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>> No.20275775 [DELETED]  [View]
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Remember, It's crucial that you make the experience of eating you as enjoyable as possible for any Youkai that might catch you. Here are some essential tips to make sure they enjoy eating you as much possible:

>Stay a virgin.
As we've established above, Youkai much prefer the taste of virginal human flesh. While it is a big sacrifice to make, the Youkai will be far happier with the result.

>Be good game.
It's quite boring to catch somebody that doesn't put up a fight. So, even if you are perfectly willing to make the ultimate sacrifice, it's crucial to still put up some kind of resistance. Running away will not only trigger the Youkai's predatory instinct, but also make it far more satisfying when for both you and her when she's finally caught. Almost make sure the Youkai gets to use its ability. Walk into the darkness, follow the music, etc.

>Make sure you're afraid.
While Youkai do devour your flesh, their true sustenance is the fear you feel as you are being devoured. Accordingly, difficult it might be, it is crucial that you are genuinely terrified during your demise. If she attacks you, make sure you struggle in vain as long as humanly possible. if you are caught and prepared, try to plead, beg, and cry pathetically repeatedly. A little bit of acting can go a long way to feeding a Youkai.

>Patience is a virtue.
While some Youkai will simply eat you on the spot. It's not uncommon for you to be caught and taken to their home. If this happens, it's crucial that you comply with the Youkai's wishes to the best of your ability (While obviously also keeping up the pretense of fear). If they give you food, eat as much of it as possible. If they have a question about the outside world, answer it the best of your ability. When they try to intimidate or scare you, play along no matter how cute it actually is. The sooner the Youkai gets bored of you and the sooner you're plump and ready, then the sooner you'll be peacefully roasting on a spit getting ready for your big moment.

If you follow these simple tips, then eating you should be a wonderful and exciting experience for any Youkai. And by playing your natural part in the food chain, then not only will you discover a satisfaction and sense of purpose beyond anything most Humans ever experience. But once it's all over and your flesh has been properly digested, your soul will be able to rest peacefully in the bowels of the Youkai that ate you. A blissful existence that will last for however long you have left before you have to unfortunately cross the Sanzu River.

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