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>> No.45428700 [View]
File: 279 KB, 897x1519, __kamishirasawa_keine_touhou_drawn_by_stella_pokopokobanana__9b8a6d5c99d3783d873bd2fdef6db7df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"That's a… dangerous plan, Keine." Suzu remarks, eyes tense and mouth plain, cogs twisting behind her eyes. In her arms was Kuramochi, face perched over her towel-covered shoulder, slowly but rhythmically Suzu taps his back, careful as to not disturb the wings; in my own hands lays an already asleep Aki, which I clenched ever so slightly, looking out of the kitchen's window—clouds hid the full Moon.

"I know, but might also be my best alternative to kick-start this—it all started with rumors, people talking to each other… if even one person reads this letter, Suzu…" We glance at the letter resting on the table—something akin to a clarification. Not overly big so it’s not a chore to read, yet not too small as to not pass its message, such message being the truth. A simplification of events, but with all cores, mainly the starting lie; the societal peer pressure and Mr. Hieda’s sole motive to fire me being thinking I'd birth Akyuu, then the spread of false rumors of abortion. Made to generate as much empathy as possible while keeping to the truth, though it lacks a lot of information and many details are rather vague—which is intentional: it'll make people want to know more, preferably from the source. "… If even one person reads, the rest of the village will know. And if they know, they'll question it."

My face was calm, but my heart raced. The moment I go out to spread this letter, will be the moment things go down: questioning will begin and with people coming to me for answers, Kuramochi's and Aki's existence will be known… and though there'll be rage, quenching it with their story—half-humans abandoned because of something they can't control, then adopted—should be easy… Or so I hope. There's also Mr. Hieda. He won't take what may be seen as slander lightly and will try to get satisfaction from me.

And that's the moment I’ll attack.

He has to come to me and, what may seem justified to his mind, won't be for the rest of the village. No one can ignore a dire truth when it's rubbed in your face, and the fact will be that Mr. Hieda's grief prompted him to make harsh decisions with zero backing. He won't be anymore the endearing and harmless old man who loved his daughter too much; he'll be the village's chief who fired its guardian and one of its few teachers because of mere delusion.

When this letter is out, things will need to change.

… True, it's all speculation. Much will not go as planned, much more will be improvised on the fly, and violence is expected. While I'll fight for mine and thes—and the lives of my children, I'll strive for an approach with less combat.

I sigh, holding Aki as if to keep myself anchored.

When this letter is out, it all starts.

"Suzu…" I call her, and she seems to be taken out of deep thought. "I don't expect you to be by my side when this go—"

"Keine, please, stop—I understand the concern you might have… I'm also nervous. Defying the Hieda clan so openly is not something I have ever thought before, and I'm sure my husband will be scared." She pauses, my heart clenching. Dragging Suzu into my rebellion is putting her family in danger and under scrutiny just by association. If things go awry, I don't know what they’ll be put through… "But." My attention goes back to her. Her eyes are iron-clad. "This is not the Village I want my children to grow in, where people will turn blind eyes to stoning; discredit all that the books teach us about and that are okay with lies… I know that if she were here, Akyuu would've done something, even if it's against her father."

Her words impossibly warm my heart, and hearing all while watching her nurse Kuramochi… To not be alone, to not sink in this dark, cold water…

I hear her giggling as I struggle to clean my tears, and Suzu is gently patting the top of my head. "… And I also know, Keine, you'd have done the same for me and my family."

… It's good to have friends. It really is.

"If y-you…" I sniff, and her warm hand is air, sweet air, to someone drowning—oh, sorry, sorry, Aki! I didn't mean for these tears of mine to disturb your dreams… Mother is just really emotional right now. "… If you ever need help, Suzu… Come to me, please." In her eyes, I see… something. It lasts a moment before she nods, and the smile that takes over my face threatens to rip it in two—a determination of fire rising just as big as the shrieking fear and anxiety.

Because to carry on with a plan like that, to defy the command of the Human Village… I'll need allies.

… And one of the people I trust with my life is named Fujiwara no Mokou.

I don't know if she'll want to talk to me or hear my words, but I will try my hardest: I want her by my side if I succeed in bringing down the lies and recovering my life, making this place better, laughing with me in victory… Or to be the shoulder I'll cry on if all fail…

Looking at the full moon, I know that above anything, I want her to hold my children, to smile, laugh, cry of joy…

… I want us four to be happy.

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