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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.18802682 [View]
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>what exactly is this site supposed to be like?
Well, it was originally made to talk about anime without being harassed for liking anime and also to not be judged on your user name/post history/join date, so the simplest thing would be to not act like you're on a normal forum with karma/upvotes and stuff. However old 4chan didn't have a problem with acting stupid and ironically writing shit like "zomg lmao!!11!", whereas that's so low down the irony pole as to be regarded as actually unironically posting like that nowadays. I mean pic related is like the level of old 4chan humor, so there's never really been a high posting bar. All those people talking about gaia/my anime list/animesuki/tumblr/reddit and shit are just people trying to distance themselves from their past for internet cred or blaming everything they don't like on some site they irrationally dislike.

The problem is people(read: normalfags) think being anonymous means acting like a jackass without repercussion at all times. Contrary to what retarded users have done in this past that people mistakenly believe is the case for all users, this site is not a troll cave, a meme factory, an internet hate machine, a den of dangerous pedos, or turbo-stormfront. Anime/Japanese things are also inherent to this site, regardless of if people on other boards hate it or not.

The biggest problem is all boards tending towards becoming porn dumps, /b/, /gif/, /r/, even /a/ was (and is the reason moot made certain boards into blue boards). Of course people still dumped porn anyway occasionally, and probably still do. Moderation is strict on /jp/, and the users report things a lot too, because this board has a great potential to just become Touhou porn dumps, VN porn CGs, "hot glue" on dolls and figs, and JAV. Also because /jp/ is (originally) a mash of people who were exiled from /a/ and /v/ in the past before they turned around and started to flood into /jp/ after their own boards became unsalvageable shit. Also because /jp/ is not about Japan, Japanese people, or Japanese life.

>how should I behave?
Really, just following the global rules is enough. https://www.4chan.org/rules
Also don't take shit too seriously. People taking shit seriously is why people barely post copy-pastes or other silly things anymore and think everyone's baiting them.

>I find it hard to recognize which threads do not fall under those categories though
Barely anyone posts threads that aren't those or shitposting. Just make a thread about something you want to discuss, let it die when discussion dies down, and don't act like how people act on /b*/x/pol**/r9k/soc/sci/fit/sp/v/a/vg/s4s/qa/trash/ when you're not on those boards.
*New /b/ I mean, not hypothetical good old /b/.
**People from /pol/ who proselytize on other boards, I mean. People actually on the /pol/ board tend to act like old /b/ half the time, but still don't bring that here.

As for post content, most /jp/ topics are also /vg/ topics, but people need to realize they can still post about them here.

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