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>> No.45183997 [View]
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"I'll bet my sisters aren't pleased now." Yamame commented, listening to the shouts coming out of the town below us. "If the oni were annoying before, they'll be even more riled up now." I shrugged, then said that it had been bound to happen eventually. Idly, I wondered if Suika had managed to extract herself from the rock yet. "Maybe they'll just pulverise it into fine powder by themselves..." Yamame closed her eyes and rested her head against my arm. "Or maybe Okuu will get there first and blow the whole thing up. That'll turn the whole place into a sauna..." Idly, I began to stroke her hair. I loved running my fingers through it, especially when it was down from her ribbon, and I could really feel the sheer volume of it. I could tell Yamame enjoyed it too, since she would always let out this sort of shiver when I reached the nape of her neck.

After a moment, I told Yamame that I needed my hand back and she pouted, but released me. Before she could ask why, I slipped both hands around her shoulders and squeezed. "Oh..." She murmured, her eyes already threatening to roll up in the back of her head. Her weakness to massages was starting to become impressive, but it was a weakness I intended to take full advantage of, so I continued, my smile growing wider as Yamame grew more and more limp against me. Finally, I stopped, wrapped my arms around her waist, and pulled her onto my lap so she could lie against me, which she did with a happy sigh. I didn't want to let her go. I wasn't sure I'd ever want to let her go.

Off in the distance, out in the air, I could see danmaku being fired. The oni, no doubt enjoying a fight. "Hey." Yamame murmured, her eyes shut. "Can we stay like this for a while?" I pressed my face into her hair and breathed in, finding the scent extremely pleasant. I could probably stay here for a long, long while. "Thanks..."

Thoughts were starting to come to my mind, the memories of the time I had spent with Yamame. She'd helped me meet Satori Komeiji. She'd offered me a place to stay when I had been stuck outside of Lady Kasen's senkai, and she'd cared for me while I was ill, like I'd done for her. She had changed her entire diet for me. Something that I struggled to imagine many youkai agreeing to. She'd been willing to do so much for me, and I struggled to imagine not having her in my life now. It was an intense feeling, and I knew that it was getting to me.

Funnily enough, I was remembering something else. During the storm, Reimu and I had sat in similarly hot water, and I'd made a decision. There, I had come to the conclusion that she was my family, after some deliberation. Here, I was coming to a different conclusion, and unlike last time, I had no real hang-ups to think about. I knew what it was I wanted to say, and I just had to say it. Yamame, I said quietly. "Hmm...?" She hummed, cracking one eye open to look up at me. I brushed an errant strand of hair from her face. Finally, I said it.

I love you.

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