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>> No.45023923 [View]
File: 60 KB, 850x922, __houjuu_nue_touhou_drawn_by_dmebgsa3__sample-d3ce1f2cf4a44ff01eeb0b9c05f5caf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Oh, around and unidentifiable as always.” She said hitting me in a gut.
She turns to Goro. “Goro-kun! I haven’t seen you in so long after our last arrangement, did you pick up Seija as a fallback girl?”
No way. “Nue, you know this guy? He seriously said you were pregnant and that he was working for you while I was beating him to a pulp.”
“Yeah, that’s right, although I had Futatsuiwa-san arrange the details because I knew he’d say no if I should up.” She pouted. “Don’t worry though, Seija wouldn’t have stopped even if she knew it was true.”
I nod affirmatively.
Hold on! “Wait, so you’re actually pregnant?!” I asked.
Nue rubs her belly in a sickeningly motherly way. “Yes, Anon is the father.”
“Didn’t take you for the type to fall for a man whore.” I say matter-of-factly.
“Ha, that’s rich coming from the woman who risked stepping on Myouren temple grounds after what Hijiri did to you last time just because you couldn’t leave your boy friend alone for his business appointment.” She laughed, twirling in the air as she did.
Was she following us? No, Nue loved nothing more than making you confused about where she was or wasn’t. It wasn’t worth getting hung up on.
“Nue-kun, I’ve been out for a while and need to know about some things. Has anything new happened at the HSE? And how’s this Nazrin replacement doing?” Goro interjected.
“Hmm, well there’s all sorts of pop-up shops setting up around that join, nothing that mysterious though. I did manage to nag something interesting from a worker’s pocket.” She tossed something that looked like a rock to Goro.
“Don’t ask me who though, I was checking too many backsides to keep track of.” She shrugged.
He flipped the thing over, felt it up, held it to the sun, smelled it, and did all those other appraisers do to scam their marks. Ah, gross, is he licking it?
“Magical receiver, right?” he asked, spinning it in his hand.
Nue nodded. “Best guess would be that it needs to connect to something pretty far away for being so big.”
He tossed it to me, right at my face to you spiteful con! of course, I caught it.
“Could you invert that?” He asked.
I looked at the thing but didn’t go the whole nine yards on molesting it. “You mean turn it inside out? No, thing’s solid so there’s nothing to flip. Do you mean make it a transmitter instead?”
“I think it’s a signaling device for the HSE, if we’re lucky it’s one for where Anon’s trapped in. If that thing works, we have a private line to him.” He explained.
“Feeling lonely so you need a pen pal? Cute.” I said, waving the rock at him with my other hand on my hip.
He crossed his arms. “You ever talk to someone across one of Yukari’s gaps? Across time?” He asked.
“What are you getting at, just spit it out fool, Yukari’s gap-oh”
Yukari’s boundaries were always tricky to deal with. Even if you got past all the weird and perverse conditions she thought up, it’s likely that she INTENDED you to do just that. But if this little rock was an intentional back door, that could open possibilities.
I slip it into my dress pocket, Goro doesn’t seem to protest.
“As for the new rat, Chisy? Chisaszzy? Chisazu? She’s got a chip on her shoulder and took over Nazrin’s position after this happened.” Nue patted her belly. “I think she’s definitely still talking to Nazrin somehow, but she’s got a phobia of me and won’t let me in her office, which is all fine and good so long as she’s afraid.”
I can see Goro think on this. Think harder idiot some of us are bored here.
“The Outcast God.” He speaks.
Just say her name you coward.
“Okina?” Nue asked, blinking.
“It certainly fits the puzzle, not like she would serve one of the hidden Shinto gods, Moriya, or any of the deities stewing in hell. Plus, she wouldn’t miss the chance to put egg on Yukari’s face.” Goro answered.
“Well, I could’ve told you that for free! She gave me a little thrashing for corrupting the youth when I was doing business with the outside.” Nue says, shrugging.
“Perverted Nue, what did you do this time-“Goro laughs, shaking his head before stopping. “What were you trading with the Outsiders?”
“Just some things we’ll need if worse comes to worse, worry about it some.” Nue says, smiling.
“Nue, I swear if you were trading arms…” Goro begins.
“Oh, shut up, can we leave already? Nue isn’t going to tell you anything when she gets like this.” I exclaim, bored of all this conversation.
Goro shakes his head and regains his composure. “Don’t use those weapons, if you do, forget about a future for your child.” Goro said to Nue, before following me.

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