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>> No.45129458 [View]
File: 290 KB, 623x613, Reimu and marisa1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Swaying in the wind a grassy field shone with the amber colored dying light of the sun, the cool breeze was unmolested by the treeline in the distance and chilled it to a temperature that teased the coming winter. Small rodents and other such life scurried to and fro trying to find enough sustenance for the coming freeze, the coming of Letty was inching closer and closer.

Defying common sense and all reason one women and one girl stood facing each other, bundled up in thick cloth they buffeted the wind that swirled around them. Their words nor intention were not lost on each other, like two predators rearing up for a fight they stood tall against each other sizing up their opponent.

Well, at least as tall as a witch that hasn’t grown since she was 12 and a shrine maiden of 16 years of age could be.

Hana was getting no where fast and she knew it, her mentor simply stared at her with a blank stare only broken by a trace of confusion flitting across her face as she responded, “Non-whatidean hyperdaze…?”

Not for the first time today Hana had felt like an idiot, she was fresh back from the Eientei mid-morning appointment. Which after the procedure, fun on the psych-whatevers, and some testing of her abilities she rushed to her mentor’s cottage… well Alice’s at least… or did it belong to Mima now…? Yuuka sometimes stayed over right…?

Well, whatever.

Details aside she sought out her master for a private bout much to Marisa’s dismay. Mima and the others seemed busy at the moment anyways, which suited Hana just fine since green haired women were just… a little much. She still had her misgivings about pretending to be Mima’s miko but that was a problem for later.

Marisa was clearly unenthused about the whole thing, undoubtably today was her one day of relative peace since it seemed that stupidly powerful flower youkai was keeping Mima preoccupied. Regardless, Hana just had to do it. She had to brag to her mentor about her cool new ability!

Even if she did try using all the fancy and big words Eirin used on her, even if she did feel her face flush in embarrassment as she tried and failed to explain the simplest concepts, even if she didn’t have any sort of knowledge about the academic side of her power; she was going to show off her power to its fullest!

Raising her Gohei she shouted to her yawning mentor with a pose and voice like one of those heroes from those smuggled outsider action manga, “I’ll show you how much stronger I’ve become and force you to acknowledge my progress!”

To Marisa’s credit she did start hyping herself up despite her tired appearance, she let out a smirk and pushed her hat down with one hand letting it tilt back snugly on her messy hair, “Oh? Hanarin is that confident about her ability to ‘never be chained’ ze~?” Marisa clutched her broom tightly, “Fine then, if you can outlast two of my spellcards, I’ll tell you the secrets behind one and let you use it daze!”

Hana felt her blood get hot; her past embarrassment forgotten. This is exactly what she wanted; she’d prove she was strong enough to gain her mentor’s full trust! She’d get that spell card and make it her own… then she’d start making her own too! And then she’d bust her father out and then… It was perfect!

With a shout the miko exclaimed, “I’ll do more than that, I’ll force you out of the sky!”

With bold words shouted the two women took to the sky, getting up a few dozen of feet into the air, more than enough to maneuver easily.

Marisa lifted her finger and pointed it up, one of those large cutesy stars shot up into the air nearly a hundred feet up above her before exploding into a shower of smaller stars and bullets. Her usual signal to start was launched, and within the moment dozens of smaller stars of various speeds shot towards Hana.

>> No.44773233 [View]
File: 290 KB, 623x613, 1672544888819257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.42228960 [View]
File: 290 KB, 623x613, 1540380814826.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: Marisa is tiny, but she's usually got the biggest hitbox of all the options in the games, and that's because of the hat. And hitting the hat is actually worse for the 2hu than damaging her clothes since showing off with damaged headwear is simply shameful.

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