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/jp/ - Otaku Culture


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>> No.44667158 [View]
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to optimise your Lifestyle, you must first optimise your lifestyle.
supplements honestly come much later, i.e. well after sleep, hydration, diet, exercise, etc

>> No.43323474 [View]
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Huh it's heartwarming seeing other helpful sirs post and even defend this since I'm the one who wrote it kek
Anyways, it's right there in the title but I want to remind everyone that it is a work-in-progress. It's flawed. I recognise that there's a lot of room for improvement
>making it more readable
>giving more details where it might be helpful (like the specific types of zinc, magnesium, sources of healthy fats, etc)
>maybe re-ordering it to stress how some stuff will have a much larger impact than others
>do I need to explain and provide more justifications?

Glad it's working well for my fellow /jav/sirs

>the most basic and most compulsory things
Yeah, I'm completely with you, sir. A lot of it is common sense for people with even a cursory understanding of nutrition and fitness but understand that a huge % of the population lacks this knowledge. This statement doesn't come from a position of snobbery or self-importance, it's just fact. The school curriculum and media in general is absolute dogshit at educating people on these topics. I just wanted to give an accessible and actionable framework -with a distinct JAV flavour- for people completely in the dark to have a better idea of their potential next steps. It's also why I always wanted to stress the "lifestyle" component much more than the supplementation and while many do find the latter an interesting talking point, I think you might be focusing too much on those responses. Most sirs do seem to be interested in improving their health more holistically.

It's good that you're passionate and also knowledgeable about this and you're also right in that fixating on the bonus stuff often reflects people who just want shortcuts and pills that will solve all their problems. What would be some of your recommendations for improving the post and discouraging that type of mindset? The 80/20 rule applies here and I do think 80% of the effects will come from enacting actual lifestyle changes like you say - as it was the case for me. Also see some of my intended changes above; I definitely agree that more weight needs to be put on some of the bare-bones fundamental recommendations while taking some of the spotlight away from the supplements. Maybe I should split up dietary essentials from the supplements?

Good point, I probably drink 4L water and sometimes even need to salt it because I cook all my own meals, eat zero junk food, and work out a lot which led to me being mildly dehydrated. Turns out my sodium was too low to adequately regulate my hydration levels even though I was chugging water all day (I wasn't replacing my electrolytes, just the fluids). Anyway, mentioning this is just to illustrate that there's no blanket set of exact tenets that will work for everyone because everybody here is at different places in improving their health. The "chinpo health" angle is just to keep it relevant to JAV and in-line with the brand of humour here

Good post, I'm not sure if I've assumed too much or too little with the post... I was just hoping sirs would take their health more seriously

Anecdotally, I feel like most of these aren't that helpful besides the zinc and L-arginine. The lecithin will make your cooms huge though

One step at a time, fren. I mentioned to the other sir that the 80/20 rule is definitely relevant here. Some of the recommendations matter less so don't sweat the small stuff if you can focus on the fundamentals that make a greater difference.

>> No.42758994 [View]
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not really substitutes IMO
very deep squats paired with conscious reverse kegels are great, one of my favourites and made my chinpo much longer-lasting etc
as for deadlifts...

this sir is correct and I'd also recommend kettlebell swings but as before, nothing can replace conscious kegels and reverse kegels in your routine

it unironically feels like you're pushing out a shit. If you can visualise the muscles in that area as essentially concave, try to make it convex. I find it easier to do either in a deep squat, a hip bridge, or some yoga poses like "child's pose" or "happy baby"

>> No.42523090 [View]
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You kidding? Tabuchi is much cooler in a Willem Dafoe kinda way
Jo wishes he was that cool

See you in a few hours

>> No.42234580 [View]
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The /jav/ Lifestyle Guide: Best Practices and Recommendations for Chinpo Health and a Long Life of Masturbating to Japanese Adult Videos

>Long-Term Lifestyle Changes
- Quitting (most) "professional" western pornography and instead only enjoying JAV. You may wish to supplement with audio porn, hentai, amateur productions, etc, but make JAV your primary medium
- Saying goodbye to masturbating with your hand and instead only using male masturbators - preferably onaholes since they are a softer TPE than the more rigid material (silicone, rubber polymers, etc) of western-style Fleshlights. Choose something with a more gentle texture rather than a super stimulating Dickbully 3000. If for whatever reason you cannot buy one, at the very least you should always be masturbating with a quality intimate lubricant, regardless of your foreskin situation: NEVER fap dry
- Learn to breathe more deeply ("belly breaths") as a matter of habit throughout the day, focusing on the exhale just as much as the inhale
- No tight underwear. Breezy woven boxers are vastly superior at allowing your testicles to hang lower and self-regulate their temperature, which in turn means healthier sperm and testosterone production. Unless you are actively participating in sports or any other strenuous activity, there's simply no need to "support" your testicles.
- Easier said than done but reducing stress
- Sleeping 8 hours minimum, which in turn may hinge on improving your overall sleep hygiene (whether that's having a consistent bedtime, a bedtime ritual, minimising blue light/screen time an hour before bed, no caffeine immediately upon waking or after 2-3pm, etc). I also like a "super sleep" where I sleep 12+ hours once every one or two weeks where I take out all stops and go all out: taking a bath AND a shower, hot eye mask, optimally cool room, breathing exercises, etc

>Dietary Essentials and Supplementation
- 2.5-3L water daily
- Reduce sugar intake
- Healthy fats; insufficient fats will tank your hormone production
- Reduce consumption of processed food
- Reasonable carbohydrate intake
- Salt is not the devil but keep it under control
- Unless you're living directly on the equator as a DANDY African tribesman and spend all your time outdoors, you almost certainly need Vitamin D supplementation. Probably a lot more than you think.
- Cod liver/fish oil
- Zinc (taken before sleep)
- Magnesium (taken before sleep)
- L-Citrulline (expensive; could be cycled with L-Arginine to save money as they have similar effects, with L-Citrulline having greater efficacy and being more easily used by the body)
- An orange a day (Vitamin C, NO)
- 1-2 bananas a day (potassium)
- Eat more garlic and onions (testosterone)
- Eating more leafy vegetables like spinach and kale
- Eating more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower (anti-estrogenic and also help body regulate testosterone)

- Reverse kegels. Regular kegels are recommended more often on men's health websites/magazines BUT can worsen existing problems if not paired with an equivalent amount (or more) of reverse kegels to balance things out. Kegels strengthen (but also tighten), while reverse kegels relax an overly tight pelvic floor and PC muscles in general. Bear in mind most of us will involuntarily and repeatedly kegel during masturbation and ejaculation (including those moments when trying to delay ejaculation) so factor this into your routine. You will most likely need to do many more reverse kegels
- Other pelvic floor work (specific yoga poses, stretches, etc. Holding deep a squat while reverse kegelling is a personal favourite of mine)
- Kettlebell swings
- Prioritise sprints over long distance running
- More exercise in general (but this isn't a general fitness guide so I will omit the finer details)

>Extra (optional, possibly placebo)
- Icing your testicles. May well be placebo in terms of better erections and/or higher testosterone but it has anecdotally worked for me. Even if it's a miniscule difference, I'll take the extra 1% difference to my regimen like those Formula 1 engineers. What isn't placebo and actually proven, however, is better sperm quality, if that matters to you
- Penis pump. I'm on the fence about its purported use in penis enlargement but it's good for encouraging new blood vessel growth and "training" them to hold more blood in my case which translated to harder erections
- Some have reported benefits to regularly taking very small dosages of Cialis. If your plumbing/internal works aren't already in good working condition, don't bother. It helps you get and maintain an erection, sure, and may also "train" your penis to adapt to being erect more often and for longer but it doesn't solve any of the problems we're trying to solve in the sections above whether it's low testosterone, poor circulation, stress, or even death grip. Another concern is developing a dependence and over-relying on Cialis to become erect

>> No.42114794 [View]
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He is the Willem Dafoe of JAV
(alternatively, Willem Dafoe is the Tabuchi of Hollywood)
Just super cool and suave, with a unique energy

>> No.41255574 [View]
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>short-term order of operations
Week 1 - no masturbating, no porn, no edging, no cooming
Week 2 - you can masturbate once this week
Weeks 3-4 - you can masturbate twice per week
Beyond - hopefully the necessary parts of your brain and chinpo will have reset somewhat so masturbate as much as you want. I would slowly add days instead of binging all at once and end up completely refrying your chinpo, wasting your previous hard work (of abstaining). I'm at a point where I can maintain steel-like erections for 2 hours most days, edge and masturbate to JAV almost every day, wake up with morning wood every day, my chinpo went from a grower to a quasi-shower, etc.

>Long-term Lifestyle Changes
- Quit western porn. Only coom to JAV or audio porn. Hentai and doujins can be good too (I will explain more about this in an improved and more detailed version)
- Only masturbate with a male masturbator (preferably onaholes since they're usually softer TPE than more rigid western-style Fleshlights) regardless of whether or not you still have your foreskin. Go for something with a more gentle texture rather than a super stimulating Dickbully 3000. If for whatever reason you cannot buy one, at the very least you should always be masturbating with lube, again regardless of your foreskin situation. Never fap dry
- Learn to breathe more deeply ("belly breaths"), focusing on the exhale just as much as the inhale

>Dietary Supplementation/Essentials
- 3L water
- Reduce sugar intake
- healthy fats; zero fats will tank your hormone production
- reasonable carbs
- salt isn't the devil but keep it under control
- Unless you're living on the equator as a DANDY African tribesman, you probably need Vitamin D. A lot more than you think
- Cod liver/fish oil
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- L-citrulline (expensive)
- An orange a day
- 1-2 bananas a day
- eat more garlic and onions

>Exercise Additions
- Reverse kegels. Regular kegels are recommended more often on bullshit men's health websites/magazines BUT can worsen existing problems if not paired with an equivalent amount (or more) of reverse kegels to balance things out. Kegels strengthen (but also tighten), reverse kegels relax an overly tight pelvic floor/PC muscles. Bear in mind most of us will involuntarily and repeatedly kegel during masturbation, ejaculation, and also while trying to delay ejaculation so factor that into your routine; you will need to do a lot more reverse kegels
- Other pelvic floor work (specific yoga poses, stretches, holding deep squats and reverse kegelling etc)
- Kettlebell swings
- Sprints

>Extra (completely optional, possibly placebo, etc)
- Ice your balls. May well be placebo in terms of better erections/higher test but it's anecdotally worked for me. Even if it's a miniscule difference, I'll take the extra 1% addition to my program. What isn't placebo is better sperm quality, if that matters to you
- penis pump. I'm on the fence about its purported use in penis enlargement but it's good for encouraging new blood vessel growth and "training" them to hold more blood in my case
- Angion Method. I thought it was loony Reddit bullshit too but it's all out there for free and worked for me. Again, I doubt its helpfulness in growing your chinpo but it's been good for improving blood flow and vascularity, erection quality, etc
- some anons regularly take small dosages of cialis. If your plumbing isn't already in good working condition, don't bother; it helps you get and maintain an erection but it doesn't solve any of the problem we're trying to solve in the sections above whether it's death grip, western porn induced ED, tight pelvic floor, dehydration, or whatever


Feel free to ask any questions

>> No.41065932 [View]
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/jav/ would fill up the power vacuum

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