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>> No.16612994 [View]
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I finally had a MG dream, and of my waifu to boot! Would have posted it in bits or a pastebin but I wanted to get it while it was fresh in my mind.

>Sitting in a nice Irish pub styled bar having a nice drink after work
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxBKgOyMzSc is playing in the background
>Think to myself 'Isn't that kind of clichéd?' but wave it off
>Getting a little late and decide to go home
>And as I was about to finish my drink a Lamia my waifushows up and sees me
>"Hey sexy, want to have some fun~?"
>Turn around and decide to play hard to get
“Thank you, but no.”
>She gets visibly pissed
>"What do you mean 'No'?"
>I am so gonna get it, probably best to-
“I mean I'm not interested.”
>I didn't think Lamias could turn that shade of red
>Grabs my arm like it was a piece of meat and she hadn't eaten in a couple days
>"Now listen her you little bas-"
>Time seems to slow down to me as I look over the situation
>Pissed Lamia, in a bar with no support and I need to take a leak
>Remembering my jacket, I get an idea and hope it works
First, distract target
>Throw my jacket and hear a muffled “What the hell?!”
Then block her blind grab
>She then rushes at me but I move to the side
>Easier than I thought to dodge a blind Lamia
Cut with slap to left ass cheek
>Throw a good slap and hear a surprised ‘eep’
>Decide to go for the other cheek getting a quick moan from her
>”So that’s how it’s going to be is it?” she hissed
Confused, she'll attempt a wild lust filled lunge
>She then coiled herself into a spring and released
Employ full nelson and breast massage
>But it’s easy to see where she would land and I met her before she could even turn around and started to go into full massage mode
Block desperate break away attempt
>”What the hell are you doing!?” she moaned in pleasure, trying using her tail but couldn’t get it near me since I set the bar stool on it
Weaken with whispering sweet nothings into her ear...Now ear nibble
>”Did you think I was going to be easy? Think again Sexy Scales.” I whispered
>And when I nibble at her ear she starts to shake and squirm
Proceed with breast and ass rub
>I think I got overzealous, little bit difficult to reach but still works
Traumatize with a rubbing tease
>Decide to show those hips some love with graceful rubbing and to go on to her-
>She starts to moan and convulse violently
>Wait….did she just…?
Pleasure her for however long is necessary
>I would continue the rubbing torture until I thought she had learned her lesson
After, tell her what she wants to hear
>With her on the ground panting and heaving, redder than a Republican state, I would lean down and say
“Now that that is out of the way, do you want to go out with me sometime? Here is my number. I got to work the rest of the week but weekends are free.”
>After the marathon I ran on her she just nods with the biggest smile on
>She attempts to say ‘I love you’ but it came out as gibberish
>Get up and leave and wait for a call
>Then realize that ‘HOLY SHIT, I CAN’T BELIEVE THAT WORKED…..’
>Some random voice over then goes : In Summary: Blushing mess, Relaxed muscles, 3 fast orgasms and 4 slow, semi-permanent Content/Longing face. Physical recovery: 6 days. Full psychological recovery: 6 months. Capacity to attempt to rape me, neutralized.
That’s the last time I watch movies drunk before going to bed. Or is it…? With a result like this, I would do it until my liver starts to tap out.

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