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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 189x94, 1670845044479200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7134221 No.7134221 [Reply] [Original]

For stupid questions and questions that don't deserve their own thread.
Post here if you don't expect your thread to reach 100+ replies.

>> No.7134240

Will I ever be a woman?

>> No.7134253

No, join the 41% asap

>> No.7134347

When do brushes in digital drawing start to matter?

>> No.7134350

Only when you’re post pro. Otherwise hard round is all you need.

>> No.7134385
File: 2.26 MB, 1522x2376, GLOfU8ubkAAPerC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How people are adding this 'paper-texture' thing to their drawings?
Is it brush? Some filter?

>> No.7134396

it's a noise overlay

>> No.7134832
File: 278 KB, 680x431, None.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to grow from zero followers? I have less than 10 and they're all bots so basically zero.

>> No.7134859
File: 447 KB, 2437x1726, Bocchi100424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all I'm ESL so I'm sorry for grammar mistakes

My question is
>Why can't draw the same level when I try to do anime?

I tried to do the same approach (draw a sphere, put some landmark,etc) and fail, the hair look soo flat and eyes for some reason look wrong

>> No.7134862
File: 2.21 MB, 3734x2693, 20240317_113300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here some regular drawing to compare

>> No.7134865
File: 1.41 MB, 3166x2268, 20240311_214807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7134989

You are not seeing what is important. You must train your eyes. How can you do that? Drawing. What can you draw? Anatomy. Where do you start? Through the head then torso, pelvis, arms and legs.
It won't take weeks to improve, it can be months or years if you are not dedicated.

>> No.7134991

Anime is symbol drawing more than it's realism so you end up with really good manga artists that can't draw realism.
Hiro Mashima is a perfect example of this, if you look at his attempt at realistic art you'll laugh and call him a high beg.

>> No.7135035

My sweaty hands are ruining the paper, would gloves help with that? Full glove for the hand holding the paper and one of those half-gloves tablet artists use for the hand holding the pencil.

>> No.7135044
File: 261 KB, 791x514, Screenshot 2024-04-16 014014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do I find turnarounds like this to get good like Oridays

>> No.7135093
File: 1.23 MB, 3508x2480, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Practica de 5min.
Veo que hablas español asi que ahi va mi consejo:
1-Aprende a utilizar metodos de construccion, hay muchos.
2.- La unica manera de aprender a calcular las proporciones y equilibrar una imagen es dibujando y fallando muchas veces.

>> No.7135094

how long did it take anons to transition from paper to digital?

>> No.7135348

Did the shorthand term ngmi originate here? I only noticed it recently after frequenting /ic/ the last few months but I've seen it crop up in other boards since then. Did it migrate to the other boards, or did it originate elsewhere and my retard brain never noticed it til now? I do think that only /ic/ posters use it coherently. On other boards it's just used to disparage a difference in preference.

>> No.7135370

I think it was a /fit/ or /biz/ thing until it started to spread to other boards

>> No.7135381

thousands of years
wagmi, brah

>> No.7135392


>> No.7135866

>You are not seeing what is important. You must train your eyes
Thanks anon you words hit me like a thunder, you right usually I don't give me too much time to observer so my eyes are lacking of level, I was so focus in others things that forget observation is one of primarily skill for artist
One again thank you anon! For spot the reason of my failed, knowing this get me clarity what I need to practice
Gracias por responder anon, buscaré información sobre lo que me dijiste pero enfocado en anime, ya que en si lo que se es de realismo así que sería mejor conocer otros métodos de construcción y tal como dices, continuaré practicando hasta mejorar!

>> No.7135874

Ive been drawing 2 years traditionally but my art goes in the shitter when i try digital.
how the fuck do i train myself digitally???

>> No.7136154


>> No.7136158

unironically, find the right brush for you

Or, if you're specifically using an ipad pro, the glass will take a long time to get used to. Cintiqs were not as hard for me as the ipad was

>> No.7136208

I haven't had any experience with art. I want to start water colour paintings. Do I need to learn how to draw line art in order to do water painting? I want to do landscapes and full body portraits if that changes anything.

>> No.7136214

i cant get to like my pendisplay is this normal?

>> No.7136220
File: 68 KB, 341x559, model.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketchfab has lots of 3D models you can rotate to any angle you like. Here's a good one: https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/female-mannequin-for-artists-6a372c49bf654bb7a1393c53b0aafee6

>> No.7136549

>try to draw a circle
>get the right hand position
>use shoulder
>try to keep hand off paper
>WOBBLY AS FUCK, panic attack wobbles
>use pinky finger as a stabilizer
>works okay, then it catches something and the circle goes off

How long until it stops wobbling like that?

>> No.7137124
File: 36 KB, 739x415, Trends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I keep up with art trends?
I mean stuff like flavor of the day anime, cartoon, game, etc and art memes.
Usually when I find out about an art trend that I could join, it's a dead meme...

>> No.7137214
File: 10 KB, 440x290, download (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any rules I should follow when making an OC?
post your xwitter account, I'll be your first follower (as long as it's not fetish art)

>> No.7137253

Dunno where else to ask:
Are wet palettes useful in traditional painting? I want to gift one for a friend as a birthday present, but all I find online are marketed towards miniature painters so I'm not sure if those things are even used by traditional painters

>> No.7137262


>> No.7137386
File: 109 KB, 742x981, Doodles #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm having a hard time filling my drawings after outlining. These spaces I marked seem lacking, but I dunno how I should detail them without overdoing it

>> No.7137441

How can you tell if you’ve drawn something?

>> No.7137474

usually I rub the paper hard, then lick my finger, if I taste graphite, I probably drew something.

>> No.7137487

Would that also work if you’re drawing digital?

>> No.7137496

You have to practice licking the screen a lot before you can detect the pixel flavors.

>> No.7137531

Start with oil paintings instead. Water color is actually harder to git gut imo

>> No.7137542
File: 62 KB, 750x1000, flat,750x,075,f-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you drown out the feeling of futility when trying to draw?
Every time I try to use my sketchbook all I can think about is the fact that It will take at least a decade before I can draw something that won't make me vomit and I just can't bring myself to draw more than a couple of sketches. It honestly feels like a lost cause.
Especially since I don't believe we have a decade left on this planet.

>> No.7137554

No, you don't have to. Some artists lay down a fair amount of pencil before paint, and some don't. The basic principles are the same; shape, proportion, all that, but you can rely entirely on flicks of the brush as opposed to strokes of the pencil. It's really up to you, how you visualize.

>> No.7137563

>Especially since I don't believe we have a decade left on this planet.
You have a limited time on this planet regardless. If the futility of mortality is a roadblock you were never going to try anyway.

>> No.7137566

What else you got going on?

The biggest regret in my life was giving up my drawing habit. I drew out of compulsion like most kids from the time I was a toddler; drawing, coloring, painting, scribbling, on anything around, with whatever media at hand, markers and crayons and construction paper and whatever, and over time I was actually getting not too bad, to the degree where adults started suggesting maybe I could get really good at it and go to art school.

I reached a level where I started copying, what I now know to be called master studies, a normal part of an artist's development. My mom's boyfriend berated me so hard about that, "fucking copying shit and thinking he's fucking talented", I gave it up. I just stopped and when I finally recovered the courage to try again, at almost 50 years old, I feel like it's too late for me; my faculties will start failing before I produce anything decent.

So if you're no older than 30, 35, you really don't have anything to lose. You'll get decent with enough time left for it to matter.

>> No.7137571
File: 109 KB, 770x858, Marilyn Monroe Collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to do a comic book made of collages and maybe a stop-motion cartoon as well, but I want to use a computer so I don't have to fucking fill my house with tons of magazines and crafting shit. What are the best programs? Photoshop? Illustrator? I'm happy to pay for the program, not trying to find pirated software or anything. I just don't want to buy something only to find out that it won't do the shit I want.

>> No.7137589

I've seen neat paper stop motion like animations done with after effects and Adobe animate
Blues clues and little bill were made with after effects
South Park uses Maya but the look can also be done in flash/animate (the cutscenes for stick of truth were done in flash)

>> No.7137591

Thanks much!

>> No.7137641

whatever it takes, is a muscle excercise so yeah.

not really, just dont let out your autism too much, you should cover that with layers of technique and design work, other way will look like those autistic oc that are just weird.
Also... more drawings and less text, an oc that is just text explaining shit is just that, text, the images speak for themselves.

yes they are, but, in my experience they are more for small works and practices, so yes if the person is actively painting should use it at some point.

>> No.7137664

I'm so out of the normal person loop that I can't remember what I like
How the fuck I go back?
Sorry for eventual typos but I'm almost blind from one eye and the good one got an infection

>> No.7137667

Would someone please redline this?

>> No.7137725

Here you go

>> No.7137826

My hands sweat too much when i draw, should i get a surgery to extract my sweat glands?

>> No.7137833

use a glove, yes, the ones that people use for tablets and related screens devices, cheap and generally easy to find online in most countries

>> No.7137908

Do matte screen protectors like the bellemond Kent, really help with drawing on an iPad? I feel I could get used to the glass surface, but I do find myself deliberately having to wrest control of the pencil

>> No.7138090

Is it okay to do one study over the course of several days? I want to try to draw faces from different angles but all of my past attempts always end in me doing one single angle for over an hour straight before getting incredibly pissed and scrapping the entire thing.

>> No.7138145

That is a good style to try to emulate that is more simplistic? I'm thinking of something older, mainly since I like how it looks a little and I need to figure out more of a structure to learn. I keep trying to draw randomly even while reading books.

I need something to get me to draw humans more instead of other stuff for practice.

>> No.7138167

>Is it okay to do one study over the course of several days?
yes, it's fine

it's a mistake to ask people what style you draw in. That's like asking someone to tell you what your favorite movie should be.

That said, draw in the Rick and Morty / Steve Universe Calarts style, because you can easily get into the animation industry and make money

>> No.7138185

well i saw the title so...
i saw a color palette file for procreate (don't have the app) and it's a json file. i wanna know if there's a way to see the hex code in it. sorry if it's a dumb question, couldn't find anything about it

>> No.7138190

>glove makes hand hotter
>sweat even more
>sweat soaks through glove in 30 seconds

>> No.7138191

>glove makes hand hotter
not really

>> No.7138383

how do i know if i'm ngmi?

>> No.7138393

Creating your own 'style' when you haven't even grasp the basics

>> No.7138531

Why I can come up with some decent idea just randomly doodling on paper, but I can't sketch for shit on digital?
Is it some kind of mental block? Is it because drawing on a tablet always feel kind of "off" for some reason? How do I get rid of it?

>> No.7138566
File: 205 KB, 1448x2048, EVpGYIGUEAExk_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone recognize the artist? It's still up on twitter https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EVpGYIGUEAExk_0.jpg but I tried all reverse search engines and they find nothing :(

>> No.7138703

This is probably a really stupid question, but I guess that's what this thread is for. When you're drawing from imagination, are you thinking while you're in the act of drawing? Or is it just kind of coming out of you?

>> No.7138805

If you know how to run command line programs, I found this: https://github.com/joanroig/swatches-to-ase

If not, open the .JSON file in notepad. If it comes out as garbled characters, first extract the file like you would a .ZIP file. Look for something like "hue" : 0.1234567890, "saturation" : 0.1234567890, "brightness" : 0.1234567890. This is a color in the HSB model. But it is non-standard for the values to be decimals between 0 and 1. So you may need to do some math first so your program will accept them. Multiply "hue" by 360, "saturation" by 100, and "brightness" by 100. Then you can input them into your program's color selector.

>> No.7138926

I've got into drawing a week ago, having tons of fun, but there's an issue of approach I'm wondering about
>i often start drawing with no clear idea in my head
>if i have an idea, i often modify it as I go, kind of "hey this is not what i wanted at all but it looks cool so let's go with that"
>tried drawing various characters based on other art, sometimes i just end up with a completely different character because i give up on trying to accurately capture original character's feel whenever I see something nice popping up under my hand

Do you guys think this is a mortal sin and I should abandon it immediately in favor of fighting hard to get idea down as accurately as I can, or is there a value in aimless doodling and basically RNGing a somewhat visually appealing result?

>> No.7138930
File: 227 KB, 500x391, 1595194394338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a clean man now and I'm going to start posting Sfw art and animations to try to get freelance jobs and maybe some commissions.
What are the better social media pages to use?
I only have an instagram is twitter still good what about tumblr?

>> No.7138931

drawing from imagination is the same as drawing from reference, except the image is in your head instead of anywhere external

you need strong visualization skills. Its usually better to spend a while building the mental image before starting. Thumbnailing is particularly useful when trying to create a composition

you can also just throw ideas at the canvas and see what sticks, but that's more of a chaotic, improvisational approach

>> No.7138949

Just post wherever, it's all gone to shit apart pixiv

>> No.7139678

oh wow, thank you anon! im gonna try it

>> No.7139684

Follow your heart annon, thats all you need

>> No.7139686

not LeeBack?

>> No.7139783

Could only find this artist with that name artstation.com/edooit, but there's just a couple of very old drawings in a different style (the image I posted is from around 2020 I think).
I'm not even sure it's k at the end, looks weird.

>> No.7139811

only way to know is try yourself, i dont particulary like textured protectors, and the standard ones feels also like plastic so is no much difference, also textured films make noise, for some reason people seems to like that.

cartoons, not calarts or modern "skeleton animation" cartoons like the other anon said because those have less movement and range of action so will restrain your posibilities.
traditional cartoons have more sense of flow and gesture so you can easily switch from figure design to realism keeping the worklfow.

>> No.7139824

change brushes to emulate more the ones that you use on traditional, or add things like paper textures on the canvas, etc. The idea is to get on digital the closest experience to your traditional worklfow.

is ok, some drawfags tend to do several sketches before chose one thing and proceed with that one, others just vaguely draw a ton of shit until they get something, and save all those tries for later if they come with some idea to use them. Is an ok and valid way to work.

>> No.7139948

How are you supposed to store your nib holders and drawing nibs?

>> No.7139961

Good idea, thanks
I'll also probably should restraint myself from zooming in/out constantly, it's something that ticks me off but I need to do because the pen stroke isn't 100% accurate to the pen position

>> No.7139994

I keep mine in the box of the tablet pen, wrapped in one of those small plastic bags
Just put them in a place you're sure you're gonna check when you need them and you don't remember where you put them

>> No.7140475

is it possible to add color sets on quick access? (csp)

>> No.7140506
File: 1.18 MB, 2296x2789, 20240418_200526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the advice, I always liked simple designs and was planning to make my character(s) simple, learned that from my friend who's OC is just a white dog lol
I was planning to make a female skull dog OC like scp1471 and wendigos but I can't think of a way to make her unique and different, I was thinking of giving her some jewelry and Arabic clothes (because I'm Arab lol) and make her fur white or something.

Here's a doodle I did, I'm still a beginner

>> No.7140589

Have any of you guys managed to learn art or get an art job while having a ful time corporate job? I am just so exhausted afterwords and struggle to leave behind things that happened at work wich ruins my concentration to draw.

>> No.7140745

Does anyone have vids of artists doing sketches/lineart in trad and then scanning it to digital for coloring? I saw video like that once.
Also, a guide to do the same would be nice.

>> No.7141608

I don't normally use my Twitter to share manga pages, but if I do, I would do it like this right?
>20 page total
>put 5 images per tweet, make 4 tweets total that reply to each other, mark it as 1/4 to 4/4

>> No.7141720

Will a 3 day long train ride improve my art skills?

>> No.7141737

Is it possible to spend years becoming technically good at art only to develop a style that is utterly repulsive to both yourself and everyone else when you try to draw anything stylized?

>> No.7141738

How are you supposed to store dip pen nibs and nib holders you use for inking?

>> No.7141744

You can only put 4 images per tweet. But yeah, make a thread. You can create all tweets right away btw, just press the plus button on the lower right.

>> No.7141793


>> No.7141825


>> No.7141839
File: 3.98 MB, 1622x879, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you get this texture on digital? I tried a few and they don't convince me, so once I gave up I decided to ask here

>> No.7141933

1. Noise filter, in photoshop fiddle arounf on layer styles and you'll find it
2. Overlayed paper texture scan. No idea where you can find this in high enough quality online
In both cases, use CYMK and add a low saturation, very light yellow over everything to imitate the paper color
Jesus christ I want to have sex with Kinu Nishimura

>> No.7141949

Is observation really important?

>> No.7142061

Should I be deleting my porn bot followers?

>> No.7142077

I want to buy some prints of artworks but I don't know where to buy them from
Any suggestions?

>> No.7142081

Yes really, but in a different sense though...

>> No.7142090
File: 1.51 MB, 1758x1200, Kingdom_v36_c390_134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For an action manga where flow between the pages is important, where should you host it?? Medibang? Webtoon seems a bit slow for this. Also is it generally okay to post fanart manga there? Like for a game or something

>> No.7142091

I keep them to inflate my ego (i have 405 followers)

>> No.7142151

Same. I have 60 followers on Twitter, but really, it's only 5 real people. I can name them off the top of my head, because they're the only ones with real usernames, and they all like my posts consistently

dunno if that's a good or bad thing, for the algorithm. I think engagement is important, probably

>> No.7142258

I'm not sure about this but I think it gives more views and helps you a little bit getting popular

>> No.7142308

I know there’s poltards on this bard so I’ll just ask here. Is it true if I draw fat women or vaguely androgynous women, people will think I’m some SJW pushing an agenda? I swear I’m not woke, I legitimately just find vaguely masculine looking women attractive. If I draw this stuff, I won’t attract the wrong kind of attention right? It just bothers me thinking people might think I must be some DEI loving blue hair when really I am a regular man with no pronouns in bio who just wants to draw.

>> No.7142313
File: 132 KB, 892x671, 1656036106370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just don't add rainbows and ur gud

>> No.7142320
File: 71 KB, 308x382, 1486485158754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But, the actual answer that you want is: the attention comes not from the images alone but for the comments and content they express.
Most of drawfags that have problems with those shits are faggots that always are talking and shitting policital comments, can't just be a normal artist posting their work a nothing more, they also put context in the images to enforce the agenda. So of course they get the stigma.

If you only upload your drawings, zero bullshit description in your bio, only interact in the topic of your drawings and related, no opinions about agenda or whatever, yes, you will be perfectly ok as all of the other artists that do the same and post chubby fat thick fetishes, no one cares until you start caring.

>> No.7142463
File: 56 KB, 612x612, 20240422_005102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably the stupidest question, is the "break the pencil" thingy genuine or just a troll? It's hard to tell sometimes because AI bros are so fucking retarded

>> No.7142591

It's 100% bait

>> No.7142593

Are those "draw lines" exercises real or just a meme? The ones that are like, "draw a dot on this side of the page, then another dot, then connect the two, then trace that line several times as closely as you can" type exercises.
I never know if it actually helps or if its just something teachers shill to pad their monetized lessons.

>> No.7142598

Honestly you're better off just drawing regularly and letting line control develop that way

>> No.7142706

Bumping this. I wonder if no one has developed a game where the purposes is to practice drawing straight lines with a drawing pad? Would be a great excercise.

>> No.7142757

>is this thing that's specifically designed to trigger the fuck out of one of the most sensitive groups of people on the planet bait

>> No.7142828

I draw fat bitches all the time, but I don't post often (to this board). Don't be a political sperg and learn to ignore crabs/trolls, and you'll be fine.

>> No.7143079
File: 3.65 MB, 3840x2160, PAPE4 copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ALL the online services suck.

IDK i fuck with the lofi look a little too had but i can never get that lo fi pixel art look . i just want crisp, like 256 colors ideally to 16 colors ideally. how do i do this on a 2015 mac with wine + CSP ?

unrelated but it s my jam atm

>> No.7143122

Asking questions about what is and isn't acceptable to draw.
Weak pathetic subhuman. You have been domesticated and over (((socialized.))) You will never thrive.

>> No.7143147


>> No.7143178

How do I take high quality photos of my art? I want to work on bigger paper than reasonably priced scanners support.

>> No.7143191


>> No.7143195

It is to train your hand to be more steady, develop the muscle memory to do straight lines without thinking too hard about it. My IRL art teacher had me do this. You don't have to drill them for hours, just a few minutes as a warmup each time before starting a drawing session is fine.

>> No.7143197
File: 21 KB, 680x636, i live hunbly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just useless to try and improve my linework with a screenless tablet? I can't see any way that it could be as good/efficient as traditionally or with a screen tablet/ipad. Like it takes so much longer for me to clean up my lines than any other part of the drawing process that the screenless tablet might genuinely just be a hindrance. It's so hard compared to trad when making large sweeping lines that both have a gradual line weight and end up connecting to the other lines on the page.

>> No.7143221

This video is really thorough.

>> No.7143822

My sole interest in learning to draw is based around porn. Not hentai but generic western cartoon slop and porn you'd see in comics
Which means I'd draw on a ipad since I'd rather not have to have 5000 pages of porn hanging around my desk at work
Good or bad idea to just straight into digital (assuming I'm not tech retarded)

>> No.7143842
File: 101 KB, 736x613, fdabf1f65c10c311d9e00ea82642cc9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to digitally replicate the "texture" that a lot of kaneko's artworks have? IIRC they're just artifacts from using old/cheap scanners?

>> No.7143866

Easy way:
Photoshop > color half tone filter
Add paper texture with multiply or overlay, adjust opacity.
Add lighten or darken layer + gradient map
Adjust contrast



>> No.7144356


>> No.7144378

Ask in the manga making thread and in the webcomic thread and the webtoon thread, there's a plethora of generals with a shitload of links for this stuff

>> No.7144380
File: 28 KB, 512x512, 1682785515516051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it's way too early to start thinking about commissions as a /beg/, but should I try to appeal to furries if I ever wanted to make some money from drawing? I don't mind drawing furry stuff and I have some furry artist friends that will help to get my foot in the door.
furry commissioners seems to be more generous than others and they go easy on artist and let them take their time

>> No.7144463

That's a no brainer; yes

>> No.7144631

how do you set up a pixiv.me page that redirects to your profile with username instead of account number? pixiv doesn't make it clear how to do this.

>> No.7144674

I'm about to give up on going pro, should I delete my socials? I just have a handful of hundreds followers and stuff, and every time I open them I just get depressed

>> No.7144680

Just be FUCKING AWESOME and draw Fat Bitches along with like Loli, then draw Fat Loli just to assert your utter dominance HAHAHA!!!
... Nah, should be fine.
I like a lot of art like that, and some of the artists are retards, but I care about their art more, yeah?
And frankly, I drew some fat once, and then attracted the fetishist crowd, I mean I am a fetishist but like, only kinda. You have better worries.

>> No.7144684
File: 110 KB, 287x447, Screenshot_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help me find this the artist for this tutorial pls

>> No.7144691

You ever think what'd be like to observe your own artwork as someone else? People always seem to like my work I don't like, but ignore the ones I do like.

>> No.7144701

I do it all the time, I even actually believe my brain is warped in some way that gives more attention and importance to things people don't give a fuck about and vice versa

>> No.7144731
File: 661 KB, 1093x1078, 1701421011363456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this guy: https://twitter.com/cyjalway/status/1741162272121315603

Does anyone know how to remove the censorship on twitter? I know it wasn't always like this.

>> No.7145238

What's the fastest way to grow on social media?

>> No.7145241

Take estrogen, follow trends and suck dicks

>> No.7145266

Is there a resource anyone can recommend for drawing stylized insects?

>> No.7145522
File: 332 KB, 541x703, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what muscle is this?

>> No.7145532

latissimus dorsi

>> No.7145537

thank you!

>> No.7145540

Lateral Scrotum Dorsi

>> No.7145580

I want to learn how to draw clothes and I got myself a bunch of pics of cool dresses with lots of shit (frills, ribbons etc). Is is worth to draw clothes separately from human bodies since I fucking suck at them?

>> No.7145843

I can't see that shit properly but it's either
>Teres Major or Minor
I don't understand anime or anatomy.

>> No.7146716
File: 20 KB, 768x768, corner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you draw a box inside out? I have learned how to do pretty alright normal boxes, but only from the corners outside. Picrel

>> No.7146720

I feel like I am going through a stroke imagining this

>> No.7146890
File: 75 KB, 736x398, 63c7b77d1c88953c532bd123433c93d0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is there a physical difference or is it just a stylistic choice? I don't have breast

>> No.7147528

Do any of you have any recommendations for a desk easel for screenless tablets? Specifically a 10 x 6?

>> No.7147555

Yeah, there's a difference. Boobs aren't as unique as fingerprints, but there are still a hell of a lot of visual differences between them all. I'm not sure if I fully understand what you're asking, but I'll try to explain.
First pair: shows a set that is on the smaller side of the three, but more average if you're thinking about real life. They're ample, full, have a soft-firm appearance, don't have a lot of weight to them but would still likely need a bra for support.
Second pair: this set is larger than average, with the breast tissue being much more on the soft side. The fullness is distributed more throughout the middle to bottom of each breast than it is at the top.
Third pair: these lean more firm throughout with even fullness, more rounded in appearance. This can be established with a good push-up bra that helps to redistribute volume towards to top cleavage, with round breast implant shapes, and with natural boobs that have a higher tissue distribution at the top.
All of this is subject to changes in the cycle, the types of clothes someone is wearing, or artistic preferences.

>> No.7147768

Anyone ever taking commissions on Vgen? How's your experience?

>> No.7147806

Just leave it there as a dust collector. You'll never know if you might need it again years later

>> No.7147876

Isn't a box inside out still a box?

>> No.7147890

I'm not the person who asked but that was a pretty cool answer.
Is there a way to reliably learn those differences? I could draw breasts all day but without information it would be misguided and one of the cases where "just draw" doesn't work.
Are there some sources with references for types and some short description for each?(preferably with some mixed examples but I'll take anything)

Lets be real, I'm not going to have enough experience touching women breasts to learn all of that on my own. Most of the people usually stop at a few partners total too. I don't intend to have any partners though so that goes even weirder route.

>> No.7147925

Is Pixiv really slow for anyone else?

>> No.7147941


>> No.7148278

yeah thats true, but my issue was at the time on how to make it from the known corners of an eye. I realized later it was kinda a retarded question lol

>> No.7148290

Here is a gallery showing the variety in human breast shapes. Some are larger or smaller, spaced closer or smaller, pointed outwards or inwards, round or tubular, top-heavy or bottom-heavy. Observe what makes each picture different from the last and conceptualize it as a simplified 3D form. https://www.007b.com/breast_gallery.php

>> No.7148372

I thought about sending something like this as a resource, but it felt a little disrespectful to use it as a learning tool since that's probably not what those women signed up for when sending in pictures.
The other anon sent you a link with a lot of different boob types, but among the issue that I described to them, there's also the fact that it's not really a good tool to see how those breasts lay in fabrics. I wanted to make you a little visual guide using lingerie models and some drawn out examples, but I think that I'm coming at this from an almost autistic angle of explanation. If that's something you would like me to do, I'll be happy to. If not, using lingerie or underwear websites would be a good reference. You would need to go through a few of them, but there should be enough of a variety that shows how different boob types will lay in a fabric, how they're accentuated, the way that those materials compress other body tissues that are near the breasts (around the torso and back, underarms), etc.. It would also help to show you fabric textures that you can experiment with drawing.
Something else to look at would be getting textile swatches of various fabrics. Yeah, it might be going a little overboard depending on where you want to focus your art, but I feel like touching fabrics and seeing them up close could be really helpful to adding different textures to your creativity bank.

>> No.7148524
File: 217 KB, 779x749, );.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7148570

Where can I find a CSP crack that won't fuck my computer

>> No.7148880

That would be really cool if you did it, and I'm hoping you will, but don't feel like you need to if that's too much work/time/effort.
For now I'll happily learn from the content of that link given by that other anon.(which I'm also grateful for by the way)

>> No.7148933

Does tracing actually help. And why or why not?

>> No.7150116

Does anybody know the name of a painting that's a big landscape with a couple of naked women or kids in the foreground?
I think one girl is lying down and the other is standing above her.
Probably late 19th or early 20th and Brit or American painter.
But what I remember most about it is that the characters are weirdly coloured, like in gold or maybe like a photo negative.

>> No.7150513

How do i find a method to do gesture drawing? I keep focusing to much on the silhouette and details, and i get lots of vague advice like "draw what you feel". Another issues is that my brain seems to be hardwired to see every bodypart as seperate not as one whole body.

>> No.7150533

gesture drawing is a myth made up by Nicolaides. It has never existed in the previous 400 years of art history. It's sole purpose is to make begs schizoid and paranoid about art.

Just learn to depict form, proportion, perspective, anatomy, and you'll learn how to draw.

>> No.7150802

Good resource for learning hatching?

>> No.7150888

copy the masters, then apply the same patterns to your own art, or life drawing

there's no secret to hatching. It's just a huge amount of dexterity that you have to develop

>> No.7150934

Will it teach me eventually how to quik sketch, with correct proportions? It seems like such a usefull thing to know.

>> No.7151001


>> No.7151048
File: 195 KB, 900x2100, pieinthesky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something deep inside me broke years ago, and I don't know how to fix it.
Where do I go from here?

>> No.7151074

stop saying meaningless bullshit

>> No.7151697

what kind of style/category/genre is fromsoft enemy design and dark grungy monster concept like art with skulls, but not the tattoo or biker goth aesthetic

>> No.7151850
File: 40 KB, 471x367, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you deal with the pain around this mid back area?

>> No.7151851
File: 102 KB, 943x983, 20240430_142221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I simply don't know how to even study.
I try to use the reference but then it goes through my brain and comes out all fucked, some anon mentioned that to begin with, the perspective is wrong and the anatomy mushy, ultimately drawing what I remember about anatomy rather than the reference, and that in starting from little details to the general idea instead of backwards, which severely limits my drawing range since I'm trying to adapt my drawing style to what I want to draw instead of adapting what I want to draw to my style.
And this happens to references, books from masters, etc.
How to break this curse and actually correctly study what I learn and absorb it correctly?

>> No.7151993
File: 453 KB, 971x1521, スクリーンショット 2024-04-30 204326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't claim to know the best way to study, but I've been using Cognitive Drawing by Jason Brubaker recently, and it's been a great help to me


I bought the books, but I think you're better off using the technique on stuff like Morpho, Bridgman, and your favorite artists. I'm currently trying to memorize the way Tsukasa Hojo draws his faces in City Hunter.

The point of drawing from memory is so that your studies actually transfer over to your imaginative work. You also don't won't know how much you learned until you test yourself from memory. Going back and forth between copies and memory drawings helps you see your weak points and gives you opportunities to correct your mistakes.

David Finch roadmap is also a great place to start. When I went through the roadmap, I just started at the beginning, to cover any missing spots I had.

>> No.7151997
File: 381 KB, 652x1908, image_2024-04-30_214657663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably my biggest problem is not just proportion sizes, but just even getting semi accurate sizes, for example, I start on a canvas with a determined size of course, then I wanna do a sketch coming from line of action, I draw from lines of action, I draw the first line and eventually I've realized that I've ran out of space because I didn't measure correctly how much space the main line should take.
If I measure it ends up taking all the energy and looking stiff, then I slip into doing it from memory body part by body part and shape by shape, instead of what I'm seeing,

>> No.7152314

is it better to appeal to an english speaking audience or to a spanish one?

>> No.7153282

So I bought an anime template book which is supposed to show the steps with drawing anime girls better (it only has a couple), and I tried drawing stuff from it the past couple of days. I don't like how it comes out. It feels off and I don't like how it looks. But then I try to draw the Hulk from looking at a detailed image with it coming out less detailed and I like how it comes out outside the mouth looking a little basic.
What is causing this? Hulk seems easy since he's big and bulky, but I always hate how I draw girls unless they are in a traditional dress since the glass figure either looks like a stick or worse.

>> No.7153286

margin of error is smaller for women

>> No.7153298
File: 596 KB, 522x928, ShareX_J2k0T3VQhU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with this line. Now, you have the entire extent of the figure on the page.

>> No.7153337

That is very true.

>> No.7153952

I'm new to this whole drawing thing.
Why is it that sometimes I draw better and sometimes I draw worse? I study the way I draw when I'm drawing better, but the same methods just don't seem to work when I'm drawing worse. It's like the majority of my ability to draw is not something I'm able to control. It just happens.

>> No.7154062

how do I stop seriously cringing at how mid my old arts are

>> No.7154080

I used to be kinda above average in terms of my drawing skills back when I was a kid but since then I have regressed back to square 1. Now I am 25 and wanted to get into art again. Where should I start?

I have a screenless tablet and an android tablet I got as hand-me-downs from my brother, so I was wondering, could I start with digital first, or is it better starting with pen and paper? What do you guys think?

Thank you.

>> No.7154085

When you realize that failure is what we should strive for as it is the means through we learn and improve. You'll get there as long as you do proper practice and not just waste time on things that don't contribute enough to your improvement.

>> No.7154088

If you don’t want to be stuck copying the same head from the same two perspectives forever like pewidepie you gotta learn the fundies

>> No.7154157

thy needst to flatter thy muses more

>> No.7154314

I don't understand.

>> No.7154854

is there a way to mirror your drawing in krita or are you just supposed to keep hitting the flip button?

>> No.7154897

Does feeling tired/headache after drawing ever go away? Especially when doing studies and breaking things down, I end up getting exhausted and almost having a migraine. I know this is normal when learning new things and whatnot, but it's kinda getting in the way of me spending more hours drawing.

>> No.7155196

Good scanner for A4? cheap and not too bulky would be nice

>> No.7155275

What happened to that one korean namefag painter on here from like...2012? I don't even remember his name but I remember his paintings were absolutely clowned on. Does anyone know who I mean? Did he make it?

>> No.7155295

Nevermind I found him. His name is Chunbum Park, his work is still shit and he trooned out. So to answer myself, no, he did not make it.

>> No.7155331
File: 45 KB, 512x468, 1624333049364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where am I suppose to post now /lsg/ is dead?

>> No.7155367

just say your lolis are traps, nobody will notice

>> No.7155372

How do I keep from getting so frustrated with a piece that I delete it rather than finish it?

>> No.7155393

Don't you know that I got a crush on you anon?? Eeeeeeiit

>> No.7155395
File: 20 KB, 430x497, too high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im insanely high right now and drew this should I paint it now? Is it artistic enough?

>> No.7155599

Since there's too many trannies on Twitter, what is the best kind of art to post so they don't ever think about following you (without posting any political bullsit as well)?

>> No.7155602

get over yourself and learn how to block people

>> No.7155732
File: 261 KB, 1453x1500, 1714843057435801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If some /beg/ tard from here drew this, he would be deservedly shat on.
If a japanese artist does it, instead then it's A-Ok, and he's actually a genius just drawing how he likes because he wants to.
Why the double standard?

>> No.7155919

what you on about I've seen people shit on raita here

>> No.7155920


>> No.7155972

how do you grind composition?

>> No.7156009

It's still something I'm trying to figure out myself, but I think it has more to do with the way you mentally/emotionally approach drawing in that moment. When I'm feeling frustrated, when I'm in the mindset that if I just push harder trying to make my drawing better, that's when my drawings turn out stiff, overworked, and I don't learn too much. But when I find that sweet spot, something clicks and I feel like I'm drawing from the heart, like my pencil is skating on ice of its own will. Drawing is fun again! I'm surprised that I could make something so good. My drawing uses shapes I don't normally use. Maybe it's about letting go of internal judgement and the expectation of making something perfect. Save the judgement for afterwards. Drawing from unrestrained feeling, not mechanical rules.

>> No.7156017

You can bind a shortcut to "Mirror View" in the keyboard shortcuts preferences. Mirror functions in the View menu will flip the image only temporarily, functions in the Image menu will save the mirroring to the file.

>> No.7156028

composition studies!

>> No.7156532

Do fountain pens have a place in making art?

>> No.7156756

Trying to add white to a picture I'm doing, but it doesn't show up. Any advice?
For context I'm using colored pencils and I'm trying to add white lines on black clothing.

>> No.7156811

Probably need to try a different tool, some white ink could do the job
Like watercolors, colored pencils aren't an opaque medium (tho some types/brands are less transparent than others) so light colors don't layer on top of dark colors like they would with acrylics/oils/etc

>> No.7156952
File: 189 KB, 1920x1080, 1614862683230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really stupid question incoming.
I only draw once a year on christmas for a card exchange and I'm pretty bad at it. Somehow every year I get a little bit better even without practice but I'm still terrible at it and having to struggle for hours to manage to draw -barely acceptable- hands is getting pretty annoying, so considering I wanna get better for myself too I'm on the fence on one thing. Should I just try to draw whatever and just bang my head against whatever problem appears until I acquire an artistic sense or should I just grind the basics for a time first? I'm kinda lost on where to start as fun with a pencil is pretty vague for a starting point and the beginners guide on the sticky is broken, only other thing I've heard is drawabox. I'm worried If I start working on the fundamentals too much it could "box me in" and not let me develop a style as independent as I otherwise could but that sounds retarded too. I also think I should stick to analog only as digital is way too forgiving and could make me lazy/form bad habits.

>> No.7156962

I don't think I have white ink, but I'll check again

>> No.7156963

style comes AFTER fundies

>> No.7156987
File: 93 KB, 720x707, loomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my own opinion I think you should just draw whatever you want in the most rudimentary manner, without worrying about fundies first. At least for like a week or two. Most people try to get into all the technical stuff without even thinking about what they actually want to draw or how they'll apply what they learn. Approach it the way a child with box crayons would, without worrying about the mistakes you'll make.

>I'm worried If I start working on the fundamentals too much it could "box me in"
As always there's a balance to be made. 50% studies and 50% applying those studies to "for fun" drawings is a good allocation of time, maybe even 30% and 70%. As long as you spend more time drawing your own stuff than studying then you won't stagnate.

>I also think I should stick to analog only as digital is way too forgiving and could make me lazy/form bad habits.
Sticking to trad is always good. There's no substitute to drawing physically. It'll make digital much easier anyways if you ever decide to switch.

Also chuck the sticky link into wayback machine. Most of the links within it are also still accessible with wayback machine. I think perspective is the easiest fundamental to start out with and generally just makes your art much nicer to look at since it actually looks 3 dimensional.

>> No.7156993

Is it possible to efficiently develop two or more distinct art styles?

>> No.7157423

You could try white gel pen, white paint marker (Posca), white acrylic on a fine tipped brush. There are also specialty white masking fluids made for ink.

>> No.7157447
File: 229 KB, 1626x1252, brush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a pen pressure issue or a me issue? Why does it start off light and go dark weighted fast? It's really apparent on smaller/short lines which looks awful
It's my first tablet so I'm just not sure if my settings are bad or if I'm just not used to using it, to know how to apply line pressure correctly yet

>> No.7157547

I'm going to start drawing as a hobby
I am wondering how much it'll cost if I ever want to get into painting?
I go to the store and see the cost of oil paints, they aren't cheap although from what I understand they last forever, but are there any costs that I, someone who doesn't know anything about painting should know about?

>> No.7157549

Any books on art history which you'd recommend?

>> No.7157898

what does "crab" mean? whats the words origin?

>> No.7157903

I believe it's named after an aquatic critter that tries to pinch you

>> No.7157906

wow so funny and original. I would give you gold if I werent poor, we werent on 4chan and you werent a faggot

>> No.7157909


>> No.7157962

https://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Crab_mentality

>> No.7158003

I was trying to imagine a pose for a girl I'm drawing but I couldn't do it or find any helpful pics online. I thought it'd be really useful to have a skirt and pose like I usually do for hands or anatomy whenever I get stuck, before I quickly realised what I was thinking. What a terrifying thought, how many must have fallen into a dark ravine not having caught themselves early?

>> No.7158069
File: 45 KB, 750x484, DaOheoFVwAEIy-k.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come from a super fucked up family ridden with abuse and shit, hit a number of actual complete psycho points in my life like suicide attempts, assaults and other crazy shit, and I managed to stabilize only when I finally cut all ties from my parents
This said, I thought there was more 'art people' with some kind of problem I could talk and relate to, or at least a bit less conformist so I could be sincere without getting instantly cold shouldered, but irl everyone I've met until now is just the same kind of "forced positivity" people that emarginated me all my life as "weird guy" even before I speak up
No, I'm not a basement crawler or look like a creep, and I have perfectly regular relationships with normies now.
Why artist outside here and the other usual hell circles just fucking ten feet pole me? Why I have company higher up and literal hobo friends but artists dodge me like a bullet and ignore or treat me like shit?

>> No.7158189

first off, Id say being able to become an artist is imo already kind of a privilage. sure you dont need much money to learn, practice and sell but until being able to make a living from it how are you supported? in many parts of the world kids need to work from early age, so I dont know why you expect rough backgrounds here

second, nobody likes to be labeled. artists are just human and can be different. expecting them to have a certain character a incredibly narrow worldview. There might be frequent commonalities but they are no strict requirement.
also most artist actually have to network and do promotion irl to stay successfull. Only the best ones can avoid that. how did you expect them to treat you if you approach them like every other "artist"? If someone would adress me generally as "artist" instead of my person specifically, I would not consider them a collegue, a critic and especially not a friend. doesnt leave much but a potential client, a fanboy or a psycho.

I hope you see where I'm going, it's not meant as offense but you should really try to get rid of this idolized image of "artists" you seem to have

>> No.7158206

Yeah no you actually makes sense, probably by being so distant from it for so long and desperately clinging to art as it's the only thing that made me retain my sanity I have inflated and deformed the whole thing. Also being isolated for years and years biased me in perceiving being treated like an oddity as being treated unfairly, when I'm absolutely aware that I'm actually an oddity. It's actually something I never considered, I really needed someone else perspective man, thanks.

>> No.7158562

Get a proper sleeping schedule. Your brain doesn't know which time of the day to relax and when to go full throttle

>> No.7158580
File: 1.05 MB, 850x1365, grdsf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

genuine question. i've been trying to study the chest recently. what part of the chest causes this crease in the armpits?

>> No.7158583
File: 905 KB, 1198x674, Bild1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been trying to understand but it just doesn't make sense to me.

>> No.7158586

just a skin fold

>> No.7158592

It's not a muscle, just fat

>> No.7158620

Distinct? Not really, some of your drawing quirks can always be seen in all you drawings regardless of styles.

>> No.7158622

i have to worry about skin fat too?! aw man. thanks anyway...

>> No.7158647

yeah. you can theorize and anatomize all you want, but at the end of the day, the human body is just a big box of shapes that you have to memorize. That fat fold is just two pencil strokes that consistently show up, across art by many artists, and by just studying a lot (copying their work, then drawing from life) you will pick it up intuitively. There's no point in learning where all the fat deposits are. Just draw from life, draw from masters, and you'll have pretty much seen it all

>> No.7158678

just feel some forms the next time you’re at the gym or the park

>There's no point in learning where all the fat deposits are.
I think there is a point in understanding how the human body is built.

>> No.7158915

Is it bad that I’m not making any effort to learn shading? I imagine it’ll start coming to me someday but for now I’m happy just using flat colours

>> No.7159211
File: 240 KB, 265x246, looney.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coming from someone that used to do commissions as a /beg/ what you should worry about is looking for a very specific group to cater to. The Furry network is really big and with a lot of very talented competition. So you'll need to get more specific. Maybe that friend can help you by presenting you to various discord groups or certain fandoms that need more artists.
In my case I got into a very specific fandom that was very dedicated but didn't had lots of artist so when I started drawing for them (at the begining just for fun) they welcomed me with open arms and were there to commission me when I eventually got open. Even if my art was kinda shitty I knew what buttons to press and they were starving for artists.

And last but not least don't try to appeal to furries if you don't like em. Because as a /beg/ you wont be getting payed $100 a commission and you'll be hating you and your costumers while you spend hours drawing someone's ugly furry OC for just $10 bucks. If you just want money get a regular job.

>> No.7159214
File: 34 KB, 736x717, E9TjQPlUcAYs5A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good and bad are relative.

It all depends on you.

>> No.7159221
File: 2.98 MB, 1231x937, John Romita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the art style sometimes flat is better. It's good that you are learning to pick colors instead of just polishing turds. But you can never go wrong with learning something new even if you prefer not to use it.

>> No.7159296

My drawing tablet is just the basic 10 x 8in. size, I am struggling to transfer the things I'm learning traditionally on it. Mainly I'm struggling with line confidence because I'm forced to use my wrist only because of the small size as opposed to a big sketchpad and the advice to use elbows and shoulders when drawing. I try zooming out digitally for big lines i.e shape of face, curve of body, etc but my lines are all wobbly. I'm guessing I'm doing something wrong with either the digital canvas size/how zoomed out I am or how I'm using my wrist? Or should I just use the software's stabilizer function?

>> No.7159344 [DELETED] 
File: 361 KB, 1920x1200, 043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magic wand erasing has absolutely terrible aliasing even with anti-aliasing on so I still have to sweep everything with eraser.
>left - eraser
>right - magic wand
Also when drawing in selection the brush bleeds outside of it

>> No.7159348 [DELETED] 

Forgot to add: how do i fix?

>> No.7159627

I'm doing digital now and I feel like everything I make is "too big". Am I not setting a proper canvas or resolution size or whatever? Using an intuos 3 large

>> No.7159667

it's better to draw too big and downsize than it is too draw too small and upscale.

>> No.7159735

It really is never enough
You're never going to reach the point where you see your stuff on par with the artists you like uh? That guy you just saw on twitter makes such beautiful lines, the ones you couldn't even imagine
Art is sad hell

>> No.7159745

when that happens, don't give up. download the picture, and copy it. Take these moments of soul-crushing defeat, and make lemonade out of it!

>> No.7159763

This question has been asked and answered for hundreds of years. The answer is that you have to accept you will never be as good as Rembrandt and do what you can do

>> No.7160059

Do you think buying other artists' timelapses is worth it?

>> No.7160096

You can just gift them money and save yourself the hassle, it's pointless as watching YouTube art gurus if not more

>> No.7160115

>shilling 5 years old data
its actually 58% in ze current year

>> No.7160149


Why going on struggling then.
I even forgot why I wanted to be good so badly, what's the point of all this
What's the fucking point of insisting throwing your energy into something that will never give you back anything

>> No.7160166

I wouldn't buy a timelapse that's been radically sped up, you need to be able to analyze what they're doing. PSD files and videos where the artist explains their choices through the video have been incredibly valuable to me.

That being said, I've been able to pause faster timelapses and figure out what the artist is doing when needed and it's still helpful just a little more difficult

>> No.7160295
File: 111 KB, 745x1000, 81JVHaP24cL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if I learn from one of these books? am i ngmi?

>> No.7160300

this isn't reddit. no one cares if you give up

>> No.7160510

Depends. If it's written by a westerner then at best it teaches you what not to do. I recommend reading some of the books by Hikaru Hayashi instead. They're old but the information in them still has value. You can easily find pdfs of them or search them on the internet archive.


>> No.7160515

Is there a way to create the halftone effect with sai?

>> No.7160525

It's called never actually using what you practice and not drawing from memory/imagination

>> No.7160553

i want to get really good at value, value distribution, value massing, understanding what people mean when they say the lightest dark and darkest light quote, basically become a value God. please tell me ic how exactly do i do this.

>> No.7161008
File: 209 KB, 680x684, 1715223148699706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the best place to find image references? Stuff like this, I like how my drawing came out and I want to find more simple manga stuff hat isn't common on /a/

>> No.7161268

Pinterest, mega archives

>> No.7161431
File: 3.62 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your autististic, unique, quirky, strange diy creations you have made in your career as an artist?

>*NEVER EVER touch a bird feather with your bare hands. These feathers are INSIDE THE BIRD more or less and if it contains diseases such as bird flu you are FUCKED always wear gloves + use scalding hot water, bleach if you want to use chemicals, lemon salt vodka if you dont. Shampoo and conditioner after that, soap and finally blow or air dryer it.

ALL THIS WORK makes it so much easier to draw from the shoulder imo, the feather is light, and just feels right. ALSO dont tape it to the wrong side so you cant magnetically connect to your ipad. Happy drawing!

>> No.7162075

Anyone know of a website where I can grab some free basic 3d models (ex. A gun, a ship, a vehicle) where they're not charging $50 for it or asking me to sign up for their shitty site?

>> No.7162128


>> No.7162135

deviant art. model resource. sketchfab. all my go to

>> No.7162239

This is not possible in SAI. You can get similar results with SAI2's scatter brush, but it's not the same

I usually save my files in PSD format so that I could open it up in Krita or Photoshop to add rasterized filters and effects

>> No.7162435

What does it feel like to have a girlfriend and have sex? Will it improve my art?

>> No.7162595

That's not what I was asking

>> No.7162988

Does anyone else have trouble drawing basic ellipses and cubes, but can draw complex shapes and figures? I feel like I shouldn't be struggling with this for the amount of years I put into this. Maybe I'm too much of a perfectionist, but if the circle isn't shaped right I can't continue.

>> No.7163015

not cubes, but definitely ellipses are hard for literally everyone, I think

>> No.7163473
File: 44 KB, 735x723, 20240505_191437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is krita actually bad or my friend is just messing with me? I'm still a beginner and I'm using krita because it's free and easy to install but my friend keep saying krita is bad and I need to use a "professional" softwares if I want to git gud

>> No.7163483

It's great, free, open source, the most customizable, regularly getting updated, lots of community plugins.
Krita's only downside is that the default settings are different to the standard work flow of most digital painting software (for no good reason) and the early versions were buggy and slow so it has a bit of a bad reputation. If they could iron out the learning curve of it and improve it's reputation, it could easily blow up in popularity like how Blender did.
Couple pros use it for some of their stuff. Craig Mullins, Wesley Gardner, Aaron Blaise. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for anybody.

In general people get tribal about software, like sports teams or gaming consoles. You can ignore the software wars crap, it's just a waste of time. Most artists will cry and piss their pants if they have to edit a .cfg file, so take anything they say about software with a grain of salt.

>> No.7163485

models resource is a good one

>> No.7163505

Thanks for clearing things up, it's actually really cool to know that professionals like Craig Mullins uses Krita, I really love his AoE paintings

>> No.7163916
File: 2.38 MB, 1976x1055, 001913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

often in "LOOMIS METHOD" videos, they draw these big circles that more or less directly map to the skull orbits ; nonetheless :
- I haven't seen this in any of the loomis books
- Why do they do this ? how is it a useful landmark for drawing eyes ? how do I use those ?

it's not an epiphenomenon everyone seems to be using them

>> No.7163953

Is there new version of Clip studio paint cracked for Mac? 2.0 and above
My school only uses macs at the graphic design department and the PCs at motion design one are hugged by the rest of the students :CCCC

>> No.7164730

I don't understand how brushes work.
When is which type of brush used?
Which brushes are used for lineart, which ones for painting?
Do digital artists use textured brushes, or are they there just to mimic actual real life brushes?
What about pressure size/opacity, in what situation do people use just one or the other?
I understand pencil-like brushes are used for sketching and thats about it

>> No.7164751

when you start adding textures to your paintings

Noise filter or drag and drop a paper grain image over your drawing and drop the layer opacity, play with the layer blend mode until it looks cool.

Draw good stuff with a story or post nudes occasionally online if you are desperate.
go on pixiv and type " anatomy guide"

around a month or 2 , if you are struggling, get a screen tablet for 200 bucks

Get a screen tablet and drag a paper texture layer in your program to draw on top of

>> No.7164769

water coloring is the more difficult medium to master digitally, No you dont have to but i'd recommend learning it regardless

Need more detail on what you mean.

swap programs or turn up your stability

draw what makes you happy and hopefully it makes others happy..

go to the /beg/ sticky and look up draftsmanship / form/volume


most great artist dislike their art even when it looks amazing, that feeling will probably not go away. find something you enjoy doing and draw that, if you find no enjoyment just dont draw, you have nothing to prove.


get a desk fan and a rag

it's okay to give up and move on, drawing the human body is one of the most difficult things to do because our eyes easily spot mistakes, draw a box that fits the angle of the head you're trying to draw in the corner for the page as reference and draw shadow shapes and check your proportions while drawing

if you have no interest in improving or having fun with it.

Some people just have an easier time traditionally, some great artist scan their paper sketches and just draw over them.

draw what you want , but its better to have a goal to keep you focus


there are discord groups for freelance jobs. apply directly or just use tiktok/ twitter

>> No.7164786

use a small round brush for lineart and a large round brush for painting, you can use texture brushes when your drawing is near to complete

drop your brush opacity to like 40% when doing lineart and 60% when doing painting,

Seems to be l;landmarks
for the eye sockets, but those are way too large imo and seem kinda retarded

clip studio and Photoshop are the most used programs and can be pirated, but use whatever is most comfortable to you, there are artist who use ms paint and create amazing work, but to answer your question no, krita is not bad but you might like another program like clip studio even better.l

some artist have amazing draftsmanship some don't, if you suck at circles then make an effort to draw more ellipses so you improve .


buy a flesh light and drop it in warm water

Pinetrest, tune your home feed.

learn to make 2 value and 3 value paintings, when the sun hits your drawing it will have dark and light values, pick 2-3 values to represent light and dark sides of your drawing. youtube : edge control, simple value painting marco buchi

if you read more than you draw then yeah.

>> No.7164798


You're worrying about the small details of anatomy which is the wrong way to approach anatomy, instead of worrying about every small micro fat section on the body, worry about large muscle shapes and masses since those are the most important, if you want to draw sexy armpits24/7 then study armpit creases.

welp back to drawing I go, good luck on your journey /ic/ and have fun.

>> No.7164912

I keep getting filtered by Procreate brushes. What are some good settings to tweak or brushes to download that may have fixed things for you?
I can't pinpoint what's exactly the issue, I have no issues with brush sensitivity on other programs though. Sometime I get the shoelace effect. Sometimes certain brushes expand AFTER I applied them on canvas, because of some dumb design that's meant to emulate trad painting. There's a lack of control.

>> No.7164913
File: 1.36 MB, 1000x1751, feather.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neat idea! You inspired me to make one too. Feels comfy. You're right about it helping to draw with the shoulder more. It's easier to hold the stylus with a loose extended grip, and I find that it makes it more intuitive to use tilt sensitive brushes. Looks really cool on the desk as well.

>> No.7165142
File: 139 KB, 1080x1080, LC - Tired girl sketch - 05122024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to make a non gay 4koma.
And I want the art to be as less time consuming as possible.

What is the easiest way to color a draw like pic related?

>> No.7165609

what are some good current traditional pencil drawings of lewd artists?
im in need to know how to render well with a couple of graphite pencils

>> No.7165616

Is this board dying? For the first time it feels dead. /ic/ kept changing but it was never dead. IA faggots really ruined this board with relentless shilling.

>> No.7165704
File: 26 KB, 508x362, ic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this board dying?
Yes, AI slop is hard filtering new people out of getting into art.

>> No.7166003

Am i retarded for thinking this is a good thing?
Just means less competition and more opportunities, although /ic/ is not the only art community and new artists could still be growing on other sites.

>> No.7166045

Is there people who actually draw with out an structure?

>> No.7166071
File: 2.16 MB, 2016x1512, 1599877793812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What drawing software is this? Looks like SAI but there's subtle differences so I don't really know.

>> No.7166098

It is, quality and creative art will always have a market
AI is just an fast-food way of creating safe corpo shit, it's no different than using barely paid indians for your cgi, people get too worked up over this shit

>> No.7166105

Oh damn I used to use this way back in 2015 I think. It's a paintsoftware you can get off steam (but I used the standalone version). I forgot the name, though.

>> No.7166190

First guess was OpenCanvas but it looks pretty different from old versions too (tried to look up in yandex v1, v4, v5).
This is so weird, the top bar and style for the toolboxes/widgets resemble OpenCanvas but the options are closer to SAI... Unless I'm a complete idiot and you can theme SAI/OpenCanvas to look like that... Which I doubt.

Found the picture in my hard drive, It's from 2020 (even though that Thinkpad is from 2010),
Think I'll waste some more time digging around for the name later since not being able to recognize the software has piqued my interest.

>> No.7166197

I'm more interested in the quirky little tablet.

>> No.7166243


>> No.7166246

it is v. cute
if i find it in a thrift store i'll cum

>> No.7166504
File: 100 KB, 640x572, 640px-Doritos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does food like doritos fucks up your brain when you try to draw?

>> No.7166522
File: 2.43 MB, 3024x4032, IMG_4249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks anon rn im living every artists worse nightmare because 4daysago i broke both my right arm and left leg as a pedestrian being hit by the side of a dodge ram going 45 mph which broke my tibia through the skin and then i flew into my parked car which broke my ulna and damaged my radial nerve. i was fortunate to survive. but after four days and some slow physical therapy im starting to move my fingers on my dominant right drawing hand. i cant move my right drawing hand upward though like in the way you do that simultaneous clapping game. in the end, i warned my mother 2 hours beforehand i needed to go to a church because i felt like something bad was coming and that the demon that had been growing inside of me for years was coming to pay. legends say my family is protected by a gargoyle, anyone who wishes death on my family name seems to always find tragedy soon after. i had been so angsty cursing this family demons name maybe 9999 times over in my twenties that hed finally had enough. my father is full blooded whereas i am only half. my mothers blood seems to be the sinful type but cherishes the lord. the devil and god are raging inside me.


but hey, im not lookin 4pity im just gmi no matter what , even if its with lefty. im either coming out of this ambidextrous or left handed. im gonna make it . (you) are gonna make it and even (you) too. just dont fight so much guys. were all gmi.

>> No.7166528
File: 2.23 MB, 2048x2732, IMG_4259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last pic with righty it was of a shy artist girl who kept looking side to side hopefully i captured that.
colored with lefty


>> No.7166539
File: 3.29 MB, 2876x2871, IMG_4260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip righty tho fr i wasnt able to match this high school level. im not saddened though. maybe this was the answer i was looking for. im still grateful lord. job taught me well: the lord giveth and the lord taketh away might be the most karmically accuarate think i ive ever, no, felt. i feel your power lord. im just grateful you didnt dick me out both arms or my life and for that im grateful. ty for listening.


>> No.7166565

Ily anon

>> No.7166570

how do i stop being such a fucking hermit and actually talk to other artists/art communities

>> No.7166677

i feel like im spending way too long on clean lineart, am i doing something wrong?

>> No.7166823
File: 228 KB, 903x582, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this kind of interior style called? Or at least when/where was it popular? I really like the vibes, want to find more.

>> No.7167217
File: 97 KB, 1186x1303, 61dsie0j3OL._AC_SL1400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good desk for digital art?
I want to prioritize the width of it, something that can fit a screen and a 16" drawing tablet if possible.
I'm thinking on those desks that have the screen raised, but I don't know if the space I'm left with will be enough for the drawing tablet, I'm thinking about 60cm (23.62In) total with 40cm (15.75) left after the monitor raiser is set up. But I don't know if I could get away with less and still be comfortable.
As for the length, I think 120cm (47.24in) would be just enough space, I think I could fit 150cm(59in) in my room, but maybe you guys use even less comfortably.
I really don't plan on using speakers, just headphones, and my keyboard will be mechanical, so it takes little space.
IF possible, variable feet height, my floor is slightly uneven but enough to be annoying.

And finally, price. There's a lot of cheap Chinese brands that seem to work for as low as $90usd, but even Chinese quality rises with price, generally.
So, any good desk that can fit these characteristics, my limit is 300usd. And if it's Chinese $120usd stuff, that is robust enough to at least last 2 years.

Here's three models I like, not precisely the specific desks, just the format in as much as 300USD.
>inb4: mx, yes I'm Mexican
140cm x 60cm can support 60kg, 55in x 23.62 in, can support up to 160lb

110x45(65 - 20 from the monitor raiser) / 43.3x17.7in (25-7)

120x55/ 47.24x 21.65 but has keyboard compartment, can support up to 30kg/60lbs

>> No.7167226

what do you draw

>> No.7167355

where can i find free scrap paper?

>> No.7167376

are there any websites or pc/mobile apps that help you practice line confidence?

>> No.7167620
File: 9 KB, 306x201, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When painting, do you let your brush's size be affected by pen pressure?

>> No.7168158

How could I tell when something is AI. I sometimes cannot tell anymore. Apparently others can. It's like being a detective at this point.

>> No.7168431

Does anybody know any good Ipad adds for connecting it to a computer to draw on? I went through my sketchbook already and I have an older Ipad money that I might need to use. I think I'm getting better at a lot outside of shading, which is harder to do on paper.

>> No.7169257

Must've been asked literally a million times before but
>How do i actually get down to drawing
It's a huge pain in the ass to get started even though i have the time for it.
I'm just fried and can't do anything that isn't barebones hedonism.
I'll try anything at this point