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>> No.37199145 [View]
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Summarized from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Klvw5MHh3iA

It was a 50 minute long C-Part so I thought there was more but it was mostly Akasupas because of いい推しの日

>Spilled her drink before the stream started(1:50:45)
At the start of the stream, as the Pekorap screen was going on Pekora managed to spill out her drink over her desk and floor, and she only tentatively cleaned up her desk and said she'd deal with the spillage on the floor later, after the main stream content. It is now later and she complains that the state of her room is a problem, there is a sugary smelling feeling over it and wonders if it will be alright, the patches where she spilled seems to be drying up as well.
She complains that she doesn't want to have to clean this up later saying that this sticky feeling on the floor feels like it will cause bugs to show up, which is the one thing she hopes won't happen. The spillage was also far more than she expected and wonders if she should call her mother to help her.

This topic continues and she says that she really messed up spilling this drink and the cleaning she has to do is on a level of her just wanting to pretend that it doesn't exist, but bugs would probably show up if she leaves it so she has no choice. The chat sympathizes with her since spilt juice is a pain to clean and she says that if it was just water she spilled she could just let it sit and dry out but juice is a different story.

>Throat seems to have healed(2:01:05)
Someone from chat points out that recently her voice hasn't been sounding bad at all and she picks up on that and says she has felt the same, saying that the husky state it used to be during the start of streams has gone away and she doesn't really understand why because she hasn't been drinking her Campo sufficiently, and thinks she stopped once her throat started feeling better and she hasn't been taking her throat medicine either. Aside from some medicine to keep her stomach acid down she isn't taking anything else, like her medicine that she got to reduce swelling in her throat so she thinks that her condition has simply improved.

Note: The chat asks about her allergy medicine but she doesn't pick up on it, but in some other stream I can't remember she mentioned taking allergy medicine every day, so it is probably safe to assume she takes that too.

>Afraid of how her nerves will affect her performance at the Sports Festival(2:04:20)
A superchat that brings up her role in the flying competition makes her say that while her performance looks promising at the moment, it is a different story during the real deal since she worries how much her nerves are going to affect her. She thinks most of the nousagi already know this but she is super bad with nervousity, seriously. The frustrating result of last year also adds to that because her desire to win this year means she wants to score as much points as possible. Someone tells her that she can't let herself become weak-hearted and she agrees.

>Another Pokemon card opening stream planned(2:06:10)
She is suddenly reminding of the fact that she won another raffle for a Pokemon card box, this one being the High Class VMAX Climax box, she also entered for the Golden box but didn't get that one. But in any case since she won that raffle she'll do another card opening stream sometime. Furthermore since Pekora was worried about failing to get it she had her mother buy a ticket as well and her ticket also won on the VMAX Climax box.


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