcome those stupid tricks, what she did after... Why couldn’t she have been stronger?! Her face flashed red in both rage and embarrassment, she gripped the hem of her miko’s dress and in the darkness could practically see the satisfaction Yukari felt at her triumph. Trapping Hana behind those barriers and letting her spend her energy attacking the air, till all she could do is watch in exhaustion and frustration as a disgusting youkai bounced on father’s…

Gulping down a ball of tension the frustrated miko belatedly realized she was biting her lower lip, the wet sounds rang in her ears, a-and when Yukari forced Hana close she was practically burned by the heat coming from where Yukari devoured father. The taste of her father’s lust, sweeter than any candy and mixed with the sin of Yukari’s love, stained her mind and made her shift her legs in discomfort. Worse yet was what happened after, when Hana had the choice to leave and resist…

Hatred at herself was backdrop for all these emotions, she knew what she’d do now and she hated herself. However, if she didn’t now it’d just build and she’d be frustrated the rest of the night and all day tomorrow. She was disgusted as she walked across the room to the closet, she then opened a chest of drawers that took up half the vertical space of the cavity. She knew what she was looking for, she was looking fo- wait, where was it?-

As if on queue a light rasp sounded from the main doorway, causing Hana to jump like a startled cat. Suppressing a yelp, she snapped her head towards the hallway, where another pair of light rasps sounded. A visitor, after the sun’s gone down? Leaving the closet as it lay, she walked out into the hallway with a call, “I’ll be right there!”

Hana was confused as she walked to the doorway, there was no one she knew who would ever have business with her this late. While she usually ignored the presences of others in the village, she took a look now; the only thing found was of the occasional passerby in the street, the neighbors, and the one at the door. A flash of hope entered her mind like match being struck, maybe it was Aunn come over to play? She did strange and whimsical things like this sometimes, but this presence… It didn’t feel human, nor divine… Wasn’t particularly strong either, couldn’t be a threat…

Hand ready over the pouch she habitually had festooned on her thigh, she could feel the weight of her needles and ofuda. Hana had doubts she’d need to do more than give them the 2# exterminator glare even if they were here for trouble, perks of the uniform she supposed.

Opening the front door, a little frustrated and already more than a little grumpy she roughly asked, “What do you want?!” Only to find no one standing there, the presence from earlier gone and only leaving shadows moving in the cloudy moonlight along the road. Did she get pranked…? Did the fairies find a way to hide their presences entirely? Nah, wasn’t their style to just cut and run without enjoying someone’s reaction, she should know.

She lingered in the doorway for a second more before the chill and foolishness she felt compelled her to close the door, and the security latch. Whatever fool of a youkai that decided to play this prank, maybe a tengu or more stable urban legend, wouldn’t last long if she got her hands on them, that’s for sure. With a huff she turned back, her mood somehow ruined further, yet the guilt and shame went nowhere, so she made to close up her father’s room.

Carrying that lingering heat, she found herself in front of the closet again, re-arranging the clothes she displaced in her search. She paused for a moment, that really was missing, though she always made sure to wash it and place it back after… In fact, she knew she put it back last time...

Like a crack of thunder on a quiet night, as Hana tried to recall what happened to the missing item, she felt a tear in reality form behind her!

>> No.45647558 [View]
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With a nod to the mirror and determination filling her eyes she turned around after running some water from the sink and freshened up a bit. That blush and anxiety were blown away by her resolve, she’d make them all understand, and while they might not become friends, she’d make them understand each other! She just… had to make sure not to mention the other side of their relationship… Even though Hana would love for them to accept her like that too, it was one step at a time!

The sights and sounds of the party resounded once again in her head as she stepped back into the living room proper, now looking her best and feeling it too. Much like she left it, the women were still in their separate groups, with a pang of guilt for leaving her side Hana saw how mama was so isolated despite flagging down Kosuzu and having what seemed like a little bit of catch up with the outwardly amicable girl.

As she approached the table a sudden thought formed, if she wanted to get everyone as friends and have a chance to get them in an open dialogue without the pointed banter all she had to do was show off to everyone how much mama earnestly loved her! That giant present was clearly the way forward, as there was no way that this could go wrong!

>> No.45332185 [View]
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Reimu, did I ever tell you about your husband I gapped? He was your exotic middleaged punching bag, a fine piece of jailbait from a more modern age. He had the tightest body and perkiest nipples in Gensokyo; barely legal in Tengu society. Hana and I used to doubleteam him at the end of every successful shift, and once in a while we'd even have the entire Tengu guard run a train over him, as part of his official husband "training" of course. In time, he learned how to handle a women handle better than anyone in the HSE. He wore a hakama everyday so we told him there was no underwear in Gensokyo, and since he was constantly training, you'd get a glimpse of his tight ass as he'd thrust into a former friend. It was surreal, and he constantly got raped by youkai and fairies almost every other day. It was ridiculous, like a constant porno Reimu, you have no idea. And he was a good friend.

Last time on the HSE(The Hakurei Shrine Experience):
>Keine-sensei loses everything after the Kyuun's husband accuses her of not birthing the next Kyuun. She then accidentlies Mystia's babies cause the bird is a bad bad girl. She doomslayers a small horde of feral youkai just to protect those little kiddos and finally makes it to safety. Keine really needs to meet up with the Kyuun so she can come home and bitch at her husband for treating her friend like that.
>Kasen stamps down a Ibaraki cult and instead of being seduced by Yukari and violating Anon in celebration she hijacks a gap. She then rushes to the palace of the earthspirits where she does the Arnold handshake with Yuugi and barges in on Satorin treating herself to a bean flicking session.
>Aya and Momoji have a hot threesome with Anon with lots of heavy petting and preening. After having their way with Anon and forcing Dolly to hide in their cupboard the trio engage in the most debauched and degrading thing possible, Tenguhammer 40k. The tenma soon to be bankruptted funding this hobby. Also arranges a meeting with Hana and Ran.
>Ran, Aya, Tetsu and Hana have a meeting of minds. Yukari's master plan of kidnapping outsiders to make into her husband has been revealed to all and the revalation that Yukari wants a family(a perverted one anyways) has been shared to all. Hana doesn't job and spill too much spaghetti, our little girl is growing up!
>Goro and Seija go down the to the palace of the earthspirits where Satori bullies them for no raisin cause she's a meany, also Satori's dog mediated with the meeting ensuring they didn't turn into paste. They then decide to wildly fuck in their room to bully Satorin.
>The Jobber gang plans for Hana's birthday, and Yuuka does shady dealings with Yamanba(probably)
>Chen and Yammy knit and Chen comes to terms with Human mortality, Yammy is the best aunt ever. Still can't prevent her sisters from visiting Anon enmasse.
>Takane supplies Anon with goods meant to make his customers more docile
>Biten and Yachie recruit a silly Oni to join their crusade. Is it a women? Man? Well whatever it is they are certainly Horny.
>Suzu joins the jobber squad and immediately gets builled by Mima, good luck suzu!
>Hana goes to therapy and makes the two Lunarians so uncomfortable they have to kick her out, Hana didn't even go past her first day at the HSE. At least she feels better now. She then meets up with Ran after bullying Aya into making a meeting between them. Hana manages to not spill her ofuda out of her sleeves at meeting Totetsu and learns her father was earmarked based on Yukari's initiative, he was gapped for the purpose of being Reimu's husband. Though Hana knows what she wants is to get a family.
>Thanksgiving special: Anon and the Tengu gang find Jesus, then utterly ignore all his teachings in order to live in polygamy island. Anon will never read american history again

This thread is for the spinoffs of the spinoffs of a fan work, read below to catch up.
OG work here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43718466/chapters/109935363
Read Hana's story here:
>“Hana Hakurei is the daughter of Reimu Hakurei and her husband, Anon. As the future protector of Gensokyo, Hana was never going to have a normal life, but it was worse than it should have been.”
Below is the entire story of Reimu and Anon's daughter:
>>/jp/thread/43744518#p43776208 | thread 1
>>/jp/thread/43824450#p43854608 | thread 2
>>/jp/thread/44478667#p44487729 | thread 3
last thread:>>45324060

>> No.45315434 [View]
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There was a strange tenseness in the air that Hana was immersed in, dampened somewhat by the cats that rested on her lap and around her. That tenseness was still obvious however, maybe it was the dilapidated house she found herself in, or even the note lightly brushed with youkai energy that gave her exact instructions of how to find this place.

Either way, despite the cute occupants, the house itself was one that you couldn’t just settle into comfortably, everything in it was run down just enough to make one feel uneasy. This didn’t even go into how bad the other homes of this abandoned village were in, which only compounded the discomfort Hana felt. It was eerie seeing so many perfectly good homes without even a trace of things that had gone wrong lay abandoned.

She supposed that the lamp on the table was doing its best to hold the moonless night creeping in through the open windows at bay, though its effects were mitigated by the way the dark of the walls absorbed the light. She considered lighting a danmaku pellet and having it hover, but she felt that it would only betray her feelings to others and decided against showing weakness.

The rest of the room was no better as far as homeliness went, there was little decorations on the walls except signs of scratches and childish scribbles made with once vibrant colors. Aside from the table, waxy drawings all over the walls, and slightly shredded cushions coated with the fur of many different cats the home still maintained a certain level of charm. That charm was severely dampened by the bare floors and lack of most comforts that any sane human expected, but that was Mayohiga for you.

Hana’s discomfort was only compounded by her company in this worn-out home, as at each side of the square table that sat in the living room was a powerful youkai. All of whom Hana knew by reputation or personally; from Hana’s right sat Aya, the contemptable tengu that tempted her father and held her half-siblings. To Aya’s right and directly across from Hana sat Ran, the shikigami who worked with that devil women; the fox’s only saving grace was that she was likely too emotionless to try seducing her father. To Ran’s right sat someone she only knew through name and reputation as one of the youkai her mother warned her against ever fighting, Totetsu Yuuma.

Totetsu’s comically large spork sat across her shoulders and Hana shuttered inwardly while trying to ignore her, Hana realized a show of force when she saw one. She should’ve vanished as soon as she saw her, but Aya promised that she’d be on her best behavior and that she was vital. All Hana could do was not give that Taotie the satisfaction of seeing her quail when her teeth flashed as she grinned at their meeting.

With the women sitting around the table and all assembled not much had been said, though Hana did want take the moment to complain to Aya that when she meant meeting, she meant a one-on-one meeting. Still, the meeting was starting as everyone had gathered and giving away any signs of discomfort would only weaken her position.

Instead, she took the initiative after the Taotie took her place and settled in after shooing away one of the felines with a gnash of her teeth and growl. Hana wasn’t trying to be threatening and use her ‘exterminator’ voice, instead she opted for her ‘business’ voice which lacked that dangerous edge as she spoke loudly and with a confidence she didn’t feel deep down, “Yakumo-san, I thank you for appearing at such short notice.” Hana bowed her head lightly, showing respect but not submission, “As I’m sure Shameimaru-san told you I wish to discuss your master, I hope to learn about her motives and confirm my own suspicions.”

Ran joined her sleeves as she stared directly into Hana’s eyes, her tails swished around behind her back gently disturbing the air. For a moment Hana thought she wasn’t going to speak until the fox seemed to finish weighing her words, “I do know of your reason for calling me, though I can’t say that I understand your desire. Tell me, what use do you have for learning about my master?”

Hana was careful with her words, she knew that Ran was powerful, and if she thought that Hana would use this information to try and bring about Yukari’s downfall it’d be all Hana could do to escape. Knowing full well that even the prospects of her escaping from both of these youkai would be poor she spoke, “Yukari-san is no friend of mine, she destroyed the life of my father and took away our happiness.” Ran squinted at Hana, as if appraising her, “However, I suspect she isn’t too far gone as to not see sense. I have a feeling that somethings been building up inside her for quite some time. I believe if I can confirm my belief, I may be able to win back my father’s freedom before things get worse.”

>> No.45173390 [View]
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The world was inky black and reality faded in and out as her subconscious struggled to retain control of her awareness. Eventually, her conscious mind won out and Hana opened her eyes truly taking in her surroundings.

It was dark, well no surprise there. Her eyes were barely adjusted to the darkness, only minor amounts of light seeping in through the windows and the illuminated panes of the paper sliding door that made up the entrance to this room. Still, from what she could see, which admittedly wasn’t much, the room itself and even the door had a eerily familiar vibe. It was uncanny in how much she recognized this room, yet she just couldn’t put her finger on it.

She let the lines of the world relax, arcing them out of the windows and into the world beyond. It… was even worse now, that uncanny feeling, she let her vision dart around as much as it could with her ability until it hit her like a sack of rocks. The forest on to the edge of the field, the layout of the building she was in, the distinctive form of the building itself… She was in the shrine…!

Her vision snapped back to ‘normal’ as she tried getting up. She didn’t realize it at first, being that she was dressed in her winter’s outfit but she seemed to be on a very plush futon sitting on a raised wooden platform. Hana soon found that she was unable to get up, her arms, legs, and even waist seemed bound. Well, no matter, Hana let the world lines squeeze and opened up endless possibilities. Seeing the shortest route to ‘stand’ she took it.

Except that she didn’t budge!

Panic was starting to set in now, she tried using her ability to fly in order to levitate enough to move ‘into’ the mattress, it would help her to shrink her body enough to be free of any restraints.

Except that once again she didn’t budge…

She looked at her arms in the dim lighting, not finding anything worth noting in the gray on black of the world she found herself in. She pulled her arms and legs trying to physically free herself, only to realize that she felt no push back from anything as mundane as rope or even chain. There wasn’t even the silken feel of softer cloth restraints. Now that she was able to focus she felt it, magic!

She tried ‘reading’ that magic, finding it was only simple in part. It was a simple spell at heart but the complexity of the security system on these was astounding, she never even saw anything remotely similar in Marisa’s spells and it was more akin to what she saw in those damnable barriers.

Hana wanted to shout, if she was at the fake shrine then her father was here! Before the words escaped her lips, she heard shouting come from another room at the shrine; it was her father’s voice?! Is he in trouble?! Hana tried listening in as she flutily struggled against the restraints, only able to catch snippets of it.

Her father’s voice was like thunder, “You monster you want me to do what?!” Hana had never heard him so angry before, “Isn’t this game enough for you Yukari?!”.

What sounded like silence followed, but in truth she merely couldn’t hear the other side of this conversation. For a few uneasy moments Hana squirmed in silence till she heard her father’s voice again though it was more muted, it was still angry. The voices quieted down again till even her father’s voice was gone as if absorbed into the wood frame of the shrine.

A sudden shout of anger from her father made her jump as something beyond the door of her prison clattered loudly, it was sadly a sound she recognized. The sound of a table spilling its contents as it was flipped by an angered hand. Hana heard the sounds of flesh hitting flesh as her father yelled in rage, “You won’t touch her again! Not again!”

Then as suddenly as that outburst began, it ended. It was silent for a few minutes; she could hear whispers of Yukari’s voice now. It was simply too low for the miko-in-training to decipher, as the minutes egged onwards, she heard another sound: the sounds of desperation.

Silence again… and somehow this one was the most painful of all, Hana breathed in and out trying to listen to anything happening. Even trying to let her vision wonder outside the windows again, maybe she could angle it so she could see what’s happening through an open window or door?

As she once again squeezed the lines of the world, she struggled to find the right path, until suddenly her breath cut off. She was choking?! Her eyes shot around as she gasped for air that couldn’t come. But nobody was around her?!

Hana could see nothing, but she could feel it, a barrier formed inside of her throat!

>> No.45157182 [View]
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aw, a sweet moment with her three new youkai mothers! If that doesn't at least mitigate her racism a notch, Hana is truly a lost cause
Today, in things Hana will ultimately regret!

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