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>> No.45551356 [View]
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Hana visits eirin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want to jump the gun by shooting ahead of the Aya and Mima POV but I figure the Hana POV should be over the gift unwrapping and the letter Anon wrote.

Wanted to get a feeler for what the letter should be over and the gifts of the moms, so I don't derail any plans. Fortunately, I already have a gift in mind for Tewi and don't have to worry about the beginning of the party nor the meat of the happiness thanks to Sanae and Yuuka POV so I figured the only portions left to flesh out would be the gifts and Yukari's appearance.

Feedback from the other writefags would be appreciated so I don't step on toes.

>> No.45302111 [View]
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Hana visits eirin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hana had grumbled through her childhood with Eirin sitting there taking notes like a women possessed. She had barely noticed that Kaguya came in and leaned over the crown of Eirin’s chair listening in to the conversation right as Hana exited her early childhood. Like she was releasing a long-held weight on her shoulders, the burden threatened to relieve her regardless if Eirin and Kaguya was there or not.

She had just finished up how she was around 12 years old and how her crush at the time, a village boy around the same age, had been pried from her affections by his parents who were wary of her. Hana had barely even realized how much such a small memory had been eating at her until she talked about how for the dozenth time her father had been the one to hold and comfort her after her friendships with the other children ended prematurely and often cruelly.

The parents of that boy had driven her away politely enough, but it was no small wonder in hindsight as to why they asked her to stop seeing their son. There was hardly a parent in the village that wasn’t informed on the stories of how her mother abused her father, naturally they were worried about Hana doing the same to their sons and daughters. All it took was one errant scrape, or small fight ending up in a scuffle to destroy any friendships Hana fostered.

Kaguya and Eirin were impassive, their faces only nodding or giving quiet affirmations to her memories. Hana barely even realized she was tearing up again until Kaguya crossed the room, patted her back, and offered her a handkerchief as the miko-in-training told them about how her father took her on mock dates under the wide moon at night to let her forget about her worries.

Often times, be it Spring, Autumn, Winter, or Summer; her father and Aunn were the ones that took her out to the back yards after her mother was placated on cleverly suggested oni sake. The strong brew knocked her out early, and let her loved ones hold her as she watched the moon without a care. Those were the best memories of her life, free from fear and in the comfort of the arms of the man she thought the strongest in Gensokyo.

Without realizing what she was saying she quickly blabbed about how that time in her mid-teens was the time she learned to realize her father was the only one who truly loved her.

>> No.45164632 [View]
File: 78 KB, 800x600, Hana visits eirin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dropped these


Hana banana

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