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>> No.46670908 [View]
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Keyser Suzu from the 90s crime thriller "the fantasy suspects"!

>> No.45750778 [View]
File: 961 KB, 2508x3541, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_hakonnbo__5647ed0ef48f44586f25d590adc3e542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The box fell away to show what was inside. I had seen my share of art before. There were quite a few artists in the village that produced all sorts of paintings and other pieces of art, and Remilia had let me see her private collection a few times. But this was way more grandiose then even the greatest piece of the vampires collection. Even the photos I’ve seen of statues in the outside worlds couldn’t compare. I was almost caught in by it being made of solid gold that I failed to take in all the details. In almost life-like detail, there was Yukari and Hana, and Hana was in Yukari’s arms and-oh no.

It all made sense now. Hana’s skittishness around Yukari that never crossed the line into fear or anger, how she always tried to get in close and touch Hana, the insistence on being called Mama. Hana and Yukari were- It seemed like everyone else came to the same conclusion, as the tension that was almost buried before reached its ugly head again. Yukari stood over Hana, her hand on her back seeming way too familiar now “As for the uniform, here, Hana-Chan~! Let’s see how cute you are in this”! I stumbled back, wanting to get away as far as possible.

Then all hell broke lose.

A line of dolls appeared before me, knifes and other tiny weaponry bared, for all the good it would do. Something that seemed like a wound in the universe appeared over Hana’s body and her clothes exploded outward, and when the wound closed up she was standing there, teary-eyed in a outfit not unlike Yukari’s.

That was when everyone decided to attack. Yuuka lunged forward to attack, her punch only hitting empty air. Alice glowed brighter the the sun and then in her hands was a grimoire , Youma energy pouring out of it faster and heavier then I could get a track of. Marisa aimed her mini-hakkero, collateral damage far out of her mind. Even Sanae stood upright, her gohei out and a look of pure fury on her face. Before I could say any prayers, I felt a small hand on my own. Tewi looked up at me, tugging at me. I let her rush me out the door, almost not noticing a sobbing and panicking Aunn trying to twist her way out of Mamizou’s grip along side us.

“My, My~look at this, Hana-chan. It seems they don’t approve of our relationship” Yukari chuckled from behind me. The weight in my gut got worse, and it was only with the surprisingly strong grip of Tewi that I was pulled out of the door. Out we went down the path, far away enough so that the house was out of sight. I slumped down, feeling like I had run a marathon. Aunn was on the ground inconsolable as she sobbed, her face ugly with snot and tears.

Mamizou and Tewi looked at each other for a moment and started to back away “This is close enough to the village, the two of you can handle yourselves, yes? I’ve got to look into some things, so be careful.” Mamizou said, sighing to herself. But even she couldn’t hide the edge in her voice. Tewi, Sana and Sara all nodded together.

Mamizou darted off into the trees, while the rabbit trio proceeded to-go a few yards away and huddle together, whispering among themselves, sometimes throwing glances our way.

Aunn rose to a sitting position, still sniffling. “She’s been hurting Hana and I never figured it out” she sobbed “I’m the worst komaniu. I shoulda protected her more, and Anon too”

I reached out to pat her on the back, and she nuzzled towards me. “Hey, none of us knew, don’t blame yourself We’re still gonna make a plan to beat her. We just have to change a few things, that’s all” I hated myself for saying a lie. I had no idea what this meant. Yukari must be aware of all of us plotting against her, and Hana was right under her thumb. It was worse then we could have ever imagined. The real possibility that one of us might die opposing her arose in my mind again, and the pit in my stomach grew. Even if they didn’t target me, they’d target my family and that made me feel-

Angry. It was like a great hand reached into my stomach and yanked out the knot of dread and filled the opening with burning coals. My family, who I raised and loved, who had nothing to do with all of this, being held hostage by someone who did so much wrong. Then Hana, who never had a choice in having a happy upbringing, only to be perverted by the very same woman that tormented her father. Her being called mama made me sick. I was already neck deep into this, backing out is not an option.

Aunn looks over at me, head tilted questioningly. “Come on, we can’t protect her like this can we?” I say, bouncing to my feet. I paused for a moment, looking to hear any explosions or see lights raining down from the sky. Nothing. I guess that means everything is alive then. “We’re going back, you’d be better off at Hana’s side”

Aunn rubbed her face with her sleeve and stood up, putting on her best brave face. “O-of course! I need to be there!”

The rabbits, having finished their huddle hopped back to the path. We followed, ready for anything.

>> No.45559934 [View]
File: 961 KB, 2508x3541, __motoori_kosuzu_touhou_drawn_by_hakonnbo__5647ed0ef48f44586f25d590adc3e542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're jumping right to the Solstice I'll probably just see if I can prewrite some of my Suzu stuff so I can pump it out when the party ends since she won't take part in the finale. I've got it mostly planned out.

>> No.39942561 [View]
File: 961 KB, 2508x3541, ccc9c8fedc36e23cc441c1ba7cf22fd94f26aec7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.39390340 [View]
File: 961 KB, 2508x3541, Suzu Pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck this board, don't try and have comfy threads upon this tainted dream just go find somewhere else.
Why? Bitch nigger shitposts like >>39380377 >>39380418 >>39389600 are exactly why. Every thread is tainted with shit like this and it's only going to get worse. Go somewhere else.
See >>39378600

>> No.22224467 [View]
File: 961 KB, 2508x3541, 73019276_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kosuzu suddenly woke up in Suzunaan surrounded by raging flames.
The arsonists were apparently some fairies who torched the store as a prank!

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