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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 538 KB, 1500x1875, 51-penguino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7107857 No.7107857 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>7098836

Do Art Daily:
>Link: https://dad.gallery
>Discord: You must have a DAD streak of at least 14 to join. Ask Vastian#0988 for an invite.
>Found an issue with the site? Lost your streak and want to appeal? Please message the contact link at the bottom of the site instead of posting in the thread.

>Draw every day (or your preferred frequency)
>Submit your work by 23:59:59 GMT
>Spend at least 30 minutes on each submission
>No loli or shota porn
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going!
>Maintain your streak and you too can become the LAST ARTIST STANDING!!
>Have fun!

Go and comment on each other's artwork; dads love attention!


What is the goal?
>To form a habit of drawing. The gains you make are dependent on you.

I am /beg/gar and not know draw, can I join?
>Yes x99. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. Make something!

How long does it take until my account is approved?
>Between two to three weeks, usually when you reach level 3. Even unapproved submissions count toward your streak!

A brief history:
>Last Artist Standing (LAS): The original site, created by Lava (presumed dead, rest in peace). It has changed and ruined the lives of many lassies.
>Draw Every Day (DED): A short-lived site between LAS and DAD, run and abruptly cancelled by w.
>Do Art Daily (DAD): The current site, by the dadmin and developer banana.

Community links:
>DADcast: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfCw_buGoBDPQC1bbcukmnQ
>LAS discord (alternative to DAD discord): https://discord.gg/5777rZnqW9
>Crit Dashboard: https://dad-crit.vercel.app/

>> No.7107863

is there a registration period?

>> No.7107887

>DAD Help Center
>...You cannot join a challenge or leave a challenge that has already begun.

>> No.7107890

well shit, fair enough

>> No.7107899

Where is it? Where's the tier list?

>> No.7107919

DAD help center sounds fucking hilarious.

>> No.7107938

DM'd you the tier list :')

>> No.7107941

mp4 support
never forget

>> No.7107943

i think this would be pretty useful but i'd be too embarrassed to share my music

>> No.7107947

>i'd be too embarrassed to share my music
the best thing to do to overcome would be to actually post it so that you could realize it's not a big deal. most people aren't going to comment on it anyways, but most of the comments about it would be positive and/or constructive criticism.

>> No.7107952

We should abolish these archaic rules. What's so bad about joining a challenge mid-way? Plus just think about the tantrums chairgirl will throw, it will be hilarious

>> No.7107957

>We should abolish these archaic rules
save frequency-dependent challenges, I actually agree. say if you join DAD a day after a challenge starts but you would've wanted to be part of it, or you simply missed the notification of a new challenge being made, it would be convenient to be able to join past the starting date.

>> No.7107960

Nothing on the site will change. Just post your daily and shut the fuck up

>> No.7107962

yeah it probably wouldnt be that bad. i guess my skill level with music is only slghtly below my skill level with art. not sure why i feel embarrassed about this one honestly

>> No.7107964
File: 8 KB, 279x178, ad Deum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7107967

i am a bit more tone deaf than i am unable to draw from memory. i just need to compose moar

>> No.7108011

>not sure why i feel embarrassed about this one honestly
if you don't post your music anywhere, perhaps that's why. even if you post your visual art on /dad/ daily (and perhaps elsewhere with some frequency), maybe your mind still distunguishes between your visual and musical art that posting one is normal but the posting the other would be a bit anxiety-inducing. at any rate, like pretty much everything else out there, the more you do it the more familiar it becomes.

>> No.7108055

I've been working the DAD help centre phonelines for about 5 weeks now and it's pretty rough

A solid 80% of the calls are from this one angry ex-customer who got blacklisted
Sometimes he's screaming about bananas from the very start, other calls he just wastes our time for as long as he can
I don't think he understands how our system works because he keeps putting on different voices and pretending to be different people, but we can see his IP address right there on the screen

Another customer phones up every day, sometimes multiple times, and always just asks "How long until deadline?"

I like getting calls from the shy customers best. They ask for advice on how to get more interactions with other customers, how to make friends, how to feel less lonely. Most of them make no progress, and you can hear them panic and then hurriedly hang up, but there's three or four who opened their comments and even made comments themselves. It feels good to see them slowly improving.

>> No.7108063

why did you hang up on me when i was in the middle of talking about how i'm helplessly NGMI? i was just getting to the part about my genetics

>> No.7108069

>I'm sorry sir, here at DAD we provide an online art resource, we don't sell jeans of any kind, asian or otherwise

>> No.7108077
File: 20 KB, 399x399, booba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No evidence of my disappearance on the front page. I beat DAD and now I will never lose my streak.

>> No.7108098

I am one step closer to page 1, thank you :)

>> No.7108127

>make a comment
>get ignored
>stop posting the next day
Just delete the comment and move on honestly. You don't need to be friend with everyone.

>> No.7108141

I make comments and forget about them instantly
I only remember if someone replies and I get the notification for it

>> No.7108179

Who you talking about lil bro

>> No.7108193

no please wait another week

>> No.7108194

Anything for you, anon. I can't wait to see you there!

>> No.7108200

Cybernaut's comment on Whiff's post? What makes you think they were so devastated by the lack of response that they would intentionally drop their streak?

>> No.7108202

What else really?

>> No.7108205

>What else could be the reason for the dropped streak?
Is this what you are meaning? I think there are many reasons one could lose a streak. What makes you so certain that they dropped it intentionally?

>> No.7108210

I am not certain, but he did make it look like so; which is incredibly pathetic.

>> No.7108216

>he did make it look like so
how? if all you're going by is the fact that he made a comment on Whiff's post and subsequently dropped his streak, that seems like weak evidence. at any rate, I've commented on Whiff's posts before and have been 1/2 on getting a reply, so perhaps he's just not that good at getting back to people.

>> No.7108218

Just by losing the streak on the day after??? Does he post whiny shit on the discord or something? I'm thinking it's just something like >>7108141 and he just forgot to upload the next day. Occams razor and what not.

>> No.7108223
File: 10 KB, 222x227, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an observation, not a court case pal.

>> No.7108224

Hey, buddy. I was talking to that anon. It's rude to interrupt people when they're having a conversation. Don't push your luck again, or I'll summon banana to curbstomp your precious streak into 0.

>> No.7108229

>forgot to upload
You have 24 hours to do so. I personally have 100+ subs pre-drawn/painted, ready to be uploaded.

>> No.7108231

I'm not trying to be hostile, just making a point. and if the word "evidence" is disagreeable to you here, we can use something else. my point is that it seems like a weak connection to make. for all we know cyber could've overslept, been away from his computer, forgot that he didn't upload, etc.
your mother

>> No.7108235

I'm so glad I left DAD lol. As a former page 2 casual, I literally just set aside 30 minutes to draw each day. Sometimes I had other lengthy obligations/distractions that would interfere with my schedule and make me lose my streak (I only lost my streak twice during my tenure on DAD)

>> No.7108238


>> No.7108245

It's not about the truth pal. It's about the optic - how average people see it. Him getting his ego hurt is more interesting to the public.

>> No.7108247
File: 217 KB, 740x1023, Screenshot 2024-03-19 175405.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a discord server to VC and draw with the other artists :(

>> No.7108249

>It's not about the truth pal
and what is "it" exactly? you said
>he did make it look like so
in reference to not getting a reply to his comment and then dropping his streak. that is a statement, which can be true or false, so I don't see how the truth doesn't matter. anyways, we can just agree to disagree: you think the lack of response from Whiff and the streak dropping are likely connected, I don't. no need to give this more time than we have already.

>> No.7108259

I wish my DAD loved me back

>> No.7108265

There was this one time where someone left a comment on one of my submissions, but I didn't reply to it right away. I came back a few hours later and found out that they deleted it, and in the /dad/ thread someone made a post about how it feels bad to get ignored and how they're only going to reply to talkative dads from now on. Can't remember if it was Cybernaut or someone else, weird interaction though

>> No.7108292
File: 425 KB, 600x610, 1708988811822503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, it's called a description. why are you blogging?

>> No.7108293

lmao wtf
same kind of behavior to take offence when someone won't message back immediately, just because they are terminally online themselves.

Always just assume people forgot. Nobody actually hates you, or cares enough to hate you. Unless you're TG <3

>> No.7108297

I had someone leave a nice anonymous comment, I left a thank you, and they deleted theirs still. idk why.

>> No.7108302

look at this schizo commenting "thanks" on his own submissions

>> No.7108320

>anonymous comment
I sometime found my comments cringe and delete them. Nothing personal!

>> No.7108326

Thunder God?

>> No.7108327

i like getting comments on my submissions its nice but i am too nervous to respond sometimes. i appreciate them though and i've been attempting to reply more often now

>> No.7108331

the only tangible metric on DAD that you can influence on others are comments making them extremely valuable as a measure of status within the community. I treat every comment I get as a divine blessing that is not to be taken lightly lest you seek to attract the ire of the gods of DAD. Remember, you are human.

>> No.7108335

I just deleted my account, and all the nice anonymous comments I left got deleted as well. Sorry if you were effected. Just know that I did truly mean what I said!

>> No.7108336

>too nervous to respond

>> No.7108339

difficult question. i really have no idea

>> No.7108341

>few hours later
You mean 2 days later? It's just a comment. It's not a big deal.

>> No.7108346

well, what thoughts come into your mind when you start to feel nervous about it? what rationale is there for the lack or delay of your replies?

>> No.7108357

>make comments on subs that catch my eyes
>Respected DAD reply
>delete comment a week later
>now everyone who browse his subs think that he's rambling to himself.
Here we go talking about comment etiquette. I just comments on any subs I like and delete those comments whenever I damn well please.

>> No.7108366

who knew that a community of artists would be riddled with mental illness

>> No.7108369

just fear over being noticed or something like that i cant tell all that well.more likely than not it's a sperg reaction

>> No.7108377

Tell me your

>> No.7108380

that's a shame. hopefully you're heading off on good terms, anon. If you're one and the same who posted for me, it was greatly appreciated.

>> No.7108384

>mental illnesses
such as? the word you want to use is socialy inept. Low IQ poster.

>> No.7108386

i would never be mentally ill

>> No.7108387

Description? The art speaks for itself.

>> No.7108389

I have never typed in the descripion box.

>> No.7108392

there's probably more specific terminology, but I find myself to be exceedingly neurotic.
>the world you want to use is socially inept
it's not, though certain mental illnesses can result in social inaptitude. and narcissists, for instance, can actually be quite skillful in social situations. also, plenty of detrimentally shy people can emulate a normal person in a given social interaction, but at the very least it makes you more less likely to even try, and to crack during an interaction.

>> No.7108393

I will continue to make/delete comments. Nobody can stop me.

>> No.7108394

>wahhh people don't use the website exactly how I want to
You brought this upon yourself

>> No.7108396

i like to sperg in the description box and especially in the comments on all of my submissions

>> No.7108400

I keep a personal journal for myself. others are welcome to read it if they choose.

>> No.7108405
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys actually browse fellow DAD's galleries. Who do you think is worth learning from?

>> No.7108410

some notable ones I like for different reasons. too lazy to categorize, but take a look:
Edér, buckley, CGraphite, cranihum, nsix, gottagitgud, smile.hnts, Aura, Nessie, guespiere, Frytail, Rammionn, rook, WuschelMiniTyp, Doggie358, 7b7a2f, I am Saury, Manu
some are furry and/or nsfw, if that matters.

>> No.7108416

>some are furry and/or nsfw, if that matters
it does

>> No.7108417

ah.... steve huston...!

>> No.7108418

most will be obvious from their avatars.

>> No.7108419
File: 1.50 MB, 2904x2160, Unit_3_Light-and-Shadow.03_17_01_04.Still005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7108421
File: 25 KB, 300x418, 940952637840513af8fcbd4426045cf7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me realizing i can't get the penguin badge

>> No.7108428

>on the list
I made it!

>> No.7108431

post your username and your home address NOW

>> No.7108465
File: 425 KB, 997x781, wahhh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've commented on Whiff's posts before and have been 1/2 on getting a reply, so perhaps he's just not that good at getting back to people
yeah, i'm not... sorry about that..

>> No.7108472

I'll eat your ass one of these days and you'll love it.

>> No.7108641


>> No.7108717

Damn. I thought at least one person would notice my absence from the site. I guess my stuff really was entirely unremarkable. Ouch.

>> No.7108722

i'm trying to get to level 3 so i can comment
what's your username?

>> No.7108729

>people actually care about attention and "popularity" even on dad
you guys truly need to touch some grass and clap some cheeks

>> No.7108736

>he is touching grass on 4chun
It's human nature. Most artists want their works to be seen, and care about others' opinon about their works. You act like you are above others or some shit.

>> No.7108766
File: 66 KB, 1080x1159, Tombstone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted my account, but don't worry, you didn't miss out on much.

>> No.7108782

for me, it's not attention and popularity, but acknowledgment and support. while there's value in appreciating your own work, ultimately, we make art to be seen by others. we're all on the long road of trying to get better, so getting a genuine, helpful, and/or encouraging message from others can be positive source of support, even if it's just critique or feedback.

>> No.7108784

Honestly just want to get good enough that I can masturbate to my drawings.

>> No.7108786

Are you offering your cheeks? Then don't bring it up.

>> No.7108794

why'd you do it, anyways?

>> No.7108811
File: 278 KB, 1213x1411, 1699156473050645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is just out of curiosity, not trying to argue with anyone or change their mind/habits, but for those who don't have a daily submission frequency: why not? I doubt anyone here is so bereft of time that they cannot find 30 minutes every day to work on something. as minimal as 30 minutes is, if used properly, it will compound over weeks, months, and years. perhaps it may feel overwhelming, but would you not want to push yourself and become a hard(er)-working person in addition to being a better artist?

>> No.7108814

you can clap mine

>> No.7108815

noooo don't delete your account your so sexy aha

>> No.7108830

For real? DM me your deets.

>> No.7108835
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>> No.7108851

If you're forcing yourself to draw
That's my advice
You ain't an artist

>> No.7108855

I think drawing is effort because I'm not able to draw what I want. It's like learning a language. Very boring until you're able to form sentences and use it to do what you want.

>> No.7108857

I think it depends on the specifics. for instance, when I first got into art I hated it. I wanted to emulate art that inspired me, but I could never do that when I tried; and when I tried to do other practice, which was only vaguely guided, I would end up getting upset and quit. but the thought of making beautiful/compelling art was always in the back of my mind. a few years ago I took up the craft again and have enjoyed doing so on the whole. I think some people just need to pass a threshold where they start to see the results of their effort; or they just need some structured guidance; or still, they need to work on other things in their life which make them more prone to being upset when they fail at art. >>7108855 knows what I'm talking about.

>> No.7108869

I joined DAD to prove to myself that I was capable of committing to my art. I also wanted to force myself to post my work. I was also hoping that people would find value in my work.
Unfortunately, I began to feel stagnant, and constantly worrying about my streak was distracting me from other things in life like schoolwork and exercise. I know I could've changed submission frequency, but that feels like cheating to me. Basically, I got everything I wanted out of DAD (save for friends) and I felt no purpose to continue posting. If DAD had more feedback metrics like views or something, I probably wouldn't have felt so alone.
Sorry for the book/attentionwhoring

>> No.7108875

100% this: >>7108857. Getting started is the hardest part because everything you do is going to suck, you don't get immediate results, and it can be daunting when you look at how much you'll need to learn to become decent, let alone good. There have been plenty of times when I've been extremely frustrated learning something, but pushing through to the other end allowed me to actually make progress. It's extremely refreshing to overcome despite the challenges, and I would've stagnated or given up had I not forced myself to keep going at times.

>> No.7108881
File: 292 KB, 750x900, dsfsfsfsffsefdfsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow. Now I need to try even harder!
There is a grace period and you still have time to reconsider.
Sometimes forcing oneself to draw is a good way to get out of a rut, lazy streak. I was there. Skipped 1, 2 days, then 1, 2 weeks, months..

>> No.7108896

You mean after the two weeks following the initialization of my deletion? That's cool, but I have already made a mountain out of a molehill and I would probably just delete my account again if I returned and started getting pity comments lol. I'm still gonna DAD, but without the website.

>> No.7108939

Personally, I draw over 30 mins daily. I just don't want to post every day.

>> No.7108954

So nobody but three people are doing the touch grass challenge?

>> No.7108959

I may be an incel, but I'm not a NEET. I touch grass regularly, it's just that it's snowing quite heavily today.

>> No.7108960

Can't find that challenge when I look. What is it?

>> No.7108964


>> No.7108970

so if it's not about building a habit, presumably you're here for the social aspect?

>> No.7108980 [DELETED] 

I took 2 mins to post stuff. Why so lazy?

>> No.7109069

>it can be daunting when you look at how much you'll need to learn to become decent, let alone good
that was certainly the case for myself. it didn't help that I got into art relatively late and did not have a clear frame-of-reference with which to proceed on my journey. I was in band up through a portion of high school, and had put a good amount of effort in some sports in school, but for me drawing has been such a singular activity that trying to make progress hasn't really felt comparable to anything I've done up until this point. so not only was I bad at drawing (and still am, but less so), I felt quite lost early on. if it weren't for the internet and various people making tutorials and giving general advice, I probably would not have continued to get to this point.

>> No.7109094

I might go outside today or tomorrow.

>> No.7109163
File: 942 KB, 1920x1080, kjg every day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in one of the old KJG interviews he talked about how for a long time he forced himself to draw every single day
but eventually it became habit and he didn't have to try anymore it's just what he does

>> No.7109166

I haven't left the house in maybe 3 months

>> No.7109176

overrated gimmicky artist

>> No.7109179

bedder 'n u Mohammed

>> No.7109181

no way.... get real man

>> No.7109184

>responding to obvious low effort bait

>> No.7109189

tableguy's better

>> No.7109190

I draw a couple of hours a day and could post daily but don't want to
I was daily for a long time and the constant deadline pressure made me stressed and I would just rush out something "safe" that I knew I could get done in time and would look ok to post
Now that I'm a weekly I feel free to fuck up and experiment and actually learn more

>> No.7109240


>> No.7109248

I have a every other day frequency. It could happen in the future that I won't be able to draw for one day for whatever reason (and it happened before), so it's just for peace of mind.
i like when numbers go up and i dislike when numbers go down.

>> No.7109252

what is happening??!?

>> No.7109286

Same my internet was out for almost two days recently

>> No.7109289

maaaan I sure hope no one makes a tier list that could potentially cause me to impulse delete my account if I'm placed too low haha

>> No.7109299

Pre beg right here.

>> No.7109305

Some you guys are alright, don't come to rollover tonight

>> No.7109306

>yeah, i'm not sorry about that
damn he got 1k+ followers on social media and immediately turned into a snob...

>> No.7109307

Urazi put me as a midbeg and I almost killed myself over it

>> No.7109320

Furchads won...

>> No.7109324

me when I hit 100 followers (no bots)

>> No.7109328

I post a collage of my works done weekly. I don't draw every day but the sum total of my works during the week exceeds 30 min/day. I use DAD more as a progress tracker than for habit building and seeing works weekly helps with that immensely.
>would you not want to push yourself and become a hard(er)-working person in addition to being a better artist?
I'm always pushing myself though it may not be obvious because it's mostly process oriented.

>> No.7109332
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>> No.7109336
File: 82 KB, 334x307, 1685575808553501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm all of those things

>> No.7109339

Notice how this tierlist doesn't say "PEDOPHILE" in the lowest tier.

>> No.7109346

I just hope it's not someone I respect acting like this

>> No.7109347

names of people you respect (please be me)

>> No.7109354

never meet your heroes

>> No.7109377

I'm a retard, spic, incel wagecuck so I can't deny this list

>> No.7109378

i am definately a ??? not as good as ?? but definately a ???

>> No.7109382

put me down there i'm wagie

>> No.7109404
File: 130 KB, 984x1400, ericbarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't say you're wrong on my part

>> No.7109493

They always do

>> No.7109505

All subs seen, all blogs read.

>> No.7109517

I need to know more about dachoppa. His swag is just too different and his ice too cold.

>> No.7109523
File: 158 KB, 1864x1592, 28_октября_21_год.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should elucidate the matter

>> No.7109542

Seriously, what's the point though?

>> No.7109548

What's your favorite thing to hear about in the blogposting, anon? Does it often match the artist and what they make?

>> No.7109558

>no chink
OK nice. Now post the real one.

>> No.7109631

70% of DADs do not use the description. The rest 30% talk about their subs and occasional life update (mostly about mental issues)

>> No.7109657

I used to blog post but whenever I look at past submissions I cringe out of my soul reading them but I can't convince myself out of removing them out of self respect

>> No.7109670

>Are you offering your cheeks?
are you into fit femboys in stirrup legwear?

>> No.7109674

>You act like you are above others or some shit.
I am. Did I touch a nerve?
You are in denial and think alot about yourself and want the recognition and popularity, but you depe down know its all useless but cant accept that.

>> No.7109677

>30% talk about their subs
what does this mean

>> No.7109684

submissions = artworks

>> No.7109689
File: 1.13 MB, 1687x962, 1711321500337418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7109706

God damn i did a lot of work today :)

>> No.7109712

is that a yes or a no?

>> No.7109871

bur my avatar is not there

>> No.7109895
File: 68 KB, 1515x136, Screenshot_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want u to know, u were one of very few users I followed

>> No.7109909

Yes I never comment on people submissions and then get sad that nobody ever comments on mine
Yes I do want to make friends but won't go through the effort of actively try to make some
Yes I do want an alien anime girl to fall from the sky butt first on my face and instantly fall in love with me

>> No.7109915
File: 418 KB, 750x720, 1709840779750654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every frog pfp on dad is either chill or a teenage plebbitor tier pseud, there is no inbetween

>> No.7109916

so people want to make friends and connections but do not go outside or even seek "normal" communities
dad i full of mentally ill NEETs and social rejects huh?

>> No.7109926

Is it because my post? :(

>> No.7109927

I tried to be friend him by commenting 2 times with no replies. What a tool.
>try to make friend
>get rejected
>left DAD
I was correct. You was wrong. Bitch.

>> No.7109931

Friends come and go. I'm in my mid 20s and I don't keep in touch with any person I've met in my life. All the interactions you have is a stupid smalltalk on a smoke brake and occasional vidya sessions. Maybe getting drunk once a year is some shithole. And even then they usually text someone all the time. Someone they would like to spend their time with, I guess

I want to have friends but I've got nothing to offer them and they've got nothing to offer me.

What can I offer to DAD artists I like? One-word comment about how much I like their work? C'mon.

>> No.7109942

Would be fun to draw every active streaked DAD for the DAD's 6th Birthday challenge

>> No.7109957

>draw every active streaked DAD
Not possible.

>> No.7109960

151 DADS atm. Quite the canvas

>> No.7109975


>> No.7109978

Man, I wish I was asked to join the discord. :/

>> No.7109980

Joined the discord once and someone @ me and started talking about BBC so I left.

>> No.7109982

Nvm, I'm glad I was never asked to join the discord. :/

>> No.7109989

Do you guys like my newest submission? :D

>> No.7109990

Don't you dare draw me.

>> No.7109993

link it here and I'll tell you mu pinion.

>> No.7110006


>> No.7110010

Is this American Humour?

>> No.7110021

I'm glad you liked it

>> No.7110040


>> No.7110064

Is it frowned upon to submit nothing but niche fetish porn

>> No.7110067

Nah if anything you will get called based the uglier the fetish is

>> No.7110107

So who is the most based DAD user hmmm?

>> No.7110112


>> No.7110127

Only if you could see the references on my canvas...

>> No.7110155

Lol which submission is that?

>> No.7110160


>> No.7110163

mfs be going on DAD looking for marriage prospects then be getting wet feet and dipping when none of the cute milfs show up in their comments. you thought shit was sweet out here? fuck outta here bruh u aint built for this

>> No.7110165


>> No.7110185

Guys, if you want to be friends with someone just ask.

>> No.7110188

>You was wrong
I never said Whiff's lack of a reply wasn't the reason cyber dropped his streak

>> No.7110200
File: 17 KB, 327x319, fur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be friends

>> No.7110206

It's obviously the final nail in the coffin.

>> No.7110212

It is not based to collect child pornography, freak.

>> No.7110213

it's not obvious what 'it' refers to here

>> No.7110215
File: 249 KB, 1258x1354, 3.25.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7110217

Try to get the last word in. Salty!

>> No.7110222

If you do this, you will only get an acquaintance not a friend

>> No.7110237

>on this list
holy shit!!!

>> No.7110296

I wouldn't even mind the first move and adopt your introvert blogposting ass if at least the blogposts were interesting, but most of them are a coinflip between yet another depression update or "check this article on pedophilia in the 800s lol"

>> No.7110300


>> No.7110306

somebody make blogpost for a year challenge

>> No.7110308

I just hate that a lot of DADs are weebs and/or heavily into children's cartoons

>> No.7110318

I wouldn't be a weeb if our comics were good.

>> No.7110320

more weeb and cartoon dads NOW

>> No.7110322

There is nothing more beautiful than an Anime girl.

>> No.7110326

this but also including anime boys

>> No.7110342

What would you rather they be interested in instead?

>> No.7110352

mfs think they above other ppl just cause they into painting Tupperware and shit fuck outta here bruh

>> No.7110370

draw them hands anon, if you avoid them you'll never get better at them

>> No.7110372

anime website

>> No.7110377

same, and most of them just draw anime girl in a void

>> No.7110388

Yeah seriously I wouldn't mind criticism about weeb drawings if it wasn't for the fact most non weeb drawings are the most boring things you could ever imagine, and that's taking figures out of the equation

>> No.7110428

many adults use drawing as a way to self soothe, and something that reminds them of their childhood or happy place.

>> No.7110434

and that's the problem

>> No.7110440

because you feel bad masturbating to it?

>> No.7110469

because you can't masturbate to them?

>> No.7110518

I think my dream art goal is making stuff good enough to wank too.

>> No.7110533

based and cumpilled.

>> No.7110547
File: 572 KB, 1400x991, random580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should draw one of my usual spookyshits.
Maybe next one.

>> No.7110565

Website down for anyone else?

>> No.7110566

Finally, it's dead.

>> No.7110569

Finally free

>> No.7110570

Yeah it's dead

>> No.7110574 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 1080x1546, fp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7110588

Banana messaged me. He's adding mp4 support. It should be up soon

>> No.7110619

well shit

>> No.7110688

we're back

>> No.7110726

I reached that goal. Now it's time to git gud.

>> No.7110732
File: 62 KB, 394x222, PEPSI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7110738

It's over

>> No.7110742

No? I'm saying both are just as plain I'm not praising the weeb stuff
And my shit is just as plain too because I'm learning before you use that argument
My point is just let people draw whatever the fuck they want who cares, you guys are more elitist than dudebros at the gym

>> No.7110746
File: 1000 KB, 1353x736, mp5mouth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add a slight shadow/definition to the upper lip, it may look off because you can see the top of his bottom lip indicated by the color change - it makes him look like he has an underbite
you can bring the upper lip forward by adding a similar color to indicate the bottom of the upper lip's plane
tried my best to show what i mean in pic related, unsure if its what you're going for and it may be too subtle to make a difference, but hope it helps

>> No.7110748

Every subs seen, every blogs read. You are welcome!

>> No.7110750

Page 2 here I come!

>> No.7110767

>not someone with a higher frequency than me
sigh. maybe tomorrow.

>> No.7110773

huh yeah this does look like it will work. i'll try this

>> No.7110780
File: 2.36 MB, 3024x3303, IMG_3543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah this looks good thanks anon

>> No.7110783

this also fixed the problem where it looked like the middle part of the mouth was too close to the chin but it seems like it was mostly a problem with how i had it shaded before

>> No.7110808

np glad it worked out

>> No.7110932

I wouldn't recommend the discord to anyone.

>> No.7110947

why not?

>> No.7110995

id imagine the discord is dead asf or cliquey asf

>> No.7111060

In my experience, it's neither, but what do I know? There could be a super-secret "Hidden DADcord" with everyone except me.

>> No.7111067

There is but it’s dead a long time ago.

>> No.7111068

>There could be a super-secret "Hidden DADcord" with everyone except me.
protip: there is, and all they ever talk about is how much they HATE (you)

>> No.7111090

DADcord is fine but everyone uses VC muted and deafened, which is kind of weird to me.

>> No.7111121

At least for me, I kinda just wanna listen to music and work without talking to people. If I wanna talk to people, I use the chat.

>> No.7111147

I want to join DADcord and ctrl f my name

>> No.7111169

There's too many gays and furries. They've started posting their porn memes outside their containment channel.

>> No.7111189

Imagine listen to people weird voices, and accents.

>> No.7111190


>> No.7111191


>> No.7111196


>> No.7111206

>Imagine listen
YOU have a weird voice AND an accent

>> No.7111213

Nuh uh. People say that I have pleasant voice.

>> No.7111319
File: 1.53 MB, 2480x2081, LadySatsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sister of my wife

>> No.7111325

let's do it together so they don't suspect of anything

>> No.7111329


I did that to read the conspiracies about me.

>> No.7111336

Very appealing bounce lighting on the skin and clothes

>> No.7111399

Everything looks nice except the mouth, it's HUGE, like it's almost reaching her ear the way you drew it and she's not even smiling.

>> No.7111404

She looks like a middle age man.

>> No.7111454


>> No.7111463


>> No.7111467


>> No.7111479

please reconsider the mouth, you did great on everything else, but her right side mouth doesn't reach as far as the left side, it breaks physical logic and looks really jarring

>> No.7111485


>> No.7111502

Rare Pg1er death in the next week.

>> No.7111523
File: 1.57 MB, 2480x2081, LadySatsuki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sister of my wife(2)

i am for the people...

>> No.7111552

I'm not a bigot like a lot of you, but I hate when people change their name to something completely different

>> No.7111618

None of you guys are real, I'm the only one here posting and replying to myself and then forgetting the next day

>> No.7111620

I'm a bigot ,like every normal human being, but I love when people change their name to something completely different.

>> No.7111623

>another day without a comment
what must i do? do i need to draw furry boys....

>> No.7111624

God she's such a qt

>> No.7111634


>> No.7111657 [DELETED] 

I wish that 1 person to stop posting for 2 days so I can be next to my nakama on users page.

>> No.7111674

I wish that 1 person could stop posting for 2 days so I can be next to my nakama on users page.

>> No.7111679

I wish that 25 (particular) people could stop posting for at least a week so I can be on page 1

>> No.7111744

>how to know DADs original name
1. click on their sub, open link in new tab
2. og name is on the image URL

>> No.7111769

wtf don't deadname them you shithead

>> No.7111847 [DELETED] 

Is it possible to view the users in the discord before joining?

>> No.7111852

Is it possible to view who's in the discord before joining?

>> No.7111854

Anything is possible...For the right price, of course

>> No.7111872
File: 58 KB, 750x409, 495DAF82-0802-4C10-BCC2-0244C99ED169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always glanced over these threads on the catalog, but I didn't know there was a site for anons to post shit in. Cool.

>> No.7111877

good stuff

>> No.7111897

Hop in

>> No.7111921

I am going to add anyone that has a streak to the tier list template, there are some people missing.

>> No.7111980

draw furry girls and I'll look for ya, anon. I'll even comment on your older non-furry stuff.

>> No.7111992

Wait so you guys don't all just save the file as daily, submit it, and then delete it? Uh oh...

>> No.7112002

The site resizes images tho

>> No.7112007

Sooooooo good!



But Ryuko is still best girl.

>> No.7112017

how much will you pay for a screenshot, anon? let's talk numbers

>> No.7112019

>draw furry girls
>furry girls
Disgusting. Draw furry boys

>> No.7112022

Don't join, we're full

>> No.7112041

There is a lot of autistic people there sensitive to auditory input so it has to be that way
Don't discriminate

>> No.7112045

We can meet in the middle, anon. Pretty sure there's a fetish or two that applies, if only I could put my finger on it...

>> No.7112084

How do you get the shaded skin to have that effect? I suck at rendering.

>> No.7112108

not him, but show specific area you're talking about

>> No.7112130

It's gradients.

>> No.7112135

All subs seen, all blogs read.

>> No.7112171

it's crazy (no it's not) how many of your streaks could've been saved had you the slightest amount of self-restraint and/or work ethic to draw and upload just a little bit sooner

>> No.7112173

Ambient occlusion will change your life

>> No.7112212

WOAH what happened, where did all the sovl go??

>> No.7112222

I'm going out to get food what yall want

>> No.7112242


>> No.7112320

herm/futa furries?

>> No.7112376

I swear to god if i see one more fucking furry sub i'm gonna.......... cum

>> No.7112417

how the hell do you change your streak frequency

>> No.7112420
File: 89 KB, 1494x560, pirate momenty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

right here matey, on the submission page

>> No.7112421

oh. duh. I kept looking for it in the challenge or account settings.

>> No.7112439

So you are ramon

>> No.7112533

No, I intentionally did not change my streak yet in case (you) were watching. I still might not.

>> No.7112630

i'll do it too dw

>> No.7112729
File: 91 KB, 1138x1916, Illustration4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this nigga's on some OTHER shit

>> No.7112734

More like he needs to get on some shit (anti-psychotics)

>> No.7112871

how tf can someone be so fuckin brolic gahdamn big fuck nigga gorilla ass nigga FUCK mf built like a fuckin ford f150 get this mf tested i swear on my momma this mf on the juice mf genetic freak ass

>> No.7112974

Sigh... You guys are so rude to me and my artwork. I should just quit art and hang myself like that one DAD...

>> No.7113025

>hang myself like that one DAD...

>> No.7113068


>> No.7113071

Looks like tableguy's artstyle lol

>> No.7113183

yeah, that works with me. glad you didn't choose the alternative.

>> No.7113230
File: 224 KB, 1915x1090, 3.27.24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7113249

I'm a /beg/ to the nth degree, but for what it's worth, the left eye (from our perspective) looks too far to the left. also, maybe this is just me, but (what we see of) her left arm looks to be in a weird/unnatural position, like it's being bent backwards to an unnatural degree.

>> No.7113255

The eye being off is intentional, though I think I did it wrong. Think you're right on the arm.

>> No.7113382


>> No.7113477

>change name, avatar prequently
Guity at charge.

>> No.7113536
File: 15 KB, 601x186, EOS_SOON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7113546
File: 50 KB, 975x589, everyoppshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7113577

I was going to make a joke about lil bro discovering inspect element but it's real. We had a good run boys

>> No.7113589

it's time for you to vote with your wallet
im serious
whoever sends me $500,000 to my paypal gets to choose this thread's new name once /dad/ implodes
otherwise, vote for all the thread names you want like the poor, $500,000-less animal you are
posting on that furfag forum you call a website, good jokes mate real funny see you at FUCK YOUJ
give me $500,000

>> No.7113592

Kinda rude imo. Does he always talk like this?

>> No.7113599

what did j do my man catching strays

>> No.7113605

Jews? Is Banana anti-Semitic (based)?

>> No.7113624

Requesting DADs give up their comedy license until they get to a Streak of 200. Some of you fucks are painfully unfunny

>> No.7113631


>> No.7113635

He's talking about the house names.
Tell me a joke funny man.

>> No.7113659

Who is J? He was mentioned a few threads back.

>> No.7113706

anime coomer

>> No.7113707 [DELETED] 

Will I be banned for running 2 accounts at the same time?

>> No.7113780


>> No.7113781

Stop making these vague post bitch.

>> No.7113784

Don't worry about it.

>> No.7113792

You are grinding my gears dude.

>> No.7113796

All subs seen, all blogs read.

>> No.7113815

What an attention whore! Holy cow.

>> No.7113818

Forgot the link

>> No.7113863

It's unremarkable.

>> No.7113894

it's a good list of goals but drop that 100mil follower please. at least a number achievable in the near future...

>> No.7113976

Aight boss, here's a couple of limericks:
There once was a man form Peru
Whose limericks stopped at line two

There once was a man from Verdun

>> No.7114000

my nigger, fuck your lyric and your post
it made me wanna fall asleep in bed
I'd rather fill my ass with hardened toast
than read your shitty jokes in this new thread